Wrath of Asgard 1

Drüin, the God of Might stood beside his sister Hela, alongside her was Frigga holding a baby Thor and another child that he didn't expect to see, Angela. Both infants cooed as Odin stepped forth, holding a bow and arrow. They were at the docks after the second battle of Asgard. Many boats had nearly a thousand Asgardians laying within the boats, sailing towards the edge of Asgard's waterfall. Drüin kept his gaze forward, feeling a smidgen of guilt for these Asgardians. One of them he knew, having saved their life numerous times during their campaigns across the Nine Realms. Now they laid dead, his soul now heading to Valhalla and many others. Odin stood at the edge of the port, his eyes remaining affixed on the dead Asgardians. Many other Asgardians whether they be warrior or civilian stood firm. All collective held lanterns as the archers knocked their arrows and released them. The arrows traveled towards the boats containing the dead, allowing their bodies to burn and their souls to pass on.

Right as the farthest small boat reached the waterfall, Odin smacked his spear Gungnir against the pavement. He used his own power, the Odinforce, to levitate the boats just so the corpses inside could continue onwards to Valhalla. Drüin bowed his heard, giving the deceased a silent prayer. He felt some guilt for their deaths, knowing that they went to battle following him to the end. That was how many Asgardians viewed him, this mythical and honorable prince. An Asgardian who would never leave anyone behind, an Asgardian who puts the safety of his people first and his own life second. That was how his people thought of him behind closed doors. The God of Might knew of his people's views oj him, and for a time had thought that their opinions could spark a rebellion in his name. Luckily that did not come to past, for if it did, then Highfather or worse Darkseid would have had an easier time attacking them.

Just as the God of Might began to center his thoughts on Asgard's next move, he heard an angelic voice beginning to sing. Drüin's gaze turned to find a cream blonde haired, blue eyed, and Caucasian skinned Asgardian woman. She was dressed in a loose cloud white dress as she sang for the deceased. Her voice seemingly traveling across all of Asgard as she sang her song. The language that she sang in be amplifying the emotion that she was trying to portray. The God of Might was mesmerized by her singing, having never heard anything like it before. It was so much so that he continued to stare at the Asgardian woman even as she had finished. It seemed as if he were not the only one who took notice of her song's effect, for even Tyr, Hermod, and Odin watched her amazed. "Who...is that?" Drüin questioned aloud, and found a response from a passing Brunhilde.

"She is my second in command, Kelda Stormrider", The Valkyrie answered, "She is of Vanir descent, but has shown that she has far more power than any of my sisters. I would say that she only requires time, then I can say for sure that she may take my place as leader of the Valkyries."

Drüin looked to Brunhilde, watching her walk towards Kelda. Then began to ponder on that name, musing over it, memorizing it. He faintly remembering hearing that name, but couldn't exactly remember who it was. That was when Drüin came to a sudden realization, she was a character who he did not know much of. Granted if he knew that she existed in the comics, then it also meant that she may be helpful in the near future. Then again this is whether or not if he can figure out if she were friend or foe to Asgard as a whole. He knew that Amora was not a friend, as well as a few others. That said, this made him want to put Kelda under watch. For now he couldn't afford to do that, especially when he had no reason to.

"Do you fancy her?" Odin suddenly asked, seemingly appearing out of nowhere beside his son. Drüin hardly flinched and just looked to his father a bit confused.

"Excuse me?" The God of Might asked.

"I asked if you fancied her." The Allfather repeated with a curious tone.

"No, I hardly know her."

"From the way that you had been staring at her, one would think otherwise."

"What? No father that was-"

"It is alright son, no need to try and explain to me of your feelings. Just remember, that if you truly fancy her...don't wait."

When Odin finished speaking, he patted Drüin's shoulder while walking away from the docks. The God of Might stared after his father flabbergasted. The Allfather may have mistaken Drüin's stare on Kelda for thinking that she had caught his eye. Granted that was half true, she did have a great figure and refined body. All Valkyries were like this, though this Kelda looked far more feminine than any of them. Causing the God of Might to be on a defensive stance towards her. In his mind, the prettier they were, the more dangerous that they would be.

"Prince Drüin?" A voice called, causing the God of Might to turn and find Kelda standing several feet away from him. Beside her was Brunhilde with a small smile on her lips. Drüin blinked twice, taking in Kelda's beauty at a closer inspection before fully turning to the two Valkyries.

"My Prince, I had spoken her name already but this is Kelda Stormrider", Brunhilde introduced, "She is my second in command, I was hoping to have the two of you acquainted before I believe that the time for me to retire has come."

Drüin raised a brow before looking to Brunhilde, slowly folding his arms over his chest for before replying. "Are you sure that you would wish to retire, you are still young." The God of Might commented, then watched as the Valkyrie sighed.

"I have fought in many wars and have found that they are tiresome", Brunhilde replied, "Tiresome enough that they all look the same, I just wish to finally be done with the fighting. Despite being the leader of Asgard's greatest warriors, the task to continue to lead such a group has taken it's toll on me."

Drüin nodded, understanding what she was saying. He then turned his gaze back to Kelda before giving her a charismatic smile as he looked into her eyes. "Greetings Lady Stormrider, I believe that this is our first time having met", Drüin pointed out, "I have never seen anyone like you before, I mean that as a compliment."

Kelda smiled, showing off some form of radiance before replying. "That was because duty called me elsewhere my prince", she replied, "I hope that my voice earlier did not harm your ears."

"Nonsense, that singing was amazing...I may have to ask for you to give me lessons in it."

Kelda let out a light chuckle, before the two could converse more someone could be heard clearing their throat. Brunhilde, Kelda, and Drüin turned to find Hela in armor and with a hand on her hip staring at them. She looked at Kelda with an unreadable look before looking to Drüin. "Father requests your prescence brother, it is pertaining to your thoughts on Asgard's next move." The Goddess of Death stated plainly.

Drüin nodded then looked to Kelda before gently taking her hand in his. Her hand felt smooth to the touch, the texture as if she were oiled. "A pleasure Lady Stormrider.." Drüin bid his farewell, before placing a small kiss to the Valkyrie's knuckles. Releasing her hand, he turned and started to walk off in the direction of the palace. Before he did however, he noticed that Kelda had given him a radiant smile. Her cheeks had redden slightly from his display of charm. The God of Might felt mighty proud of himself, thought he had noticed a certain Goddess who was staring into the back of his head. Hela did not find his display of charm to be anything to be proud of.

{Asgard, War Room}

Drüin and Hela entered the war room with Odin standing before two holographic shapes. Both showed two different worlds, one showed paradise incarnate, the other? Hell if it had a planet to call home. These worlds were Apokolips and New Genesis, the homeworlds of the New Gods. Hela and Drüin got to either side of the Allfather, and stared at the two locations. The trio remained quiet, with Drüin already thinking of a few strategies to attack the New Gods. He wasn't looking forward to wiping them out, it was nearly impossible to do so. Despite the greater military might that Asgard had, the New Gods were poultry to other threats in the cosmos. He wanted to cripple them, to make them unable to wage war against Asgard. It would be easier to do this against the New Gods of New Genesis, they live in a floating city.

Unfortunately the problem was Apokolips and Darkseid. Drüin wasn't too sure that he could actually defeat the Dark God of Apokolips, he wasn't even sure as to how to cripple the military forces of that world. Every denizen there would gladly take their lives all in Darkseid's name. They were extreme fanatics, the worse type of enemy. Anyone else could be bargained with or made to submit, but those of Apokolips submit to only one master. "You plan to attack the New Gods?" Odin suddenly asked, never turning his gaze to Drüin as he held his spear Gungnir in hand.

"I do." Drüin replied without hesitating.

"These New Gods have lived long enough, it is time that they know Asgardian might." Hela commented darkly.

The Allfather said nothing for a moment, then looked to Hela before sighing. "Hela, leave us please...I wish to speak to Drüin alone." Odin requested, and watched as his daughter looked to him confused. Hela stared at Odin for a moment, then looked to her twin to see that he was now looking at her. The Goddess of Death could see him nod his head to her for reassurance. Frowning, Hela looked to her father and slowly nodded. Not long after, she began walking out of the War Room, leaving the father and son alone.

Drüin and Odin said nothing for several long moments. The both of them seemingly wishing to remain silent and continue to ponder on other matters. The silence would end when the God of Might decided to begin with small talk. "I hear that you have named my brother, Thor I believe." Drüin began to say.

Odin nodded before beginning to breath deeply. "Yes, Thor Odinson", the Allfather replied, "Yours and Hela's younger brother. I had hoped to have had his birth celebrated with you and your sister there with us."

"Forgive me, but the New Gods had decided that we cannot celebrate."

"The New Gods did not come to Asgard the same day that your brother was born Drüin", Odin pointed out, "You have grown distant boy, to both me and your...my wife. Is there something the matter, something that I can rectify? I do not wish for my family to be divided."

Drüin began to frown, his face never looking to Odin's. Though he could feel the Allfather's eyes on him now as the conversation had suddenly turned more serious. "Father, I am simply taking my responsibilities as Lord Commander more seriously just as you took your place as Allfather", Drüin stated, "You placed your trust in me to run your armies, run your campaigns when you were unable to, and make sure that my sister did not die. I am simply doing what you have expected me to do."

"....What I expected of you to do." Odin repeated then slowly nodded his head. The look on the Allfather's face could only be described in one word, guilt. "Drüin, I know that you despise me...you would not be wrong in doing so."

The God of Might said nothing, he simply turned his head to the Allfather slowly as his father continued to speak.

"I have failed you, far more than anyone else. Even moreso than your mother, Freyr. I chose to pick a favorite child, create a divide between both you and your sister, and nearly had the both of you fight each other. I had groomed one child who would not be capable of ruling a kingdom with the bloodthirsty nature that I nurtured into. While leaving another to their own devices to and to feel unloved by his father. Many see me as a wise king, a just king. I am neither of those things, I am a murderer...a liar, a fraud. I had seen all that I wrought, all that I failed. Worst of all, I continue to put this off due to fear of what may happen to you..."

"Father, what are you saying?" Drüin slowly asked, staring at the Allfather unsure as to how to feel about this. Odin opened his mouth to speak then closed it. He reached forth and placed his hand upon the God of Might's shoulder, keeping a firm grip on it.

"I Allfather Odin Borson....have failed you, and for that I am sorry. I cannot repay the amount of moments that I lost when I ignored you. The amount of times that i could have spent watching you mature. You grew into a far better man than I could ever hope to dream, a better Asgardian that I could only wish to have become. I was wrong to make you Lord Commander, I was wrong to place you as my second in command. You have proven yourself to be a wiser man to me, a just man even better than myself. So I Allfather, name you my heir..."

Drüin's eyes began to widen at the implications of these words. Odin the Allfathed of Asgard, the most stubborn Asgardian outside of Thor was apologizing? 'Then again this wasn't his comic book self...that prick wouldn't even shed a tear if I died.' Drüin thought, but was still baffled by what he was seeing. Odin was practically saying that he was going to allowing the God of Might to ascend the throne with no challenge. He wasn't exactly sure if this would be right, then again he was in an entirely different universe. So many things would change because of his ascension.

The God of Might stared at the Allfather, opening his mouth to speak but found no words to escape his lips. Drüin kept opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to say besides stare wide eyed at his father. Odin kept his gaze on his son, then began to breath a sigh of relief. It sounded as if a heavy weight had been lifted from the Allfather's shoulders. "Before I abdicate the throne to you son, tell me of how you plan to attack the New Gods at the same time." Odin called, getting the God of Might to focus once more.

Drüin cleared his throat, trying to think about something other than the throne of Asgard becoming his. "Well, it is fairly simple", Drüin started, "The New Gods from New Genesis are not as ferocious as the Apokoliptians. So I've devised a plan that would have Hela, her berserkers, and Tyr along with a task force of Asgardian warriors to attack New Genesis. They live atop a floating city, one that can be brought down as long as they follow the instructions that I have left for them. Those of New Genesis are skilled, but not battle hardened warriors. Nor are they willing to sacrifice for what people that they wish to protect. The only threat that I could see stopping Hela is Highfather."

Odin nodded, understanding his son's plan. His silence meant that Drüin could continued, but unfortunately he didn't exactly have a plan to cripple Apokolip's military. Unlike New Genesis, those of Apokolips were perfectly fine with dying. All of them were more than willing to suicide bomb them as long as Darkseid lives. What's worse is that all of Apokolips was more or less the military might. "It is crude but I have a plan, wound the Dark God of Apokolips."

Odin turned to his son with a mixture of confusion and concern. "You would face Darkseid alone?", The Allfather questioned. "I will not allow that to happen."

"Hela would require your aid more, especially if Highfather decides to stop her from completing her task." Drüin quickly answered.

Odin stared at his son then finally came to understand why Drüin never allowed him to do battle with the New Gods. "You wished them to think that I was weak, frail." The Allfather voiced his realization.

The God of Might nodded, giving his father a small smile while doing so. The New Gods were unaware of Odin's power, hence why Drüin did his best to keep the Allfather hidden for the most part. They didn't know that the king of Asgard was fully capable of facing Highfather and Darkseid. The plan was to keep that a secret until the time came to reveal it. "You are even more of a schemer than I am son....but how do you plan to wound the Dark God of Apokolips?" Odin inquired, and found his turning to look at the holographic shapes of the two worlds of the New Gods.

Truthfully, the God of Might didn't know how to do that. He wasn't even sure that if he could kill Darkseid for good. This was due in part that there was nothing that could make sure that the New God would stay dead. He could use the Destroyer, but it could also give Darkseid a weapon capable of killing them all. Unlike the MCU version of it, this Destroyer armor was a literal walking Motherbox. "Truth be told father...I haven't a clue." Drüin finally said, his voice almost in a whisper.

Odin frowned, then slowly let closed his eyes before sighing once more. "Very well....if you must do this alone then I will prepare you first", Odin said plainly, "Your spear Aegor will not avail you against Darkseid....but I know a weapon that will aid you greatly."

Drüin looked at his father once more, looking to Gungnir for a moment. He had assumed that his father wad about to give him his own spear. Odin however shook his head, seemingly reading his son's thoughts. "The weapon that I have in mind is the most powerful weapon to ever have been crafted..." Odin uttered ominously.

"What....is it?" Drüin asked curiously.

"It is the Sword of Asgard....but after having used it when I was far younger...I now call it the Odinsword."