A New Era

Drüin had arrived back on Asgard moments ago. He was quickly hugged by his twin sister, got a pat on the shoulder by his father. But the look on his face showed sorrow, in his grasp was the Sword of Asgard. In his other hand was the headless form of Brunhilde, the former leader of the Valkyries and Asgard's greatest warrior. Gently, Drüin set his old friend down, her body being placed onto the cold floor of the Bifröst's chambers. Odin and Hela stared at Drüin, watching him closely. Despite being glad of his return, they were worried that his awakening may have changed him.

Kelda rushed in, her armor still on and with a few Valkyries behind her. They came hoping go find Brunhilde with the God of Might. They only found their prince kneeling down beside a headless corpse. The Valkyries halted and stared at the corpse oddly, unsure as to who that was. Kelda was the first to notice the Valkyrie armor, then noticed the fact that it looked remarkably similar to Brunhilde's personal armor. That was when realization began to sink in, her face contorted into shock then into sorrow. Slowly, she stepped forth, and knelt down on the other side of Brunhilde's body. Drüin looked to her, his wings and hair flowing formlessly as he gave the Valkyrie a saddened look. He watched as Kelda took her mentor's hand in hers then began to place her forehead against it.

"P-prince Drüin...", Kelda called with a trembling voice, "C-can you...bring her back? Can you...reverse death?"

The God of Might opened his mouth to speak, but slowly closed it. A frown came over him, his own heart was still aching from Brunhilde's death. He had already considered bringing her back, on reviving the dead. Unfortunately, he found the answer from Yggdrasil's unsilenced voice in his thoughts.

'Death cannot be undone...while you are able to draw power from me while I still remain in this vessel', Yggdrasil explained, 'Death cannot be undone, there are those who would punish all who wish to tamper with the balance of the universe. It is unfortunate....but death can never be undone.'

Those words made Drüin's frown worsened, tears trying to itch their way into his eyes. What he was basically told was that he could either test to see if reviving the dead is worth the price of others suffering because of his selfish desires or not. If he did try to revive Brunhilde, then he could revive others, if he could revive others then he would have to revive them. Then expect to be promptly punished along with those whom he holds dear. He must either let live, or let die.

"I....I am sorry Lady Kelda.." Drüin uttered, his own tone shaking as he slowly rose to his feet. He opened his mouth to speak but held his tongue. Averting his eyes, he stepped away as the other Valkyries with Kelda began to surround Brunhilde's corpse. Each had a look of sorrow washing over them, and began to individually lift their former leader up.

The God of Might watched as Kelda placed a gentle kiss onto Brunhilde's knuckle, then released the corpse's hand. Drüin could tell that Kelda was close to Brunhilde whether or not if it was as lovers or not, he was not sure. But he knew one thing was for sure, Brunhilde's death still happened. Which made him think about something else that he hated when it came to worlds like this. Fate could be avoided in some way shape or form. Unfortunately, Destiny can never be denied. One is always Destined for anything. Like Superman is always Destined to change the world. How Thor is always Destined to be the God of Thunder. Excalibur always being Destined to pulled from stone by Arthur Pendragon's hands. How Brunhilde, leader of the Valkyries and Asgard's greatest warrior...was always Destined to die.

Destiny cannot be denied, did that mean that Hela's Destiny to be imprisoned was also Destined to happen, regardless of what he did? This made the God of Might send a glance to his twin sister. The Goddess of Death was already looking at him with an odd look. Drüin couldn't describe the face that she was making, only that from her eyes he could tell that she had hints of concern in them. It wouldn't be long before Drüin began to take a deep breath.

'I may be wrong...but', The God of Might thought, 'I'd rather prepare myself, because if Destint can't be stopped....then I need to mentally prepare myself for what I can change...and what I can't change."

{5 Hours Later, Asgard's Docks}

Drüin stood beside his father, the two standing side by side and in front of the crowd large crowd. Asgardians, Aesir and Vanir alike stood behind them along with King Hogarth. Beside them were Alfheim Light Elves along with Queen Aelsa in a beautiful golden dress. She looked over her fallen with a professional look, but in her eyes were sorrow. Odin looked to Drüin, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. In one hand, he held the Sword of Asgard, in the other he held Brunhilde's sword. He had a pensive look on his face, even as Brunhilde's boat lead the other to the edge of Asgard's border. Slowly, he gave the Sword of Asgard to Odin so that it could be held by his father. Then he handed Brunhilde's sword to Kelda who now stood beside him. She wore her Valkyrie armor, with a few pieces of it grafted onto her own from her former mentor's armor.

Kelda took her mentor's sword, her hands cradling the hilt gently as she faced forward. She kept up a stoic front as she faced forward, her vanilla blonde hair having been braided in a warrior's braid. Drüin's wings began to move in front of him, to the point that they looked as if they were shielding him. One of the wing's tips began to shine, then unleashed a bolt of golden energy out towards Brunhilde's boat. It allowed her body to begin to burn, not long after, other arrows impacted the boats with other fallen Asgardians inside. Drüin watched as their essences began to burn away just as the boats fell off and over the edge of Asgard. Their very beings traveling to Valhalla where they may rest and dine as much as they wished. 'Rest easy Brunhilde...', Drüin thought, 'We will fight in your place in defense of Asgard. You've earned your rest and retirement.'

The God of Might heard a sniffle behind him. He turned his gaze to find a teary eyed Kelda, the Valkyrie was doing her best to hold in her tears. She tried her best to remain professional, to be as good as Brunhilde. However, her facade was failing, and Drüin could see it very clearly. With a comforting smile, he got to her side and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. The gesture made her look up to him. Her 6"1 height compared to his now whopping 6"11. His awakening gifted him several inches, even beefier muscles to boot. "Do not shed a tear Lady Kelda", Drüin comforted softly, "Brunhilde would not want you to cry, she would have wanted you to sing. Your voice is a gift, a gift that both she and I admired. Let her hear it one last time as she travels to Valhalla."

Kelda's sky blue eyes gazed up at Drüin's golden irises. Then slowly, she nodded as she began to inhale, then exhaled. Closing her eyes, she raised her head to sing to the sky. To allow her voice to speak to the souls of that were ascending to Valhalla.

"Lay down,

Your sweet and weary head,

Night is falling,

You have come to your journey's end

Sleep now,

And dream of the ones who came before,

They are calling,

From across the distant shore,

Why do you weep?

What are these tears upon your face?

Soon you will see,

All your fears will pass away,

Safe in my arms,

You're only sleeping.."

Kelda'a voice seemed to gain some form of power, the angelic tone echoing to all as they looked to her. The sun had set already, with the moon rising in it's place, shining down on Asgard.

"What can you see?

On the horizon?

Why do the white gulls call?

Across the sea,

A pale moon rising,

The ships have to carry you home,

And all will turn,

To silver glass,

A light on the water,

All souls pass,

Hope fades,

Into the world of night,

Through shadows falling,

Our of memory and time,

Don't say,

We have come now to the end,

White shores are calling,

You and I will meet again,

And you'll be here in my arms,

Just sleeping..

And all will turn,

To silver glass,

A light on the water,

Grey ships pass,

Into the West.."

When Kelda finished, all of Asgard were stunned by her beautiful singing. Even the Allfather stared at her wide eyed. Drüin's eyes never left her, he simply remained awestruck. That was when he began to realize who Kelda was in the comics. His knowledge of the Marvel comics finally giving him the run down for this obscure woman. 'Kelda Stormrider...Asgardian Goddess of Winter Storms.' The God of Might thought, then mentally chuckled. She was no enemy to Asgard, she was an underrated character who got no traction. Now that she was here, in front of him, Drüin only had one thought that came to mind.

'Yeah...she's mine.'

{1 Year Later}

Drüin Odinson, the God of Might walked down the pathway headed towards the public throneroom. In his grasp was Aegor, his mother's spear. His gaze remained forward as he was deep in thoughts. His thoughts centered on what all has happened. Everything changed in a matter of days, weeks, even months. His golden irises were narrowed as he could hear over a thousand Asgardians cheering. Their cries of joyous celebration getting ever closer as he marched forward. The God of Might tried to drown them out, he was a little nervous about becoming Allfather. He didn't know what would happen when he does become King of the Nine Realms. That would mean as far as future events went, he would be taking Odin's place.

In other words, Drüin would be there when the Frost Giants attacked. He would be there when Thor acts up as a petulant child. He would be there whenever everything goes down. Just as the realization hit him, he began to think quite critically. 'Doesn't that mean...that Loki would be found by me instead of Odin?' The God of Might thought, and just as he thought it he realized that he was walking past the crowd. White petals were falling down as Asgardians from Vanaheim, Alfheim, and even Nidavellir stood amongst them. They all watched their prince walk down the aisle towards the throne. Drüin looked at them all wide eyed, he was so deep in thought that he had yet to realize that he was already at the throneroom. Standing straighter, he raised Aegor into the air, rousing the crowd to cheer louder.

The God of Might smiled, before looking ahead. Before him was Odin, seated on his throne with Gungnir in one hand, and the Sword of Asgard in the other. Beside him were Frigga who held a baby Thor, as well as the newly birthed Baldur Odinson in either arm. Beside her was Hela, still in armor and with a smirk on her face. Closer to the steps were Kelda wearing her Valkyrie armor. She gave her prince a warm smile while watching him come to a stop at stairs leading to the throne. Beside her was Tyr, the one armed Asgardian with a small smile as he watched his prince. Beside the God of War was King Hogarth of Vanaheim and Queen Aelsa of Alfheim. The both of them having come to witness this occasion.

Drüin took a knee, and had Aegor stand by itself on the butt end of the shaft. After he kneeled, Odin mashed the butt end of Gungnir onto the floor to silence the crowd. All eyes turning to the Allfather as he down looked to his son. A million thoughts were going through the Odin's mind, Drüin could see it behind his father's eyes. "Drüin Odinson, my heir, my firstborn son", Odin began to say as his voice radiated for all the crowd to hear, "Entrusted with the spear of Valor, Aegor, forged from the core of a blue star. It's power has no equal, as a weapon to destroy, or as a tool to protect. Tis a fit companion for a King. I have defended Asgard, and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms, since the time of the great beginning. Today we are here, for your ascension to the throne."

Odin paused like he did with hela a year prior, his golden irises remained affixed on his son's. "Do you swear, to guard the Nine Realms?"

Drüin began to let a look of resolution come over his face, his head remaining high as he stared up into his father's eyes. "I swear." He replied.

"Do you swear, to preserve the peace?"

"I swear."

"Do you swear to cast aside your ambitions, and dedicate yourself to the good of the realms?"

"I swear."

At no point did Drüin's voice get louder, it remained calm and professional. His ego did not overcome him nor did his ambitions. Something that was unbefitting for a King of Asgard.

"Then on this day, I Odin Allfather, proclaim you King and Protector of the Nine Realms. Drüin Odinson, my son, step forth and claim your throne."

As soon as Odin ordered that, Drüin slowly rose from kneeling. As he did, he felt as if a weight came down onto him. It was like a burden being placed onto him, even so he rose regardless. Then he began to step up the stairs leading to the throne, Odin did not move, he merely watched his son draw closer. When Drüin was at least six feet from his father, Odin raised the Sword of Asgard up to his son. The God of Might stared at the sword for a moment, then slowly took it in his grasp. The blade hued with power upon being taken by Drüin once again. The newly minted Allfather Drüin felt the rush of power go through him. He turned and held his hand up before anyone could cheer for their new Allfather. The God of Might had something to say, something to do.

"Asgard!", Drüin called, "I have protected us to the best of my ability. I have watched friends, family, and allies rise and fall. Today is my first day as King, first day to do the one thing that I have always wished to do."

Drüin's words made all eyed stare at him with interest and curiosity. Odin's brows furrowed as he watched his son, unsure as to what the man was about to do.

"When I had first taken up this sword, I was told of the power within it. The power within was so vast and great that the first king of Asgard, my grandfather, used it to create our home. With this in mind, I will begin to do the same!" Drüin's gaze turned to Hogarth and Aelsa, his softening as he stared at them.

"King Hogarth, Queen Aelsa, were it not for you the both of you arriving when you did. Then all of our Valkyries would have been wiped out and killed. On behalf of Asgard, of Brunhilde, and all those who have passed along with her, you have my thanks for arriving when you did. And as thanks, I will create a city for the both of you here, on Asgard!"

Upon saying that, all eyes widened when Drüin declared that. Hela was just about to question how her twin brother was about to do that. What stopped her was when the God of Might's wings sprung out of his back. Raising the Sword of Asgard into the air, Drüin brought it back down and stabbed it into the floor. The sword cracked the floor then gave off a dazzling white glow as Drüin used it's power. All of Asgard shook, it's very foundations were being changed. Odin rose from the throne in shock as he watched his son. Then looked off to the distance, watching as the very borders of Asgard lengthened. All eyes watched as the God of Might made Asgard itself bigger, it's lake becoming a small ocean, it's forest becoming larger and denser, even a new mountain being made. With a cry of effort from Drüin, his eyes flashed with the power of the Bifröst and Yggdrasil working in unison. A silver city, half the size of the main city appeared. It's craftsmanship unlike anything that Asgard and it's people had ever seen. The light of the sun above Asgard shined down upon this new city, illuminating it.

Drüin removed the Sword of Asgard from the floor, his breaths coming out in soft pants. All eyes looked to Drüin in shock and amazement at what he had done. After catching his breath, the God of Might spoke once more. "Asgard has remained isolated here for too long. For too long have we lived on this Realm talking of cooperation with the other Nine Realms. Too long have we separated ourselves from the rest of our brothers and sisters outside of this Realm. That ends today, I have faced an enemy who was fully capable of attacking whenever they so wished. We have faced an enemy who attacked Asgard while we were trying to obtain peace. We were alone in our efforts against the New Gods. That ended when the King of Vanaheim and Queen of Alfheim decided to come to my aid. I will not repay their efforts sacrifice with belittlement and separation. I will repay them with unity, that is this new era Asgard, unity! Asgard is strong alone, but it is even stronger through Unity! Will you walk beside me into the sunrise? Will you walk hand in hand with me into this glorious new age? Will you all stand as one when we are called to action once more!?"

All eyes looked at Drüin, watching the new King of Asgard. The crowd looked at each other, whispering to themselves. The first to speak was King Hogarth, who took a knee and bowed his head. "Vanaheim is with you, Drüin, nay...Allfather Drüin." The Vanir King declared.

Next to speak was Aelsa Featherwine, the ever elegant Queen of Alfheim took a knee as well. Her head lowering as her silver white hair flowed down. "Alfheim is with you, Allfather Drüin." Aelsa declared.

The God of Might nodded to them, then turned his gaze to find his father taking a knee as well. Then came Hela who did so as well, so did the rest. When Drüin looked to the assembled crowd, they all began to bow their heads. All of Asgard kneeling before their new King, their new Allfather. The last to speak now was Odin, in his voice was one of pride as he spoke. "Asgard, is with you, Allfather Drüin." Odin declared.

The God of Might kept up a stoic front, looking at everyone as he held the Sword of Asgard in his grasp. Then a thought entered his mind, one that he had mulled over up to now. "Only one more thing to do before I rule..."Drüin uttered.

{Reinforced Dungeons}

Drüin marched himself down the halls, walking to a specific cell. In his hand was the Sword of Asgard, his wings for all to see as he kept his gaze forward. He could see a familiar Asgard woman laying within her bed unmoving. The woman raised her head when she heard Drüin's approach. It was his mother, Freyr, the Goddess of the Hunt. She narrowed her eyes onto her son, watching the God of Might grow nearer and nearer. "So the prodigal son returns, you have some courage to come back to me boy." Freyr sneered, but found no response from her son. She watched as he came to a halt with the Sword of Asgard in hand.

Drüin stared at his mother for a moment, a determined look on his face. Then raised the Sword of Asgard up, moving the flat of the blade to where it was blocking his vision. Freyr's expression became that of confusion, and as she opened her mouth to speak, she felt an overwhelming force close it shut. Drüin was using the power of Yggdrasil itself to peer into his mother's soul, to see what had done this to her. His eyes closed as he heard his mother growl in anguish and snarl like that of an animal. Drowning that out, he opened his eyes to find himself in a void. He ignored the space around him and slowly lowered the Sword of Asgard to find who it was had done this to Freyr. The moment he did, his eyes widened in surprise, then they narrowed with hatred. He could see who it was that had done this, who would dare to corrupt such a kind soul. Standing before him was a woman in an emerald dress, her hair was flowing like his own but midnight black instead of golden like. Behind her was a veil of sorts that flowed as if it were underwater. She had an interest look on her face as she watched Drüin, though no look of recognition as to if he could see her...yet.

"Who are you...and what have you done to my mother." Drüin said, his tone laced with venom as the woman's face contorted in confusion. Then her eyes began to widen in surprise slowly. Not long after that, she allowed a dark grin to become plastered on her face.

"So then...you can see me Prince Drüin Odinson?" The woman sneered.

Drüin was about to speak, then stopped as if began to familiarize himself with how many ancient people besides Asgardians that were on Earth. That was when two names came to mind, Cersei and....

'Echantress...' Drüin thought with slight dread.