Chapter 11: Human limitations

At this, the Ranger's face changed dramatically:.

"Damn it! You little dragon actually wanted to burn down the entire forest! I can't let you get away with this!"

He said, he raised his hand and shot out several arrows, this time he specifically aimed at the slits of Rand's scales, eyes, throat and other parts.

Rand to this, just a slight shake of the head, let the attack fell on the normal parts, all ejected.

This makes the ranger's heart more anxious, can only look forward to this strange dragon's lung capacity is a little smaller, hurry up and stop.

As a result, Rand spewed for nearly 30 seconds, igniting almost all of the surrounding hundreds of meters, turning into a sea of red fire, the temperature was climbing extremely!

The smoke rolled! Straight up into the sky!

Ranger felt a little breathless, which made his face more difficult to see.

Rand was very satisfied with his masterpiece, and did not continue to clean up this guy's intention, quickly turned his head towards the back of the frenzy.

The ranger saw this, but some do not relent, and actually followed up!

After rushing out of the sea of fire, Rand will see the little female dragon and little Ed the two little dragons.

They ran out early.

"Rand! That was awesome! The whole forest was burned by you! That human must have died by your hand too, right?

Hahahaha! I knew you were the strongest, Rand! Even Mother is not as strong as you!"

The little female dragon laughed optimistically, thinking that the other adventurers were not enough to worry about in general.

"Rand ... mother is gone ... what should we do?" The little black dragon Ed looked a little confused.

He did not dream that his powerful mother would lose to a group of adventurers and then abandon him.

In an instant, he became a motherless child.

Wasn't he his mother's most beloved child? Why didn't his mother come and take him away with her? What was the reason for all this?

"What's the point of all that nonsense? Just run quickly!"

Rand did not have time to explain more, he was the first dragon, running wildly towards the front.

The two small dragons saw this, also realized that things are not resolved at all, do not care about other, quickly followed behind to escape.

Ranger has been trying his best to keep up with the three dragons, but as a two-legged and how can you compare speed with the four-legged?

This made his heart anxious.

Can only use the last of the magic, frequently use the spider web technique for displacement.

He absolutely could not lose these three dragons!

This was a task given to him by the team, and a real chance to soar to greatness!

The guys who can become outstanding adventurers, every one of them is not some simple goods, they have great ambition!

The result of the accident appeared, the amount of magic did not grasp the master, in a migration on the way, the magic ran out, the spider web disappeared, the ranger flung directly towards the front!

Rand, who was running wildly ahead, heard the movement behind him and couldn't help but turn his head, and his eyes lit up when he found the state of the ranger.

The limitations of humans appear!

Body creep weak, physical strength, magic power is low, compared to the dragon more than ten times worse!

How long has it been chasing before it doesn't work?

He smiled hideously.

He suddenly crashed into a tree on the side of the road, easily broke it and picked it up, spun his body violently, and then threw it!


The tree hit the ranger's body like a cannonball with great precision!


Accompanied by a miserable scream, the ranger's body was toppled by the tree and flew out for more than ten meters, hitting a tree hard.


He groaned, blood couldn't stop flowing out of the corners of his mouth, he felt like his internal organs were displaced, and several ribs were broken in his chest!

He struggled to stand up, but with some despair, he saw the monster dragon that was fleeing turn its head and charge towards him!

It's over! It's on top!

This monster dragon, before the appearance of fleeing with all their might, but I did not expect that they have been watching his movements!

As long as the slightest breakthrough, the opponent will be desperately pursued!

He couldn't help but regret a little.

As an old ranger, he actually made a low-level mistake!

In the end, he underestimated his opponent and was overwhelmed by greed!

He was a little desperate, lamenting in his heart, and seemed ready to accept his death.

The strange dragon came running wildly, only a short distance of ten or so meters!

But the next moment.

An ice-blue sphere landed with a bang.

It was accompanied by a roar.

Countless cold currents erupted out.

Surrounding ten meters, actually covered with a layer of frost, the original hot steam around, became a bit icy cold bone.

The strange dragon is therefore stop, quickly back several steps!

Ranger at this moment, can not help but reveal a smile, he knew, he was saved!

Look up at the sky.

There was a middle-aged mage wearing blue and white robes, with blond hair and a single eyeglass lens.

"Ollie! You've come at a good time! If I had come a second later, I think I might have gone to heaven to meet the gods."

The ranger laughed cheerfully, but involved the wound and couldn't help but spurt out another mouthful of blood.

"Hurry up and shut up! Otherwise people like you will go to hell when you die!" The mage in the sky couldn't help but frown when he saw the ranger's condition.

In the interval of two people talking, Rand but a slight flash of gaze, without saying a word turned around and ran!

This mage is not simple at first glance.

Can also use flying magic.

The black dragon mother and just been beaten away.

If and this kind of guy tangled, waiting for the other party's partners all arrived, then he will really be finished!

"Shit! These dragons are trying to escape again! Hurry! Ollie! Catch up with them! Never let them get away!"

The ranger shouted.

The mage's expression showed a hint of hesitation.

"Hurry up! Don't worry! I'm definitely not going to die here!"

"I know that without you saying it!"

The mage in the sky drank and continued to chase forward!

Rand, who was running away, heard the conversation between the two and cursed in his heart, this ranger didn't even want his life, he wanted his partner to catch him?

Mud! You don't want to die, do you? Then I will help you!

Rand suddenly looked back, opened his dragon mouth and spat out a mouthful of thick spittle!

Spittle flying speed is not fast, but the mage and the ranger did not care, only thought it was the little dragon in front of the venting of grievances.

The result was that the spittle flew 20 to 30 meters, hitting the ranger's face exactly where it didn't dodge!


A hot object contact with cold air after the sound rang out.

The ranger covered his face and let out a miserable scream!

They underestimated Rand's spittle.

That was Rand's special saliva mixed with the high temperature of the flame, and the real temperature was at least a hundred degrees.

Before there is nothing, it is used to spit small female dragon, although not much use to her.

But look at the little female scales nuisance smoke, as well as the color of awe.

He will feel very satisfied.

The slow flight speed of the spittle is very easy to be dodged by the enemy.

It is simply not a conventional move to kill the enemy.

But this time is a special case, the two humans did not anticipate at all, it seems to be the spittle of anger, has this killing power, which makes them hit.

Ranger not dead, but also disfigured!

The mage in the sky was even shaken by this, and slowed down another point.

Rand crossed several small dragons, suddenly the direction of a turn, towards the west.

The mage in the sky saw from afar, his face instantly changed, and did not care about the safety of his partner, full flight.