Chapter 20 - Extinction

But everyone simply can not at this moment to appreciate this beauty, but instead, the look changed greatly.

The original also wanted to support the baron of several warriors, at this moment is to turn head and run!

The baron's somewhat smug and crumbling face, a bloodless, endless fear emerged from his eyes: "No!

"No! No! No! No! My warriors! Come back and defeat this dragon! I ennoble you as my own knights in the person of Baron Ackerman! You will be rewarded with ten gold tars!

Come back and save me! Mage Karl! Ranger Poe! You cannot abandon me!!!"

The baron shouted in terror and scrambled to get up, only to fall back down at once, which made him so confused that his feet began to stomp backwards.

"Baron Ackerman! You can't blame us! It's all because of your greed! It is your greed that has put us in this situation! It's impossible to win! This monster is at least a youth or even a full-grown dragon!

We can't win with just us!"

The mage yelled, and the others didn't even look back.

At this moment, the subordinates and guests who had once bowed and respected him so much had actually become so strange as to be feared!

"No! No! You can't do this! You can't do this to me!"

The baron shed tears.

The blazing flames in the dragon's mouth at this moment covered that hideous mouth, countless streams of flames were surging and spinning, like the flaming flower of death finally spurting out!

Hoo !!!!

The furious flame streams came rushing in and spread the entire hole in the ground.

In just an instant, it spanned a distance of more than twenty meters and covered the Baron!


The baron cried out in fear, his hair instantly evaporated, his skin cracked inch by inch, and the flames burrowed in through various holes in his body!

The next moment it exploded inside him!

In just a few seconds, the baron's flesh and blood were evaporated and he fell to the ground!

The raging flames would not stop moving forward for one person.

It surged wildly and quickly caught up with one fleeing fearful man after another!


"No! Help! Help! I don't want to die! My wife is still waiting for me at home!"

"Damn Baron Ackerman! He's the one who got us killed!"

"Mage Karl, help!"

The passage was filled with screams.

The raging dragon flame kept spewing out for a hundred meters before it stopped.

The dragon slowly exhaled a mouthful of hot air with sparks, and its bright red eyes stared at the hole in the ground.

Dragon flame is not an ordinary flame, which carries a strong magical power, has a strong thermal conductivity, as well as a terrifying temperature.

At this moment after the dragon flame baptism of the hole in the ground, long ago the initial darkness, gloomy wet.

The walls are red, some places have melted, like a bright red glass liquid, slowly flowing down.

Under the heat steaming, smoke filled the entire tunnel.

Six piles of blackened bone scraps, dotted with them.

It was like a passage of molten fire leading to hell.

Of course, in addition to a blackened armor.

Until this moment.

The tyranny in the dragon's eyes only gradually converged, to restore some of the brightness, he slowly retracted his head from the hole in the ground, and looked to the next few unlucky humans still wailing.

There is no mercy a foot one, stomped into the dirt cake.

Blood stained the ground.

The dragon, or Rand took a deep breath, this moment his dragon face is more of a pleasant color.

A good half sound, Rand recalled everything that just happened.

Furious, he seems to have eaten a dark elf directly, it was a subconscious behavior.

Dragons are creatures at the top of the food chain, they can eat anything.

For humans, elves such as ingredients, and not reject.

In particular, the red dragon loves to eat female humans, the delicate flesh, most in line with their needs.

The green dragon, on the other hand, likes elves and regards them as the finest delicacy.

Rand has a red dragon bloodline, itself just awakened, lack of nutrition, then want to eat people.

But the human soul consciousness, or the last remaining human will.

Let him for eating people is repulsive.

Perhaps subconsciously, he chose a compromise, how the dark elves also belong to the elves, and female ...

So devoured the dark elf woman who angered him.

Rand for his eating a dark elf, there is no revulsion, regurgitation discomfort and other symptoms, as if eating a small ordinary snack.

Very calm.

But then again, he just seemed to swallow too fast, as piggyback eating ginseng fruit, are not tasting what taste, smashing the mouth, Rand felt some pity.

The thought of the dark elves, his neck vague pain, wrinkling up the scales outside the brow bone.

Glancing to hide in the corner, a refusal, even the sound of breathing as low as possible, the little female dragon, the little black dragon.

"What are you two doing hiding so far away?"

Rand opened his mouth, his voice was even thicker and louder than three years ago.

"I ... we are afraid to disturb Rand you great power ah!" The little black dragon a dragon face, heaped with even humans can be seen at a glance to please.

"Yes! Yes! Just now is really awesome! Rand! You're probably even stronger than that idiot Saphis now!" The little female dragon had a look of admiration and envy on her face.

Stronger than the mother of dragons?

Rand froze.

Thinking carefully about this question, he took another look at his own body, as well as the human lying on the ground.

Honestly, these intruders, the strength should not be weak, especially that dark elf, extremely fast, but still he was relatively easy to eliminate.

In addition to being the other side of the magic weapon "stab", ordinary swords simply can not break his scales defense.

Now how long is his body length?

Rand estimated, about nine meters or so.

This growth rate is quite amazing.

He was only six years old, the first three years, from about three meters, grew to more than five meters

The second three years, from more than five meters to grow to nine meters, there is no growth limit at all, but rather the faster he grows, perhaps thanks to the physical growth on his panel.

14 compared to 12, it is still quite obvious.

Nine meters in length, in the memory of the dragon heritage, is not outstanding, belong to the ranks of adolescents.

But after all, he is different from the general dragon body proportions, short neck and strong limbs.

If he had the long neck of the general dragon, then his body length is estimated to be to eleven meters or more.

And his physique, estimated to be comparable to about twelve, thirteen meters red dragon, blue dragon is very exaggerated.

Even if he still does not know magic at this moment, but the general battle power compared to young dragons is absolutely no less.

Of course this kind of young dragon, refers to the red dragon! Blue dragon!

Compared to the black dragon such a slim skeletal dragon, is much more powerful.

Even the mother of dragons Sapphires, Rand said he could easily hammer the other side!

His strength, defense, physical strength, not the black dragon can touch the porcelain, compared to the other side of the only thing lacking, perhaps is sensitive?

But this thing he needs?

No need!

As a monster with a huge body, talking about sensitivity itself is ridiculous! What they need is invincible strength, defense, and physical strength!