Chapter 29: Natural Disaster

"Not good! Quickly dodge !!!!"

Whether it was the elven side or the Orc side, at this moment, the voice hissed!

Time seemed to freeze.

Elves, Orcs turned and ran in the opposite direction!

Five meters ... ten meters ... twenty meters ...

They wanted to run farther, but there was no time to hurry!

The black dragon had already descended from the sky!

Rumble !!!!

Accompanied by a roar that almost shattered people's eardrums.

Rand's huge body hit the ground hard!

The entire ground once again vibrated wildly, all around hundreds of meters, some running elven orcs have fallen to the ground!

Dozens of meters of earth was shaken up, raising a sky of smoke and dust.

Terrifying shock wave swept through!

Those unlucky people who are only 20 to 30 meters away, the body was directly torn apart, limbs, broken arms, accompanied by blood flying.

Within tens of meters.

Elves, Orcs, like ordinary people hit by a speeding truck, screaming and flying backwards for tens of meters!

Stained red grassland, not a word! The tragic death on the spot!

A hundred meters away, although the impact was lessened, but also the mouth spurting blood, broken bones and internal organs, seriously injured! Wailing and moaning, resounding through the grassland.

Just one landing!

The original four or five hundred people who survived on both sides, once again reduced to dozens or even nearly a hundred!

There are dozens of unlucky people completely lost their fighting ability!

You know, the two sides of the battle, now survived, can be said to be the tribe's elite, according to the human scholars divided hierarchy, at least have 2-3 level.

Put in the human soldiers, enough to take on the 100 battle veterans.

But this is the elite, the face of the dragon from the sky, but nothing can be done, as in the face of natural disasters when the weak ants general! Can only passively bear everything.

"Well, it hurts a little bit! But the effect seems to be quite good, this move from the sky, what should I call it? Lovely star flying sky fall? Not good! How about calling it Dragon Meteor?

This is my own special Dragon Skill!

Hahahahaha! That's great!"

In the smoke and dust, the dragon's thick voice rang out again, seemingly extremely happy.

The bright red eyes, still bright through the smoke and dust, kept sweeping at the dead and injured Orcs and Elves.

It was like a human who casually crushed a bunch of ants, admiring his own masterpiece!

Full of bad taste and cold indifference!

It made all the elves and half-orcs present shiver in unison and fear ran through their hearts!

"I think the next fall could have been faster!

How fast were the first two times? Let's see, the first time, it should be two hundred kilometers per hour, right?

Then the second time would be almost four hundred kilometers per hour! Next time, five hundred kilometers? It's a bit of a stretch. Let's see how it goes at 450 km/h!

I think it's going to be great! I can't wait!"

A gust of wind blew by, and the smoke slowly dispersed.

At the center of the earthquake, the strange dragon with black scales on its back and red scales on its chest and belly was half-crouched on the ground, rubbing the scales on its chin with its claws, showing a thoughtful look.

But the words he just said, but the more fear!

He was toying with hundreds of lives here! Just like toying with the worms!

"Damn it! Dany! Vel! Liz!"

Right now, a male nature elf with red eyes looked at the center of the landing, the moaning, even dead elves within a hundred meters, and let out a roar of unbridled rage.

His best friend, for the sake of his people!

Survived a life-and-death struggle with Orcs, only to die under the careless playfulness of a giant dragon?

What an ironic reality! And how unworthy a death?

He could not agree!

Anger overpowering fear, the nature elf turned his head and roared at the dragon.

"Damn you, dragon! Why did you kill them? We have no grudge against you! Why did you do this? What do you think of life? A toy to be played with and killed at will?"

At this moment, all the elves and Orcs on the battlefield could not help but turn their eyes to him!

The gaze of the Orcs vaguely revealed a trace of disbelief and admiration.

While the elves revealed a hint of sadness, despair in their gazes.

"Ante you ..." the elven leader poked out her arm, wanting to say something, she saw the elf's determination.


The dragon seemed to be disturbed from its contemplation and looked somewhat surprised at the elf who roared at him.

"You ask what I take life for? Hahahahahahahahahaha~ A race that just had a war with another race and died countless compatriots, and actually questioned me about that? How ridiculous!

But you actually asked me a question, so I'll be merciful and tell you! Listen, Elf!

In my eyes, you are no different from those ants crawling on the ground or flying insects in mid-air!"

The dragon's voice was still thick, but mixed with mockery and disdain, and its crimson eyes were fixed on the angry elf.

The elf, not knowing whether to be afraid or what, trembled and muttered under his breath.

"Unforgivable! Unforgivable! Damn it! Damned evil dragon! You shall not die! The gods and the messengers of justice will not forgive you!

They will destroy such evil as you!"

"You are angry? Sad? Desperate? But you are afraid of me?"

The dragon's thick words pierced the elf's heart and made him shake even harder.

He didn't want to admit the fact that he feared this dragon, and roared in anger.

"I am righteous! How can I be afraid of an evil like you!"

"You're lying! You are disturbed now! The fear radiating from your body is about to spill out! That doesn't fool anyone.

You are afraid of the death of your companions and your silence, you are afraid that you will lose the courage to take revenge, that you will do nothing for the rest of your life!

You want to turn and run! You are afraid to face me! Follow your heart!


Do you know that countless lives die every year from natural disasters, and no one is seen to take revenge on them?

If you are killed by me, just pretend that you died in a natural disaster.

This way you can convince yourself with peace of mind, turn your head and run away, maybe you can really escape from my hands.

Then forget about everything here, find a place where no one can find, start over and live the rest of your life in peace."

The dragon's voice was still thick, but full of playfulness, like a devil whispering.

"No! No! It's not like that! I'm not afraid of you at all!!!"

The elf was trembling, like a sheep's fit, his head hung low, and his state looked extremely strange.

"Look straight into your heart! Genie! That way you might be able to get the peace of mind you want."

"No! No! No! I will never be afraid of you! For the sake of justice! For the sake of the clan! You evil dragon! Go to hell!"

The elf roared, briefly dispelling the fear within himself.

The body slumped to the ground and after a moment of distortion turned into a grizzly bear nearly three meters tall.