Chapter 31 - Orcs and Elven Communities 

Only after that he burped and flew up happily after a burst of assisted running!

The fair skin of the elves who witnessed this was red, and their eyes were bloodshot, almost dripping with blood!

Several wanted to rush up to fight with Rand, were dissuaded by the elf leader.

The entire grassland, and only the surviving Orcs and elves.

The Orc leader looked at the elves and snorted.

"What ridiculous elves! You, who pride yourselves on your goodness, would surrender to an evil dragon that killed your own countrymen and saw yourself as food? The gods you believe in will weep for your shamefulness."

"You! We elves do not fear death at all! You ..." A group of elves, half-exasperated, immediately wanted to retort and angrily scold the Orcs.

But the elven leader was bellowing, "Shut up! Do not talk much with the Orcs!"

This made the other elves as bereaved, one hanging their heads in despair.

"Humph! Cunning elves! You must not be sincere in surrendering, right?" The Orcs shouted loudly.

"Yes or no, what does it matter to you?"

"Humph! Now you and I are the master's dependents, but I surrendered before you, so I am naturally above you, and I have the right to discipline you disobedient inferior creatures instead of the master."

"Stupid! You'd better stay away from us!" The elves were in a great temper because of what had just happened, and they did not show any weakness in the face of the Orcs.

Both sides broke into curses again.

Until Rand, who was flying in the sky, landed again a thousand meters away from where the elven orcs were.

Accompanied by the rumbling tremors.

Even a thousand meters away, the elves and orcs are feeling the ground shake, almost could not stand!

If the other side will target them again, casualties are simply unimaginable ...

The faces of the elves were gloomy and uncertain.

This evil dragon! Why did he do such a strange thing? And why do you do such things and still not die? Even unharmed?

Although the dragon's defense ability is strong, but have not seen such an outrageous ah!

Many elves, orcs can not understand this.

Not far away, the smoke and dust confused deep pit.

Rand did not immediately get up from the pit, 450 km/h, the power is really increased again, but accordingly, he also suffered a lot of damage!

The entire body within the five internal organs are shaken.

Shoulder armor parts, there are even a lot of scales shattered on impact, bleeding out.

It seems to be almost at the limit.

Even if you continue to accelerate, it is estimated that you will be able to add a 30-40 mph.

If it is any higher, perhaps his life will be in danger.

Dragon meteorite, a very interesting move.

Sort of a simulated meteorite landing.

The damage range is extremely wide and strong.

However, there is also a very important flaw.

That is, this move, cannot directly hit the target object on the way down!

His [Son of Earth] would only reduce the damage from the earth.

If, on the way, it hits something else, he will likewise receive the full damage.

However, this is also relative.

If the collision is a general flesh and blood beings, birds of prey in the sky, humans on the ground, that Rand actually will not suffer much damage.

After all, in the instant of contact, these fragile guys will be like a paper like a smash!

Really can bring Rand's damage is extremely limited.

Even negligible.

But if Rand straight to hit a strong wall, steel, or other dragons, the result may be very bad ...

Lying in the hole in the ground for a while.

Not far away from the elves one face look of expectation, this evil dragon, perhaps directly themselves to crash themselves to death?

If so, that would be too much for the elves to be happy!

They watched with anticipation where Rand fell.

Until Rand slowly climbed up, the anticipation turned to loss.

"You! Come here!"

Rand suddenly shouted towards the elves and orcs, making the two groups of guys slowly lean over.

"Entertainment time is over, now let's renew our pleasant acquaintance.

My name is Rand Sapphis Oakburn, your future master.

You must be the leaders of your respective groups, tell me what your names are."

Rand half crouched on the ground to look at the Orc and Elf communities standing in the forefront, before the two people who spoke out of surrender said.

Behind them.

The Orcs looked a little fearful, some reverence, as well as awe.

The elves, on the other hand, were mostly unable to conceal their fear and hatred.

In this regard, Rand was not surprised, and did not care about the activities of the hearts of a group of reserve food.

"Back to the master, my name is Gew Broken Skull, the half-orc who inherited the name of the great orc god!" Eye said.

"Back to the master, my name is Acheusa." The leader of the elven clan said with an expressionless face.

"Your clan, excluding these current clansmen, is there anyone else?" Rand asked.

"Back to the master, among our boulder parts, there are still some old people and children, about sixty or so." Before the Orc Ugg could answer, the aged shaman behind him replied first.

"Yes, yes, yes! Almost there are still these clansmen!" Gew nodded his head repeatedly.

"There are still more than two hundred clansmen in the forest." The elf Akiosa replied back simply.

"Tell them all to come here! Get to know their new masters.

Hmm! And your treasures! Bring it along with me!" Rand admonished, adding more words to the word treasure.

The Orcs and Elves did not dare to disobey, and after a while, each brought their own people to arrive.

Among the Orcs, there are only a few old people with gray hair, most of them are very young children.

This is no wonder, in the Orcs such a strong race, the old, sick and disabled are not expected to get much preferential treatment, belong to the useless clan.

Can live up to now, perhaps are some status, for the community has made great achievements.

Elves on this side of the clan is quite a lot, the old and the sick are, their faces are full of anxiety, fear, obviously on the way here, already know their own situation.

These two tribes together, a total of almost six hundred people.

More or less useful in the future.

As for the treasures ...

Orcs brought him a piece of good-looking beast skin, as well as some other creatures skulls strung into a bone chain.

And the elves brought, it is some flowers and plants prepared crown cap, dress, and some craft good wooden art.

How can I put it, all a bit not into Rand's eyes.

When not realized into the corresponding gold and silver coins, these are not very strong things are not very much loved by the color dragons.

Of course, the most important thing is still, these things, itself is not very valuable.

Rand just waved his claws and let them put aside to find a time to realize with humans.

He surveyed these guys for a while, before speaking.

"Just played a little tired, and now quite bored, you elves do not know art, just give me a dance to help."

Rand spoke with interest.