Chapter 57 - The Difficulty of the Metal Dragon Race

"No way! You bastard! Why do you still have such good stamina?

Your eyes ... Why is nothing wrong with your eyes too? This isn't right! It's not right!

The freeze ray I just used is a spell that is comparable to a 7 ring spell!

Under the attribute phase, you definitely won't still have this state!"

The silver dragon stared at her eyes, seemingly taken aback by Rand's aura, muttering under her breath, unable to resist taking a step back, her heart suddenly a little scared like it hadn't been before.

"ROAR!!! Don't use that stupid common sense to measure me!

The great dragon of dragons! Rand Sapphius Oakburn!

Silver Dragon! Are you ready for your doom?"

Rand roared, charging again!

"No! No! Don't you come over here!!!"

The Silver Dragon let out a scream, panicking, but by this time Rand had already crashed into her! She was overturned to the ground!

After that, he rode her and kept on beating her!

Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang!

Rand didn't show any mercy, this blow caused the silver dragon's scales to break and bleed!

The silver dragon wailed and screamed for ten seconds before using its few remaining magical powers to create a set of ice crystal armor on its body!

When Rand clawed down, he felt a stinging pain, and his movements were stalled.

The silver dragon took the opportunity to stomp Rand away, but Rand grabbed her hind legs with one claw and didn't give a chance.

The silver dragon started whipping its tail around, smacking Rand's back and head!

It snapped his entire body.

This made Rand even more annoyed, a grabbed the tail, endured the freezing cold, and violently lifted it with force!


Silver Dragon at least and Rand almost heavy body was lifted into the air! After a violent fling to the ground!

Boom !!!!

The silver dragon was smashed into the ground!

"Oooh !!!!"

The pain almost made her eyes glare out of their sockets! Her tongue was sticking out of her mouth!

The ice armor on her body even burst into pieces!

"Face me straight! Son of a bitch!!! Just like you did just now! Look me in the eye with your pride!"

Rand roared, and with renewed force, he lifted the silver dragon up and slammed it down towards the other side!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lift up and smash down! Lift up! Smash down!

With a burst of roar, with the silver dragon harsh wailing, and Rand's wild scream, echoed through the plains!

For a full ten seconds, Lan's claws, finally can not hold the tail of the silver dragon, will be out of the claws, viciously smashed into the distance!

The silver dragon landed on the ground and lay motionless!

A pool of blood continued to flow from under the silver dragon.

"Son of a bitch! Keep looking straight at me! Heh heh heh~ Ha ha ha ha ha~ Jie Jie Jie Jie~"

Rand looked at the silver dragon's miserable appearance, couldn't help but laugh wildly in the sky with glee.

At the age of a young dragon, he had directly defeated a young silver dragon who appeared to be a genius. Who else?

He was so happy that he completely relieved his desire to destroy.

This made him not pay special attention to the silver dragon lying half-dead on the ground, actually at this moment shrink body, reappear in the form of elves, after the ground beneath her cracked, the whole person disappeared ...

Rand maniacal laughter lasted a full half-minute before it ended, and by the time this happened, look down.

Except for a puddle of blood on the ground.

Where there is still the figure of the silver dragon?

He rubbed his eyes, I so big a silver dragon where? How did she run away?

Rand's heart jumped, slowly walked over.

Then saw the original land, actually engraved with a few typed words.

"Rand! You won this time! But next time it will be me who wins!

Wait for it! I, Emile Smith-Alexia, will soon return! Defeat you! And put you in Dragon Island Prison!

Justice will never be defeated by evil!"


Looking at this line, Rand could not help but snicker, this silver dragon, so good at telling jokes, not reincarnated as a red copper dragon is not too bad?

But then again, Rand also almost understood how this silver dragon escaped.

He also did not have the ability to give chase.

This does not make Rand have much difficulty.

In fact, he himself did not want to kill this silver dragon.

This is not only out of the unwritten rules between the dragon race.

More importantly, he didn't dare to do it!

If the other party is a separate five-colored dragon, dare to provoke Rand and make him mad, he might really be slaughtered by his hand.

The consequence of doing so might be to be disliked by other true dragons.

But it's really no big deal.

But killing a metal dragon?

That's a very serious consequence!

As a group with a complete social structure, strong kinship, the entire group of true dragons close relationship.

The metal dragons can be said to be the most untouchable group in this world!

If only ordinary conflicts, it is not much.

But if there is a life and death situation.

That's a big problem!

Generally speaking, metal dragons are born with a mark planted on their bodies by their elders, and when they are killed, the mark on their bodies will be transferred to the creature that killed them!

Then! The nightmare begins!

The siblings, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, great uncles, great mothers, etc. of this dead metal dragon race will come to you!

What? You say you're very powerful? You're not afraid of these guys?

That's okay!

They also have grandparents, grandparents! Second grandpa, third grandpa, fifth grandma ...

That's not enough?

Then they have great grandpa, great grandma, great great grandpa, great great grandma!

There's always an adult dragon, a strong dragon, an old dragon, a very old dragon, an ancient dragon, an ancient dragon, an ancient dragon, an ancient dragon!

Just ask if you are afraid?

This is the most frightening aspect of the metal dragon race!

This kind of network is enough to compare with the close relationship of the human family

Rand a six-year-old young dragon, to provoke this group of guys, is not asking for death?

From the very beginning, Rand just wanted to beat this troublesome silver dragon away.

But after hitting the fire, also just want to imprison the other party.

After seeing the other party make a spell of amazing power, and then have the idea of forcing the spell.

Now the other party escaped, but also only a slight pity.

As for the revenge afterwards?

It's not like it's a life-and-death feud! Silver Dragon can not yet use her uncle, aunt, father, mother these relations network.

Since this is the case, what is there to be afraid of?

He, Rand, is the true dragon of true dragons!

Whoever is surpassed by him will never be able to stand opposite him!

They only deserve to look up to his huge and magnificent back!

What's the saying?

I'll give you time to catch up, until you can't see it from afar!

Even if I carry ...

Ahem, far from it.

The chest and abdomen keep rising and falling, and the sound of puffing and panting keeps coming out.

Rand today by the injury, no doubt from birth so far the most serious, but for the dragon itself, at most is also to recuperate three or four months of things.

With the enrichment of the earth's son, he estimated that he did not need a month to fully recover.

Well, a month might be saying too much, it might only take two or three weeks!

Rand, who had just swallowed a few mouthfuls of earth, re-made his judgment.