Chapter 78 Do you like fireworks

"Thanks a lot! Lord Rand."

Amos smiled slightly, and then took a breath and said slowly.

"My name is not actually Amos, but rather Yakus Myn."


"Yes, Mien, the surname of a Marquis of the Kingdom of Lane.

I, for one, was originally part of that family."

"It seems that what you have to say is a sad story."

"Well, a sad one indeed, and one that I still can't get out of."

Amos, or rather Yakus, began to unfold his story.

He, Yakus Milne, was once a scion of one of the Milne families.

His mother was the third wife of the Marquis of Milne at the time.

He had a happy life, but no one could have imagined that the Marquis of Milne would suddenly die a violent death.

The whole family was in turmoil at this time.

The Meon family tradition is different from the general nobility, and does not inherit the noble title by the eldest son, they believe in the strongest one, and only the best child can inherit the title.

But several of the Marquis of Milne's sons were too young, the eldest being only ten and the youngest, Yakus, only six years old and not yet gifted.

The mothers of the heirs began to gang up on each other and to fight to the death.

One of them, Mien's eldest wife, was a daughter of a nobleman, so her power was far beyond that of the others, and she gathered her own forces and attacked the other two heirs at once!

That night, a fire burned down the villa where Yakus had been living, and a large number of people entered, killing the servants and guards inside the house, just as the mother and son were about to be killed.

A high ranking warrior, originally a member of the Marquis of Milne's Golden Knights, appeared just in time to save them, but this Golden Knight did not follow them all the way.

He simply sent them away from the territory and went back.

Yakus's mother took Yakus a long way to a remote town and settled down.

Originally they had only thought of living their lives in peace and quiet.

But Yakus's mother, the wife of a marquis, whose looks were not to be missed, was constantly harassed throughout the year of settlement.

That was fine, until that day ...

Yakus remembers.

His mother, with a sad face, put him in a barrel at the end of the night and whispered to him.

"Yakus, be a good boy and stay here without making a sound until tomorrow night.

Mummy has to go and see the Baron, and if she doesn't come back this time, you will leave this town tomorrow night and go somewhere else, somewhere far away, okay?"

Even though he was only seven years old at the time, Yakus knew a lot, he knew what it meant for his mother to say that, and he was tempted to just take her hand and say to her, "Can I stay?

But he didn't, he knew that the time must have come when his mother had no choice but to do so.

He just obeyed his mother's words and stayed.

No one came looking for him during that time either, and by the next night his mother had not returned.

Instead of leaving the first time, as his mother had told him to do, Yakus waited another day!

But the result had not changed in the slightest!

His mother did not appear to give him the consolation he wanted.

He had to leave town, knowing that his mother was most likely dead, at the hands of the Lord Baron ...

There was nothing he could do, but there was a fire burning in his heart at the moment, a fire called revenge.

Growing up in the Margrave's house, he knew the power of the adventurers, the spell casters.

He also vowed to become a powerful spellcaster in the future to avenge his mother, his family and this baron.

So he ran and ran and ran, eating grass and nibbling trees and drinking water when he was hungry, until he came to a small town in the kingdom of Hessen.

And using the name Amos, he survived as a little beggar.

But he was not a beggar after all, but the son of a marquis who grew up smart and literate and soon came across his own chance to become a spell caster's assistant.

In this, he showed his talents and was seen by the caster and given a qualification to learn spells.

Yakus thought he was about to soar to the top.

But reality slapped him mercilessly in the face once again, and he ... was actually a natural-born magic-depleted person.

What is a natural born magic depleted person?

This kind of person is someone who is unable to raise their spiritual and magical power through meditation except for the spiritual magical power that comes with them at birth.

They have been limited in their development from birth and have only a meagre amount of spiritual power.

How can one become a powerful spellcaster in such a situation when using two tricks a day can make one's head spin? How could one take revenge?

The caster had been disappointed in him, but had treated him fairly well.

Not despairing of this, Yakus took the money he had acquired from the caster and found a martial arts school where he would practice every time he had a break.

He intended to transform and become a warrior!

But the gods played another joke on him; he was born with somewhat flimsy bones and could never become a powerful warrior.

He wanted to go on to become a priest, but having studied spells, he was abandoned by priests.

He thought of taking up other professions and failed in all of them.

By this time he was fifteen years old and he had to accept the reality that he could only take up one of the spellcasters that he had some talent for.

At least he had the talent to research and improve some spells for profit.

But this was at best a comfortable way to make a living, and to take revenge on his former enemies? That was a pipe dream!

He had once thought that perhaps he could join the power of a certain noble and rely on that noble to avenge him?

But after carefully understanding some of the unspoken rules of the nobility, he gave up.

For this reason, he had been living a very confused life.

Until he met those Orcs who came to the magic union to recruit spell casters.

The employer was a gargoyle, and a heterodyne black dragon at that, which made Yakus think of a different path.

"So, you're saying all this in the hope that I will avenge you?"

Rand heard the other man's meaning.

"That's right, I'd like to trade 200 gintar for the chance for you to step in and help me get my revenge."

Yakus nodded, craning his head and staring at Rand with burning eyes.

There was a look of anticipation in those eyes, a far cry from the cold one he usually kept.

"Yakus, you should know very well that a mere 200 gintals is far from enough as a reward for striking out to destroy a noble, not to mention a marquis, or even a baron."

"If that is not enough, I am willing to stay and work for you until the reward is sufficient."

"Then, welcome aboard, Yakus."

Rand opened his dragon's mouth and suddenly raised his forelimbs, clenched his claws into fists and reached out to Yakus.

It was a huge fist, comparable to a human body.

Yakus froze, then smiled and similarly reached out his own hand, clenching his fist and gently touching it to Rand's large fist.

"It is an honour to serve you, Lord Rand."

He said so.

"By the way, Yakus, do you like fireworks?"

Rand withdrew his own paw and said suddenly, his words soft and filled with an unspoken malice.


"That's right! A firework so grand it will be remembered forever!

The place of the fireworks is that barony in your story, what do you think?"

"..." Yakus froze again, but immediately responded with a smile as wide as it could be.

"It would be my pleasure, Lord Rand."