Chapter 80: Fireworks in full bloom

The ground.

Some of the townspeople happened to see the falling fireball, they were unsure and just watched in awe.

One of the men who had been beating up the collar folk in the outlying streets also saw it, and, equally unsure, he patted his companion's body and watched the falling fireball together.

But for some reason, there was a vague sense of unease in his heart.

The fireball was soon only a few hundred metres from the town, and the whole town was dyed red at that moment, as if it were entering the evening.

This startled the Baron, who was in the villa, indulging in his enjoyment.

He looked curiously at the ball of fire falling straight towards him, and the first thing he noticed was that something was wrong!

He let out a shriek and pushed the two women around him away and ran!

He felt a great terror from this ball of fire.

It was a spell! A destructive spell!

If he didn't run! If he didn't run, he would surely die!

The two women sat frozen on the ground, without a hint of escape, just watching in awe as the miniature sun fell!

Until it made close contact with the ground!

The next moment!

Buzz !!!! Boom !!!!

A strange sound, accompanied by a roar that would pierce one's eardrums!

In a flash the ball of fire expands and spreads!

The flames instantly engulfed the bodies of the two women, their clothes turning to dust in a flash, followed by their flesh and blood.

Like a thin sheet of paper stuck to the human skeleton, a piece was blown away by the fire and wind! The exposed flesh and blood dried in an instant!

They opened their mouths to scream.

The flames were already pouring into their mouths, noses, eyes and ears! The cries cease!

Like rag dolls on fire, the two women fly backwards with the impact! Before they hit the ground, all the flesh and blood had disappeared, leaving only a single bone flying in the air ...

"Help! Someone help! Somebody protect me!!!"

The Baron heard the roar behind him, his trousers instantly wet, he didn't even dare to look back for a second, running desperately forward!

But it was still too slow!

The flames and the impact engulfed him, and the baron, like the two women before him, lost his life in an instant!

The house was destroyed like a building block and flew backwards.

Glass fragments, rubble, wood chips, and some of the house's appliances spread with the shockwave.

Outside the villa, the soldiers in the two-storey house heard the commotion and tried to come out to see what was going on, but they were swept in too!

The soldiers, who normally protected the Baron and acted like a worm, wailed and screamed, as the shockwave sent flames billowing!

The horrific impact covered the centre of the villa and all the houses in the vicinity of 600 or 700 metres, burning! Destroyed!

Even a thousand metres away, some people were shaken by the impact and fell to the ground, or kept falling backwards uncontrollably! Until they hit the buildings behind them and barely stopped themselves!

But some unfortunate ones were crushed by the collapsing houses!

The hot wind ignites their clothes and their howls of misery are incessant!

When the roar stops and the impact dissipates.

A grey-brown, dusty mushroom cloud rises hundreds of metres into the sky!

The ground, all that was left behind was devastation, a few pieces of rubble, and charred planks still burning.


The sky was clouded with smoke and dust, and the air was thick with the smell of smoke and the wafting of all sorts of dusty rubbish, even mixed with the bones of some unlucky people ...

One by one, humans lay on the ground, wailing and moaning, their faces blackened and covered in blood, their arms and legs broken, their appearance miserable.

Many of the villagers who were further away rushed over, all stunned by the scene before them, frozen, their mouths growing wide but unable to make any sound.

The only sound in the whole town, apart from the flames, was the wailing of the injured.

It was a long time before one of the villagers who had just arrived muttered.

"This ... must be divine punishment! This is the wrath of the gods! We ... have angered the gods! The gods have sent down divine punishment!"

At these words, several of the people fell to their knees in fear of another such disaster, begging for mercy.

"O God! Please forgive us! We are innocent! We have done nothing! Spare our lives!"

That's right! This is divine punishment! But it's God's punishment for that bastard Baron Karl!

Baron Karl has disrespected the gods and oppressed his people! The gods have condemned him!

This bastard! He will go to the 18th circle of hell and become food for the devil! He will never live again!

We are innocent! We are only implicated by that scum!"

Some of the lords laughed so loudly, laughing and smiling, as tears continued to pour down their faces.

"Moen! You ... you shut up! If Baron Karl hears you, he'll have those soldiers arrest you! And then you'll be finished!"

One of the kneeling lords got up anxiously and pulled the sleeve of the lord who had just spoken and shouted in a low voice.

"Hahahahahaha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Baron Karl? How could he have survived such divine punishment? I'm afraid he'd be a pile of ashes floating in the air by now!

And his army! His soldiers! It's all over!

That idiot! Fearing a riot, he made all his soldiers live around his villa! Now it's over!

They must all be in hell by divine punishment! We are free now! Free!"

The lord Moen shouted wildly in excitement.

He even wanted to run straight over to Baron Karl's villa to see if he could see some of his bones that way?

But before he could get close, he was forced by the horrible searing heat to look farther than he could go.

He found that there was already a huge crater about 20 or 30 metres in diameter, the centre of which had sunk at least three or four metres.

A stream of hot air kept steaming upwards, and the ground was even redder, and in some places there was even a red gelatinous liquid that can only be found after the mud has melted.

There were also some crystalline objects of solidified glass.

"Divine punishment! This is the real divine punishment! Bloody Baron Karl! Enjoy your trip to hell!"

Lordsman Moen shouted.

"Help ... help me ... help me ..."

A faint cry rang out.

Lordsman Moen turned his head and saw a man actually pinned down under a patch of rubble, he walked over and found the man was naked and his skin was charred and black with severe burns and his face was covered in pain.

However, he was actually not dead?

"Help me ... help me ..."

He also spotted the leader of the people and sent out a plea for help.

"You look familiar ... I remember you, a soldier of Baron Karl, right? What luck! Not even an immediate death like that?

But it will be soon, so you can just stay here and enjoy the rest of your life, scum!"

The lord sneered, spat at the soldier and finally turned to leave.

By this time the surviving lords were still on their knees praying to the gods.

The lord Moen could only stop them and told everyone to start searching for some of the other lords who had been injured.

Notwithstanding the death of Baron Karl, his soldiers and his relatives, there were many innocent citizens of the town who had been killed.

At the end of the day, the count was done.

This town, with a population of seven or eight hundred people.

In the midst of the divine punishment, nearly four hundred people died!

And this is even if the housing was spread very widely! If it had been a little more dense, I'm afraid that not a single person would have survived!