Chapter 93 - The Three Year Promise and One Year Later

Chapter 93 - The Three Year Promise and One Year Later

"End end end end ... you you you ... are actually back again!?"

President Melbourne was so frightened that he fell to the ground and could not even speak properly, it subconsciously passed the golden ticket behind him.

The giant dragon's face turned pale and roared.

"Disgusting fellow! What are you trying to do with my golden ticket?"

Pang! The dragon claws lashed out and the Melbourne president turned into a puddle of mud!


The women who had been closer let out a cry of shock.

The dragon's claw swung once again.


One of the female members of the family was directly burst, turning into a mist of blood.

"Didn't I tell you! Don't say anything if you're not supposed to!"

The dragon's eyes swept over the women once again, frightening them to tears, but covering their mouths with their hands.

They were afraid that if they made any more noise, they would be blown up on the spot!

"You! Find me the golden ticket! And wrap them up in the dirt for me! I don't want to touch this disgusting thing! This fucking scum! How dare you hide my golden ticket in a place like that! I deserve to die!"

The dragon said in annoyance, his tail slapping the ground from time to time, making a banging sound.

The others did as they were told, and then the dragon left again with the golden ticket and the jeweled ring.

Until this moment, no one could laugh anymore ...

"Hahahahaha! How dare these fools think they can hide Gentar from my eyes? That's ridiculous!"

Rand said, laughing with joy at the end of his sentence.

Yakus smiled a bitter smile at that, "So, how much Gintal did His Excellency Rand harvest in total this time?"

"Not much! Not much! It was only about five thousand in all! Apart from the first traders, the rest are poor! Not many gintals at all! What a shame!"

Rand sighed a little as he tapped his claws against the scales at his chest and belly.

"Rand! This is too powerful, isn't it? Not only did you knock out a powerful city, but you actually grabbed 5,000 gintals!

You really are a model for our evil dragons! A truly great evil dragon!"

The little female dragon, who had been beside him and didn't make a sound, looked up at Rand, her gaze full of admiration.

The little black dragon was on the side, also envious.

To be able to be an evil dragon like this is really rare in the world.

He will surely become the idol of all dragons! His name would reach the ears of the Mother of Dragons! Just thinking about it makes dragons excited!

"But ... with all due respect, Lord Rand, are you really not afraid of reprisals from the human kingdom after this?

If they bring in the Legends, you'll be in trouble too, won't you? The fact that you can use the high altitude to fight, so that the other side can not detect you.

But after a long time, you will probably be exposed."

Yakus looked puzzled.

Although Rand had shown himself to be a formidable fighter in the previous battle.

But it was more or less a trick.

At least, he didn't dare to fight a group of high-level professionals head-on!

That was why he had taken two months to attack from high altitude.

"You're right! That's why I'm talking to you so much this time, and also separately from you!" Rand coldly turned the topic around.

"Separate? You're leaving here?"

Yakus' eyes narrowed and he looked a little nervous.

It was the two little dragons next to him that were surprised beyond belief, "Hey! Hey! Rand! Are you afraid of the humans? You want to run away?"

"You think I'm a fool like you?"

Rand's eyebrows and armor furrowed and his eyes glared as he instantly reached out with his claws and grabbed the little female dragon's brain in one swift motion, lifting her off the ground before starting to power up.

"Whoa!!! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Whoa! Rand have mercy! Rand have mercy! I won't talk nonsense anymore!"

"Stupid! I'm just going on holiday! Don't you talk nonsense! Next time you do, I'll crush your head!"

Rand gave the stupid thing a good shake before he said to Yakus.

"Take it easy! Our separation is only temporary, there's something I have to take care of, it'll take about three years."

"Three years?" Yakus couldn't help but sigh in relief.

It didn't feel unacceptable.

"Consider this our agreement! You can go back to Green City first, and when three years have passed, I will naturally come to you."

"Of course, as you wish."

"You two fools, go and find yourselves a hole in the ground and hide. In three years, come back and see me."

Rand said casually, sweeping another glance at the two young dragons.

"No! No! No! Rand you can't abandon me!"

The young female howled and scrambled up from the ground and ran to Rand, clinging to one of his legs with her forelegs, her head raised and tears rolling down her face: "Rand!

"Rand! I can't live without you! Please! Don't abandon me! I can go out hunting! I can give you a back rub too! I can do anything!"

"Rand! I think Fiona's right! We're blood brothers! It's not good to be separated like this, the bond will fade."

The little black dragon deflated and looked blearily at Rand.

"Ugh ... two useless pieces of crap that really can't keep anything away from me."

Rand sighed, "If you guys want to follow, follow."

It's just that after having two dogs for a long time, there's still more or less some affection.

Rand felt that he was still not exempt from the crap, he really was still somewhat kind.

The decision was made.

After that he summoned the Orcs as well as the Elves and told them that he was leaving for three years.

He told the Orcs to go and join Agamf, and by the way, watch the other man continue to make money for himself.

As for the elves, he threatened these fellows that they had better be honest, or else he would return and inevitably bruise them to death.

Afterwards, he gathered up his gintar and put all these treasures into his sublime pouch, before swallowing them into his belly and taking them away.

The Sublime Pouch, a kind of storage pouch that forms its own space inside.

In this world, it was a standard item for the average adventurer, but these things usually did not have much built-in space and could not store many things.

A pouch that can store up to a cubic metre will cost more than the average person can imagine, at least tens of gintals.

Luckily, Rand had a lot of money and bought dozens of them before swallowing all of them.

One might ask, "Why didn't you use such a convenient thing as a secondary pouch long ago?

Come on!

How could I enjoy the pleasure of rubbing my scales against the gentar?

How can you lie down and roll around on a gentar?

No mountains of treasure to show off his wealth, and people would think he was a poor man if they saw him!

He, Rand, could not afford to lose that face!

Without much ado, with one claw and one hand, Rand took the two young dragons by the neck and flew up into the sky, far away.

The day after he left came.

The spellcasters, as well as some ordinary Orcs and Elves, got the news.

The Orcs and Elves were fine, they had already made their plans for the future.

The spellcasters, however, looked different.

Some were overjoyed to have escaped from the dragon's clutches, while others had a bitter look on their faces and didn't know what to think.

A day later.

The Orcs packed their things and left.

But there were many elves who did not want to leave, for this was their former home.

A spellcaster sneaked up to where Rand had once lived, looked into the empty hole in the tree and let out a sad cry.

A tiny owl, at that moment, flew away from the Greenwood.

Hundreds of kilometres away, in the city of Greene.

Mage's Tower, top floor.


A violent banging sound rang out.

The bearded, white-haired old man flung a thick book onto the table in a fury and let out a roar of unbridled rage.

"Dammit! Damn it! Damn it! Who on earth has alerted this evil dragon! Who let him escape with his treasures? Did he not even care about his own family?

Three years? It's not even a question of whether the dragon will be back in three years!

Damn it! I've been tricked by this dragon! The fish ... has slipped away!

God of magic! If I could do it all over again! I'd never fish again!"

Time does not stop for anyone's anger or happiness.

It flew by, and in the blink of an eye, six months had passed.

On this day.

Outside the green forest, two unexpected guests came quietly.

They were two extremely large silver dragons, one fifteen metres long and one seventeen metres!

It was Emile the Silver Dragon, who had been fought off by Rand, and her sister, who had called to her.

With her sister in tow, the Silver Dragon Emile flew above the green forest with her head held high, roaring and calling out Rand's real name.

The result was that after half a day of calling, no dragon flew out at all.

Instead, a few elves came running out.

They told the Silver Dragon that Rand had left, and this made the Silver Dragon furious!

He had spent fifty gentiles to bring his sister here for revenge! And you tell me that the dragon has escaped?

The Silver Dragon was so unbalanced that it bombarded the ground!

But the only good news was that the dragon would be back in three years!

Although these elves may have swindled her, the Silver Dragon had no choice but to believe it.

She had no choice but to go back and tell her best friend, Vyse, the bad news.

Her best friend's face also stank for a moment.

She felt that her road to revenge had been too rocky.

She had thought that by calling her Silver Dragon best friend, she would inevitably be able to clean up the evil dragon, but instead she was beaten up violently.

That was just as well.

The silver dragon buddy had, after all, assured her that if she gave her some time and called in her sisters, she would be able to get her revenge.

But what happened after that? The enemy got away! It said three years later, but who knew what would really happen in three years' time?

Although, Emile remains confident, there is a feeling in Vyse that something else will go wrong, and she wonders if she shouldn't make an effort too, she can't rely on Emile, the unreliable one, for everything, right?

Of course, Rand's departure didn't just piss off the Silver Dragon and the Archmage of Grim City.

Some of the senior adventurers and the Count's army, who had confirmed through traces that the attack on Aire was the work of Rand, were all left in the lurch.

Some of them were so angry that they killed a number of elves, and some of them even captured them to take back to the slave market.

The poor elves became the scapegoats and scapegoats again.

Outside the Hessian Kingdom.

On a small island in the nearby sea, there is an active volcano in the middle.

Within a thousand metres of it, it is deserted, and beyond it, there is a dense forest, with no trace of anyone living, except for a few small animals.

But at this moment, inside the crater of the volcano.

There are three figures.

One large, two small, three huge dragons!

They were no other dragons, but the three Rand brothers.

Inside the crimson lake of lava, the red light shone.

At the moment, Rand was lying comfortably on it, his wide dragon wings spread wide, allowing himself to float easily on it.

The heat, thousands of degrees, which could scald a man to death in an instant, was like a hot spring, nourishing his body.

Next to him, the little female dragon looked like a fish, paddling her limbs in the pool of lava, a happy look on her face.

As dragons with a strong red dragon bloodline, they are naturally fond of scorching hot environments.

Volcanoes are the best place to rest.

The two dragons were happy.

But Ed, the little black dragon, had a depressed look on his face.

He was a black dragon with a strong black bloodline and liked damp, grey areas.

The forest was fine before, but what the hell is this volcano now?

He was so angry that he wanted to curse the two brothers and sisters, but after much consideration, he chose to hold back.

He then dug a hole in the side of the volcano wall and dug in.

But the thick smoke that rolled up and smoked on his body still annoyed the dragon.

"Ed! How long has it been going now?"

Rand, lying in the pool of lava, asked, glancing lightly out of the corner of his eye at the little black dragon hiding inside the volcanic wall, somewhat lazily.

Hearing this, Ed, the little black dragon, hurriedly flew out from within the volcanic wall, before stopping in mid-air to look at the mountain wall, which was painted with a single positive word.

After a cursory scan, the little black dragon returned.

"Rand! About a year has passed oh!"

"A year! How time flies! Two more years and we should be going back." Rand said lazily.

"Rand! I say we go back now! Those humans are no match for you!

Rand, you're a dragon god! Even some legendary dragon is definitely not a match for you!"

The little black dragon licked his face and complimented him on the side.

He couldn't stop scanning Rand's entire body, and there was a hidden look of envy in his eyes.

The past year was just a short one.

But Rand's body length had already grown from about twelve meters to fifteen meters.

Three metres in a year?

The increase in weight must have been seven or eight tonnes, right?

How in the world did this guy grow?

Although dragons were considered giant in comparison to other races, this kind of size could only be possessed by a dragon of a hundred or so years old, right?

Moreover, the more they grow, the more difficult it is for a dragon to grow in size.

When they are young, they may be able to grow a metre in two or three years, but as adults, that may take decades, or even centuries.

This is because of the constant growth in size, the energy required, the boundaries of the body that are constantly limiting them.

But this guy, Rand, has such limits?

He ... didn't seem to ... have a law of growth at all, and couldn't be seen in terms of constant departure.

The little black dragon couldn't help but look at his own body again, as well as that of the little female dragon, and for some reason, he felt his scales take on some red, some of them a darker shade of red.

His body was also slowly getting stronger.

Now at the age of eight, he was almost five and a half metres long, and the young female dragon was about six metres.

It was definitely growing a lot faster than the average dragon, which should have been a matter of pride, but when compared to Rand, he felt like a waste of time.