Chapter 106: The Dragon Comes Down

The distance between Rand's City and the King's Capital was not too far, probably only about three hundred kilometres.

At this moment, Rand's City was almost sixty to seventy percent as prosperous as it used to be.

The little female dragon and the little black dragon were diligently patrolling the whole city in the sky.

Half a second later, the little female dragon suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "Damn it! I've waited until today to practice the spells I've just learnt!

But where are all the bandits, thieves and thugs in this city? If they don't come out, we'll be working again today for nothing!"

"It's been almost a month, where are the thugs in this city? We've pretty much cleared them all out."

The little black dragon sighed silently to the side, his dragon face filled with helplessness.

"Damn it! It was so easy to find a good opportunity, and it's going to be gone again!"

The little female dragon's eyes were staring at the ground hundreds of meters down, at the pedestrians walking along the street, at the silver rags and copper plates they were pulling out from time to time as they bought things from some of the stalls on the side of the road, and looked a little grim.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I want these treasures so badly! I want to bite them to death and take the treasure!"

She gritted her teeth, her body trembling slightly as she flew in the sky, looking as if she was trying to restrain her desire.

"You'd better hold your tongue, or else these people or the servants who have just arrived and don't know the rules will probably report you to Rand, and then you'll not only get a beating, but maybe the treasure will be taken away.

Then we'll all be completely busy for a month."

The little black dragon was on one side, he couldn't help but advise, he was really afraid that this stupid thing would do something stupid, and then he would surely get himself involved!

"I don't need you to tell me! These new guys, they really don't have any rules at all, seeing me! The great Fiona Sapphis Oakburn, King of the Red Dragons.

Rand's own sister! Not even kneeling! How dare you not even say hello, and now you're wandering around the city with nothing to do! Stealing my business!

Who do they think they are? Sooner or later, I'll find a chance! I'll eat them all! Roar!"

The little female dragon couldn't help but roar at the end of her sentence.

The dragon's roar rang out from the sky and spread straight to the ground like thunder.

It sent a shiver down the spine of the walkers on the ground, and they couldn't help but look up at the sky and actually smile at the two dragon cubs when they saw them.

They were grateful to the two dragon cubs, because after a month of hard patrolling, the whole city was even better than when it was still Dornish!

"Dammit! They're actually smiling at me? Is this a mockery of me? Mocking me for not grabbing a single coin all day? Damn it! Damned bastards! Sooner or later, I will burn you all to ashes!"

The little female dragon was furious and cursed.

The two dragon cubs then turned around for a while longer, unable to find any object, and, somewhat bored, they returned to Rand's treasure, their mouths watering as they looked at the ground full of treasure, glistening in the sunlight!

They ran over to it in silence.

They couldn't have embezzled the treasure anyway.

It was better to take advantage of Rand's absence and have a good roll on it!

After all, as long as that bastard Rand was still around, they weren't allowed to roll around up there at all!

The two dragon cubs swooped up and began to roll around on it, the feeling of the gold coins rubbing against their scales making them slightly intoxicated.

The draconians on one side of the room were on the edge of their seats.

They were watching the two dragon cubs' every move for fear that they might do something out of the ordinary and steal a gold tart while they weren't looking!

If such a thing were to happen, the dragons could guarantee that their great master would not let them live happily in this world.

Surprisingly, the two dragon cubs had been quite honest, and just as they were about to breathe a sigh of relief.

A loud voice rang out in the sky.

"O lords ruled by demonic dragons! Lord Dorelda, the messenger of the great Morning Sun's coronation, has come at this moment! He has come to save you!

People! Rejoice! Celebrate! Chant the name of our Lord! You will be freed from the clutches of the dragon!"

The voice was so loud and clear that it covered almost the entire city.

It startled the two dragon cubs who were still rolling around on the pile of Rand's treasures!

They jumped up from above and turned their heads to look at the sky.

They saw that a luxurious airship had appeared in the middle of the city, hundreds of metres up in the air at some point.

It was made up of special wood and metal.

There were several propellers shining with blue light on the underside of the boat, and two propulsion packs behind it spewing flames.

The boat was at least thirty metres long.

When the two dragon cubs saw it, they suddenly felt something bad.

The airship was slowly descending, and a man in golden armour emerged from it with a clear step into the void.

"I am Dorelda, messenger of the Morning Sun Coronation! I am here to save all beings! O evil dragon who has taken over the city! Come out and fight me!"

The figure roared loudly, and his eyes could not stop sweeping around.

"What is this scoundrel's origin? Why is he so arrogant?"

The little female dragon's eyes stared deadly at the figure in the air and roared low.

She subconsciously got down and hid behind the pile of treasures.

Without Rand around, she was a little insecure.

"Didn't he say so himself? The messenger of the morning sun." The little black dragon responded.

"These damned scumbags have the nerve to come here and pick on Rand! Don't they know how powerful Rand is? How dare they!" The little female dragon said with some surprise.

It was at that moment.

There were suddenly two arrows on the ground, entwined with black magic towards the man who called himself Dorielda.

This made the little female dragon's heart rejoice, and in her heart she cursed you for talking too much! You're going to die!

When the arrows hit a metre in front of him, the void rippled and the two arrows lost their momentum and fell down.

This was the scene that nearly scared the two dragon cubs half to death!

Why was this?

The eyesight of being a true dragon came into play at this point!

The armour on this one called Dorealda was strong!

Judging from the little female dragon's ability to identify from the Dragon's Inheritance, that moment just now, after the arrow hit Dorielda, it instinctively triggered the armour's defensive function.

Several flashes of light faintly flashed by.

They were the automatically generated 8th ring resident spell [Rainbow Light Spell Wall] respectively! The eight-ring spell [Advanced Protection]! The eight-ring spell [Magic Absorption]!

That's three eight-ring spells to protect his body!

After that, the elements in the void surged and merged into the armor, replenishing the armor on their own with that little bit of energy they had just lost!

Some other gaining spells could also be seen in it!

With these effects alone, the little female dragon judged that this armour was perhaps the armour that was rumoured to have been given by the gods?

It was said to have been given directly by the gods!

If it was true, then I'm afraid the price of this armour would be over half a million gold tal! There would be no market for it!

And what was the status of a man who could wear such armour?

The two dragon cubs looked closely at the man called Dorelda.

The pair of boots he wore were found to be golden in colour, with a pair of angel wings on each side appearing from the void, constantly agitating.

He was even covered in the invisible element of wind.

These boots! They are not simple either! They come with an advanced flying technique, as well as wind elemental power guarding, which can speed up his flying speed, as well as partially offset long-range attacks without dodging or evading.

It should be considered a legendary implement!

Valued at 50,000 gintals!

And the rings on each of his fingers!

Hiss~ One was red like blood with a hidden haze of light, and one was purple like a rainbow with a hidden green ... and the inscriptions on it.

What is this? The resident spell [Titan's Power]? [Body of the True Dragon]? [Light of Resurrection]? [Body of Cleansing]?

One by one, either seven or eight ring spells were resident in the body, showing all the luxury.

The ten fingers of both hands, each with three, this one, at least, is 30,000 to 40,000 gold tal!

That's nearly 200,000 in treasure for two hands!

And his helmet ... saber ...


Although not fully understood, but how to think it must be 20 to 30 thousand! This is a good guy, this equipment, at least a million Gentar

That's all, and that's a small amount! If he had shown all of his equipment, it would have been worth a million, five or six hundred thousand! Maybe even more!

This man might have been wearing the taxes of a kingdom for almost ten years!

What a horror!

This man, in the form of two dragon cubs, seemed to have turned into a gold mountain! It was so dazzling that the dragons couldn't even open their eyes!

As we all know.

Humans, among all creatures, could be said to have mediocre qualifications if they were on the same level as some monsters.

Whether it is strength, speed, endurance, physical strength and so on, they are not outstanding, and when compared with some higher creatures, such as the great devils of hell, angels and dragons, they are even the weakest of the weak.

So, how can a strong human fight or even fight alone against a powerful monster?

The answer is obvious! Equipment!

People rely on their own brains, technology, and all kinds of powerful equipment developed over tens of thousands of years to bridge the gap with the powerful creatures, and even win the battle!

The human in front of him, with such a set of equipment, if not anything else, even an ordinary human could defeat two dragon cubs!

And a low-level adventurer could even kill two dragon cubs!

When the two dragon cubs saw this, their eyes were bloodshot, they were greedy!

How they wanted to take the human's equipment for themselves, but they knew they couldn't!

Not only could they not do it, they would even be easily killed!

This made them scared, and with a glance at each other, the two dragon cubs fled without a backward glance!

They didn't just fly up into the sky and escape, that would have been too obvious a target and they might have been attacked directly by the human.

After all, they were here to find Rand!

Even though the two of them weren't Rand, they were all dragons! And brothers and sisters! Who was going to lie if not this?

So they dug into the castle next to them for safety!

This made the few dragons on one side, the dragon fishers, a bit unsure.

They were just a group of ordinary people before, a group of ordinary adventurers at best, so how could they have any eyesight to see the value of the equipment on that human called Dorilda?

They remained where they were, unmoved.

For they believed that if this fellow dared to come down, there were bound to be companions who would go to clean him up!

"Evil dragon! You are fearing me? Fearing the light of the morning sun?" Dorelda shouted again.

But still there was no response from the city.

This caused Dorielda's expression to grow impatient: "Good!

"Good! Since you do not have the guts to appear before me! Then I will kill all your dependents! See how you will continue to do evil without these villains!"

With that, his body slowly fell towards the ground.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

A flurry of arrows shot towards Dorilda, only to all bounce to one side as he landed calmly in the central square.

"Ow ow ow ow!"

Without further ado, some of the dragon dependents, who had gathered long ago, roared and charged at him.

Among these dependents were dragons, dragon-fishers, and some newcomers such as orcs, centaurs, ogres and so on.

A dragonfish lunged at Dorelda in the lead!

"Ala la la la la!"

It screamed groggily, its hideous maw full of fangs, only a few metres away from Dorelda.

"Evil spirits! Back the hell off!"

Dorelda bellowed, and with a flick of her right hand, a dazzling white light erupted!

The dependents in front of them, within a fan of twenty to thirty metres, burst into pure white flames.

Some of the newer ones fell down with a wail.

But the draconians and dragonfish were not much affected!

The one closest to Dorelda was only the last metre away from him!

This surprised and displeased Dorelda.

With his right hand, he threw a punch straight into the dragonfish's mouth!


With a loud bang, the entire head of the dragonfish was blown off!

With the blood splattering out, Dorelda's face was filled with a cold smile, his right hand opened wide and in the next moment, a series of white lights flashed.

Numerous white missiles were flying around!

When they hit the dragon's family, they did not explode, but instead flew behind them, against their bodies!

They don't explode until they finally hit a house, or scurry a chain of people together!

Rumble !!!!

The whole of the central street exploded incessantly, with each and every one of the evil dragon dependents being blown up in a mess of limbs!

Many of the surrounding houses even collapsed as a result, and a harsh wail erupted from inside, not from the dragon families, but from the local people!

Several hundred metres above, several figures stood on the edge of the airship, watching all this.

One of them was clearly the leader sent by the kingdom and he looked on with some surprise.

The priest on one side saw his expression, where he did not know what was in his mind, and simply explained in a soft voice.

"In a battle to crush evil, it is inevitable that the stubbornness and power of evil will cause misadventure.

I believe that the Lords here should also be able to understand Lord Dorelda's bitterness, he is just trying to save all the suffering people as soon as possible."

"... Your Excellency the Priest says so."

The leader sent by the kingdom was somewhat speechless.

However, he didn't really care much about the death or survival of these ordinary collaterals.

As long as the evil dragon could be destroyed in the end and the city retaken, even if all these people were wiped out!

The battle continued below.

Several strong draconians finally approached Dorelda as they slashed away from all sides, weapons in hand.

But at that moment, Dorielda drew her golden sword from her waist and a golden light flashed.

Several of the draconians' weapons split in half and flew up into the air, while several of them even at that moment opened their eyes wide and looked at the man in front of them in disbelief. Instead of continuing their attack, they trembled and tried to touch their necks with their hands, but they only reached halfway.

Dorelda's body exploded with holy light, blasting away some of the men who still wanted to get close to him!

A few of the draconians had just dropped their heads straight to the ground on their way backwards!

Brush !!!!

Dorelda flicked her golden holy sword in her hand, and a brilliant white crescent moon blade of air flew out! It sliced several of the dragon's family members in half within a dozen metres in front of him!

After that, he slowly stepped forward, and his golden holy sword kept flying out, slashing and killing the entire family of evil dragons.

In a matter of moments, the dragons were scared and fled in all directions!

Even dragons and dragonfish, who are already a bit dim-witted, break down when faced with an enemy they absolutely cannot win!

And Dorelda picks up a little speed and goes after them!

From the airship, the leader sent by the kingdom, watching the scene somewhat dumbfounded, muttered.

"Good ... so strong ... Lord Saint Ambassador's strength, perhaps it really only takes one person to wipe out the entire city's evil dragon dependents, all of them ... Even that evil dragon, in front of Lord Saint Ambassador's power, perhaps it's nothing, right?"

At the same time, in his heart, he faintly felt that Lord Saint Ambassador's strength was, I'm afraid, even more powerful than Lord Sword Saint.

"Hahahaha! This is inevitable! Lord Dorelda, is one of the paladins that the Morning Sun Coronation holds in high regard! He possesses a great deal of divine power!

The holy sword in his hand is the divinely bestowed armament [Lansharak], which was given power by the gods, and its previous owner once went to hell alone and killed two legendary demons!

Such power cannot be compared to that of a mere evil dragon!"

"Divine Armour! Gods above! This is the first time I've seen the Divine Armament!

It is rumoured that there are only three of these treasures in the three kingdoms, and if an ordinary person possesses one, he or she will instantly become famous and powerful!

Lord Holy Envoy, you are really something!" The kingdom's leader kept exclaiming in amazement.

On the ground.

Dorelda chased him all the way to the castle, killing at least two or three hundred evil dragon dependents at the moment.

Up ahead, several of the evil dragon dependents fled in haste, shouting.

"Run! Run! This human is simply evil! We are no match for him! Where is the master? Where has the master gone?"

The draconians and dragon fishers who were guarding the treasure looked surprised at the sight.

And Dorelda, looking at the treasure and the guards all over the ground, said with some surprise.

"It seems that these are the treasures of the evil dragon! I will take it all away! Let's see how long this evil dragon can hold back!"

"I advise you better not to do that."

Suddenly, one of the dragon men guarding the treasure said.

"Oh? Why?"

Dorelda looked somewhat surprised at the draconian who was still calm at the moment.

"The master will be angry, and when he does, he will kill you, and everyone else on that airship."

The dracon replied honestly.

It was clear that he didn't seem to be in his right mind, or he wouldn't still be here at this moment.

Of course, it was also possible that he had not lost his conscience and was trying to persuade the other side in a good way.

And at this moment the few fugitives who had just fled had even run hundreds of metres away! They didn't want to stay here and wait for death.

"Your master, is that the dragon that took over the whole city not long ago?"

"Of course."

"So tell me, where is he?"

"Master he's been learning spells lately, he just learned a new one a while ago so he went out to find a place and experiment." The dragon man answered back honestly.

"I see, then all I have to do is wait here and that evil dragon will naturally appear! Very well! Then you are useless!"

Dorielda nodded, and the divine Holy Sword in her hand was about to swing and cut the draconian in half.

But just then, a beam of purple ion streams appeared, landing abruptly on Dorelda!



The armour on Dorielda's body trembled lightly as an eight-ring defensive spell unfolded, deflecting the ion stream beam.

"This is ..."

Dorelda wondered, looking up into the distance.

Only to see a sky of fire clouds rolling in the distance, and his gaze pierced right through them.

Within, a giant dragon with black scales on its back and red scales on its belly flew at great speed, beating its crimson wings!

In the dragon's eyes, a hot purple light gushed out!


The purple ion stream beam landed on Dorelda's shield, countless sparks leaping.

Ripples were stirred up, but in the end it was no match for the shield.

Finally the beam faded.

The dragon gave up on the attack.

A red light erupted behind its wings and its speed increased dramatically, and in just a few moments, it arrived a hundred metres above Dorielda.


The dragon's wings kept beating, and the wind continued to sweep across the earth, raising the dust in the sky.

His gaze was first fixed on the Dorelda on the ground with astonishing heat and greed, and with just one glance he could tell that the equipment on the other side was of great value.

Then he swept over to the airship and the entire city, looking at the wreckage and the corpses that littered the ground, the dragon couldn't help but show some consternation and annoyance.

"Humans! You have really taken care of my dependents during my absence!

Speak up! You! What kind of a death do you want?"

The dragon roared in the sky like a thunderous roar, striking at the heart.

Some of the dependents who were still fleeing cheered at the sight of the dragon's return.

The two dragon cubs that had been hiding in the castle and spying from the shadows breathed a sigh of relief.

The little female dragon was ready to break through the window and rush out to cheer Rand on.

But the little black dragon stopped her dead in her tracks.

"What are you doing? Stay right here! Stay out of the way!

That human, he's really strong! It's terrifying! Even Rand might not be able to deal with it easily, so if you go out there and are targeted by him, you might become a liability instead! If you go out there, you might become a liability to him, and you won't even know how you'll die!"

When the little female dragon heard this, her body shook and she stopped moving, then she honestly lay with the little black dragon at the window opening to watch the show.

In the sky, on the dirigible, a group of priests and kingdom leaders looked at the evil dragon that had appeared with a slightly excited look on their faces.

"As expected of a dragon that is rumoured to have defeated a count's power with a single dragon, it looks truly powerful."

"However, no matter how powerful it is, it is useless in front of Lord Dorealda!"

"That's right! Lord Dorelda's strength is simply beyond the imagination of such dragons living on a small island with no organisation and no power!"

The group of priests, you and I, could not stop boasting about the might of Dorealda.


"Evil dragon! You've sort of shown yourself in the middle! Next! With the light of the morning sun, I shall destroy you once and for all! You! Are you ready to die?"

Dorelda did not respond to the dragon's query, instead she pointed her divine holy sword at the dragon and declared in a condescending manner.

"Just you? A mere mortal!"

The dragon roared with rage and leaned forward! It swooped down in an instant!

The purple glow of his wide-spread wings was so great that it spurted out a thirty-metre-long tail flame!

In an instant, his speed almost broke the speed of sound!

With a roar, in the blink of an eye, he was at Dorelda's side, slapping his claws out with a vengeance!


Propelled by extreme speed, his claw breaks right through the sound barrier! The storm surged wildly!

Almost in an instant, it landed on Dorelda!


Dorelda did not expect Rand's huge body to explode with such terrifying speed in an instant, and was too caught off guard to dodge!

The claws of the dragon were on Dorelda's body in a flash!

Boom !!!!!

With a popping sound, a real sonic boom cloud exploded!

A wave of air erupted! In place of Dorelda's original position!

And itself, already transformed into a golden stream of light! It flew across the ground!

Everything in its path was smashed to pieces!

Houses were scattered like sand and gravel!

Some of the unlucky ones were even blown into a bloody mist!

The whole earth was ploughed into a small trench, a dozen centimetres deep and nearly a thousand metres long!