Chapter 109: Too Filial

"Lan ... Rand ... hasn't been seen for a long time ...."

The female black dragon trembled, her voice trembling a little.

Before just watching Rand fight a legendary paladin from afar, it was nothing, until this moment, personally face Rand this monster, she only know each other's terror!

The hint of fear in her heart, as well as being enveloped by the terror of the dragon's might, made the female black dragon barely able to catch her breath.

"Lan ... Rand ... you've come ... quickly! Finish off that stinking Bitch Sapphis quickly! ... She stole your treasure!"

The little female dragon was beaten and covered in blood, her scales were extremely badly broken and her dragon eye was swollen with one eye, she looked a bit comical.

But when it roared, its aura was still not weak!

The little black dragon lay to one side, looking only slightly better than the little female dragon, and he grinned softly without speaking.

"Snort~Snort~ You two ... are doing well!"

Rand gasped a little wearily and glanced at the two dragon cubs, giving them a rare compliment, before looking back to the female black dragon:.

"My dear mother, after seven years of absence, to come and steal your son's treasure as soon as you meet is not what a loving mother should do!"

"Oh ... Rand, you're so joking, when have I ever stolen your treasure?"

"Don't give me that pretense! My patience is limited! Hand over the stuff to me!"

Rand's expression grew ruthless.

"Humph! That's a masterless object! Those who can get it get it, I got it with my ability, why should I give it to you?"

The female black dragon didn't pretend anymore and said through clenched teeth.

As she looked at the injuries on Rand's body and couldn't stop panting, she suddenly realised that she didn't seem to need to be so afraid? In a real fight, it was not certain who would lose and who would win!

At this thought, her heart steadied and she revealed a fierce smile.

The few priests on the side, listening to the conversation between the two dragons, were instantly confused.

What was all this? A mother? A child?

Wasn't this supposed to be the father and the child?

Since the mother black dragon was the mother of the two young dragons, shouldn't this evil dragon named Rand be the grandfather of the two dragon cubs? Shouldn't he be the father at the very least? Was he married to the mother?

What about the child and the mother?

Is there a child so much older than its mother in this world? You're the same species!

Is this relationship so messy? For a moment, several of the priests were dumbfounded, their minds a muddle.

"Those who can get it? Hummmmmmm~ hahahahaha ... my dear mother! I love that you said that! That's right! All the treasures in this world are for those who can afford them!

And I! Rand Sapphis Oakburn is the most powerful dragon of all!

The treasure of the world! I shall have it all!"

Rand roared, rising to his feet in an instant, before a thick forelimb reached out, claws thick enough to grip the head of a female black dragon!

"You're a badly wounded and dying dragon! You're not resting! How dare you come in my way! I'm going to teach you a lesson today! Don't try to be a hero in everything!

I'll teach you how to respect me as a mother! How to respect me as a mother!"

The black dragon snarled and quickly jumped sideways, dodging Rand's claws, before twisting around and slamming her tail into one of Rand's hind legs that was supporting her body.

In her mind, at this moment, Rand was so badly injured that this tail would be enough to bring him down.

But the truth was.

The tail came down.

Instead, she felt as if her tail had struck a hard block of adamantine iron, and she almost screamed out in pain!

"I hate stupid!" Rand roared low.

In a single breath, a three-hundred-metre radius instantly turned into a world of flames, the temperature climbing extremely fast!

Several of the priests who were covered, let out miserable screams as they flew towards the flaming world beyond, trying to stay alive.

Even the mother black dragon felt extremely uncomfortable and tried to escape!

"I didn't say that! You fools can get out of here! Stay here!"

As the flaming world twisted with countless sparks, a monster in the form of flames appeared, roaring silently and lunging at the priests, as well as the mother black dragon!

"Woo! AHHHH!!!"

"Damned evil dragons! Even if we die! The great Morning Sun will not spare you!"

"O God! Guide my soul to the Kingdom of God!"

"No! I don't want to die! Spare me! Spare me!"

The priests, touched by the flaming monster and set ablaze, let out a piteous howl, and knowing that their time of death had come, they revealed even more of their nature.

Some still clung to their faith, while others were like a vile death-row prisoner.

The female black dragon wailed as she was scorched by the flames, and smoke continued to rise from her scales and some of the wounds she had received from her previous scratches!

"Damn it!"

The female black dragon cursed, utterly devoid of any naive thoughts of wanting to defeat and seriously injure Rand, instead she scurried quickly up into the sky against the flames, wanting to fly away.

"You won't get away!"

Rand had no intention of chasing after her, only his eyes blossomed with purple light, and a heat ray, fiercely shot at the female black dragon's wings, scorching her so much that she shivered and almost fell from the sky.

But she kept flying east and west against this burning sensation, trying to get away.

But such thoughts were ultimately too naive; how could she fly any faster and get rid of Rand who only needed to roll his eyes?

The purple ion beam heated up the black dragon's wings, and finally they were so red that she couldn't hold on any longer and fell out of the sky with a wail!


The ground shook and the Mother Black Dragon spat out a mouthful of blood with a loud wow.

Then, her body began to tremble.

Thud, thud, thud, thud.

The sound of heavy footsteps, accompanied by a faint shaking of the ground, he knew the monster was approaching her.

The female black dragon turned her somewhat stiff head and watched as Rand closed in on her! An overwhelming sense of fear struck her again!

She shivered, forcing back the burning sensation on her dragon wings.

Quickly rising from the ground, she moved her limbs and continued her escape!

But the purple beam of ion streams, once again, landed on one of her legs! Unrelenting heat!

Finally scalding, she falls to the ground wailing and rolling!

Only then did Rand slowly walk up to her tens of meters in front of her!

"Lan ... Rand! I think ... we need to talk ... between us ... you ... you say? I am your mother after all, we bleed the same blood."

The female black dragon stiffened, her speech a little unsteady.

"Ah! My mother! You are right! Then let us have a good, intimate chat!

But ... why are you backing away? Are you afraid of me? Afraid of your child? That's what's making me sad!"

Rand roared, and again his claws came out, this time without any hindrance, his claws, grabbing the head of the female black dragon and lifting it like a chicken.

The female black dragon's weight of nearly ten tons was as light as nothing in Rand's claws!

"Heh heh! You're dead, stupid Sapphius!" The little female dragon lay panting on the ground, craning her head to look at the unbearable state of the female black dragon with straightened amusement.

"Rand ... she is our mother after all, you ..."

The little black dragon opened its mouth and said something, but was immediately shut up again with a sweep of Rand's eyes.

"Hand over the treasure!" Rand roared low.

"Rand ... don't do that, I'm your mother anyways ... you ..." The female black dragon cowered a little and eyes not daring to look directly at Rand.


Rand pushed hard on his claws, and the female black dragon immediately felt a contraction in her brain and a headache.

"Ooohhh! Rand! Stop it! You can't do this to me! I'm your mother! I gave you life, I ..."

Pang !!!!

Rand's eyes burned as he clenched his right paw into a fist and punched the mother black dragon hard in the stomach!


The female black dragon screamed as she took the blow, her head was gripped tightly by Rand's claws, and the entire area below her head was sent floating upwards by the impact of the punch! It was a hundred and forty degrees from its original position before falling back down!


The female black dragon felt her internal organs twitching, as if they were about to break apart, and a huge pain invaded her whole body.

"Hand over the treasure."

Words so flat that there was no hint of emotion spat out of Rand's mouth once again.

"Rand! You can't do this ... woohoo!"

Before the female black dragon could finish her sentence, she received another punch in the abdomen.

"Looks like you're not going to see the coffin! The treasure is in your belly, isn't it? Let me give you a good helping hand! My dear mother!"

Rand's eyes grew fierce, causing the female black dragon to tremble, "Wait ... lan ... oooh wow!!!"

Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang! Pang!

Several punches in a row landed heavily on the female black dragon's abdomen, causing her to howl in pain and blood to start spilling out of her mouth.

"Lan ... ah!"

Pang! Pang! Pang!

Strike after strike, at extremely regular intervals, like a machine, kept on hammering, the female black dragon couldn't even speak properly.

Her heart was cold beyond belief.

This couldn't go on! It would kill her! It would kill! This Rand guy, he's really going to kill her! That bastard! Not even a hint of concern because I'm his mother ...

The mother black dragon was gradually surrounded by fear, and after taking another heavy punch, she let out a hysterical cry as hard as she could, "I give!"


It was only at this moment that the dragon fist that was blasting at her finally stopped.

Rand didn't say a word, just gazed at her with an icy gaze!

"I'll give you the treasure, here ... don't, fight anymore ..."

The female black dragon said in pain, before using what little strength she had left to squeeze her stomach pouch and open her mouth to vomit out a suit of armour, several rings and boots.

These fell to the ground, stained with the black dragon's saliva and looking slimy.


It was only then that Rand released her claws, still left to the female black dragon to fall to the ground like a broken doll.

She slumped to the ground so weakly that she could only gasp for breath.

Limbs, tail, neck, not even the strength to move!

"What a sight for sore eyes! Fool! With your strength! You want to snatch the treasure from my hands? You're not worthy of it!"

Rand cursed coldly, spitting on the female black dragon's face.

It sent shivers down her spine.

"Rand! Rand! What are you going to do with that stinking Bitch Sapphis? Are you going to kill her?"

The little female dragon suddenly spoke up at this point, and the words that came out were horrifying to the female black dragon's ears.

"No ... don't ..."

The female black dragon spat out two words as weakly as she could.

"Rand ... or, don't do this, she ..."

Although the little black dragon was also beaten badly, he still had this mother more or less in his heart and wanted to fight for her chance to live.

But as soon as he thought of Fiona's attitude of not wanting his mother to die, and Rand's unknown meaning, the words in his mouth stopped for a moment.

He felt he had to say something useful afterwards, at least to prove that it was in everyone's interest for the mother black dragon to live!

Or else the Mother Black Dragon might actually die!

His eyes rolled quickly and a note suddenly occurred to him.

"Rand ... Actually, I think it would be too cheap to kill Sapphis outright, wouldn't it?"

"Hmm?" This statement made Rand a little surprised, and the little female dragon also looked at the change in attitude of the little black dragon with surprise.

The female black dragon changed her expression slightly.

"What do you have in mind?" Rand growled low.

"Rand, although we can sell her body for money if we kill her, it would ultimately be bad if other dragons knew about it, and the value of doing so, in my opinion, is not maximised.

I suppose we could let her go and become one of those elf-like Strictly Come Dancing dancers."

"Become a Strictly Come Dancing dancer?"

Rand's eyes lit up and he took a closer look at the female black dragon.

Seeing that Rand was impressed, the little black dragon hastened to say.

"Yes! Rand, you know that humans, as a group, are visual creatures, and they love those who look beautiful, and Safis, as an adult true dragon, has long since perfected the transformation spell, far from ordinary people.

When the time comes, all we have to do is turn Sapphires into a beauty, and the effect might be even better than that of the Nature Elves in the Power Dance!

And ah! Rand! I've heard that many humans have an interracial fetish! They love the beauty of other races!

Sapphis could be that kind of beauty! Like an angel! Demons! Demons! Sun spirits! Catgirls and foxes of the True Beast tribe and so on! In this way, Jindanwei can definitely go to a higher peak!"

The little black dragon was originally fighting for his mother's chance to live, but the more he spoke, the more active his mind became, crackling with words.

Straight away Rand and Fiona looked at him with a kind of awe!

"Ed! You! You! When did your brain get so good! To think of so many things!"

The little female dragon marveled.

"Ed! I'm impressed with you! I didn't know you had a talent for the business side of things! You were right! If we make Sapphires into these fey, then the Strictly Come Dancing will surely be loved by more people!

The noble angels of the heavens, the devils and demons that are both feared and dreaded would go crazy if they were as pleasant and soft-spoken as the elves of the Dance Club!

The satisfaction of such a heart is perhaps even greater than that of some of the noble name warmers! And those catgirls and foxgirls of the True Beasts, even more so, are heavenly goods!

Identity and shape-shifting in perfect harmony! It's great! It's fantastic! If there were more talents like this!

What would the monthly income be? Three hundred? Five hundred? Or eight hundred and a thousand? No! Much more than that! Then maybe two thousand! Five thousand! Ten thousand! I'm going to take the upgraded Dance Club to the entire continent of Aeol!

O Sapphis! You're the talent I need!"

Once he got to the point of excitement, Rand couldn't stop laughing.


On the other side, when Sapphis heard this, she changed her expression after a moment of flabbergasted.

She had originally lived here in the Kingdom of Laine and Haisen for a long time, so she naturally knew the name of the Power Dancers and what this group of dancers did.

In her opinion, this group of Bitch was just a little bit superior to those prostitutes, just a cheap thing that relied on seducing men and showing themselves.

As a higher creature, the female black dragon despised these guys from the bottom of her heart!

In her opinion, if she likes something, she can just grab it, grab it from whoever she likes, and if she doesn't like it, she can just eat it!

That's the way she is!

To be as soft and even somewhat male pleasing as that group of Strictly Come Dancing elves is just cheap and disgraceful!

"Wait ... wait ... I am ... your mother ... you ... can't ... do this ... it's a disgrace!"

The mother black dragon broke off and spoke again.

"You can't do that?"

Rand scowled at the mother black dragon with an unpleasant expression.

"Sapphis! Choose! Will you do as I command and go to the Strictly Come Dancing to make money for me to atone for my sins! Or will you let me draw blood, skin, take liver and take heart?"

Rand's gaze was fixed dead on the female black dragon.


The female black dragon shuddered once more.

"Speak! What do you really want?"


"Play silent for me? I'll give you three seconds, if you don't reply, then I'll have you bloodied and skinned!!!3!"

"Lan ..."


Where was the 2 in the middle?

Sapphires heart jumped wildly as he watched the fierce light continue to flicker in Rand's eyes and hastily yelled again.

"Listen to you! I listen to you!"

The female black dragon shouted this with all her strength, and then fainted completely.

"Bah! Fool!"

Rand spat viciously at the fainting female again.

"Rand! Rand! Even though Sapphius promised this with his mouth, he would surely run away if he wasn't bound by a slave contract, right?"

The little female dragon suddenly spoke up.

"Of course! That's why we must find someone to sign her slave contract when we get back, only unfortunately I have too few people under me who can be of use.

A great battle just broke out and many more people were killed and injured, those who joined not long ago may have run away, and those few Archmages who originally belonged to Dornish City can't be relied on for the time being ..."

Rand had a bit of a headache, signing a slave contract was also a troublesome matter, did he have to do it himself?

"I ah! Rand! Look at me! I'll be the master of Sapphires! What do you say?"

The little female dragon offered herself with a look of excitement.

"You?" Rand looked the little female dragon up and down.

This one had improved a lot since she had drunk his blood, and it did surprise him that she and the little black dragon, two dragons, could hold a full-grown black dragon at bay.

Perhaps, it really could.

"Hello then! I'll have the caster draw up the contract when we get back."

Rand nodded.

"Heh heh heh heh ... heh heh heh heh~"

The little female dragon looked at the unconscious female black dragon and suddenly let out a strange laugh, muttering softly.

"Damn Bitch! How dare you look down on me and Rand when we were kids! How dare you look down on me and Rand when we were kids! You'll get your ass kicked later!"

Mother! I'm sorry! Keeping you alive is the best I can do for now! You'll have to fend for yourself in the hands of that fool Fiona!

The little black dragon sighed silently in his mind off to the side and looked up at the sky.

Finalising where the female black dragon would belong from now on.

Rand returned his attention to a few pieces of equipment, the saliva of the original female black dragon had almost dried up, and he swallowed them with a satisfied look on his face.

Just as he was about to get a good night's sleep and enter the dream world.

The little female dragon suddenly laughed heatedly and patted Rand's front leg with her claw and said.

"Rand ... this time I guarded your treasure yet, you ..."

The little female dragon paused here, a pair of dragon eyes, couldn't stop blinking back and forth towards Rand, hinting at something.

"I Rand always despise useless waste! I thought you and Ed were nothing more than two parasite-like losers, but this operation you have shown where your value lies, then naturally I will never begrudge you!"

With that, Rand spat out a sublime pouch from his mouth and, to the fiery eyes of the two dragon cubs, took out two hundred gintals, splitting half between one dragon.

"One hundred gintals for each of you dragons, this is a commendation for your performance today."

"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Rand! Rand! You were so good! I knew it! Rand you're the best! So much more reliable than that stinking bitch Sapphic! Right! Ed!"

The little female dragon hugged Rand's thigh excitedly, her head rubbing around.

The little black dragon, on the other hand, looked incredibly surprised, as if he hadn't expected his otherwise stingy big brother to give them a reward at all! And to give a hundred gintals at a time! This ... is still the Rand I know?

The little black dragon was amazed.

"All right! I should rest now!"

Rand said, and went to rest.

"Wait! Rand! Look how dirty you are! You're bleeding so much! Let me lick you!"

The little female dragon said, straining to fly up and began to lick Rand's scales.

When the little black dragon saw this, he didn't flinch and followed suit.

When Rand saw this, he didn't stop them. These two dragons had taken a liking to his blood, and their previous transformation had made them much stronger, so they were still thinking about it.

They waited until the two dragons had finished licking, and their expressions revealed a little bit of regret.

Rand had bled a lot, and after licking them, they hadn't undergone the same transformation as last time, but their bodies were warm and felt good.

At the same time, they felt that their strength and magic were coming back at a faster rate.

This time the two dragon cubs were finally not preventing him from slumbering.

Rand slowly slumped to the ground and with a purr, entered his dreams, which distorted with him.

"[Wealth] 4!

You possess a wealth far beyond that of normal people, of your kind!

A wealth that very few people in the entire world possess!

Even among the entire dragon race, you are a dragon of unquestionable wealth! Even the legendary dragons may not be as wealthy as you!

If you were to reveal your wealth to the public, I'm sure there would be many female dragons who would be willing to marry you!

Of course, there will also be many dragons who will be jealous of your wealth!

Beware of those who might do something crazy!

You have gained a new potential.

Potential +4!"

Next moment, physical growth: 43!

"Your physique growth has broken through 40, and you have gained a new ability [Disguise Armour]."

[Foreign Armour]: You have the ability to absorb and transform the various metals you devour and fuse them with your own scale armour, this will make your scale armour even stronger!

And at this time, the two dragon cubs began to rest after swallowing all their treasures into their bellies.

Time passed slowly.

When Rand woke up again, it was already late afternoon.

His spirits were much better, and he was in a beautiful mood because he had gained a new talent.

It was his stomach that was a little hungry.

A quick glance revealed that the two dragon cubs, as well as the female black dragon, were resting.

And next to them, there were a number of dragon and dragonfisher dependents, as well as a pile of seafood.

This made Rand extremely satisfied, this group of dependents, actually so smart and thoughtful.

Immediately, they stuffed all this food into their stomachs.

Until they were all eaten.

Only then did he lift the female black dragon in his left claw and slowly fly back to the castle of Rand's City with the two dragon cubs in his right foreleg, dropping the three dragons.

After summoning a spellcaster and drawing up a slave contract, he woke up the mother black dragon, and the two dragon cubs, and asked her to sign the contract.

On learning that she was about to become her daughter's slave, the mother black dragon looked indescribably sad.

Especially when the little female dragon kept looking at her with a bitchy look, as well as sniping at her from time to time, which really made the female black dragon want to fight her to death! Rip her scales and her mouth off!

But Rand was watching her so intimidatingly that she was forced to sign the contract.

What! You say that as a true dragon, you can't just die rather than give in?

Please! She's only a hundred years old, just a dragon! She is still young! She has yet to enjoy her life as a dragon!

Her lifelong wish was to be able to have intercourse with the handsome and powerful men of all races in the world, and she had only just completed five percent of it, so how could she die like that?

Safis, with her big ambitions, felt she could still struggle a bit!

Maybe one day the three damned dragon cubs would be killed? Wouldn't she be free then?

Reluctantly, she signed the contract.

The female black dragon was just about to say something when she felt a stabbing pain coming from her head, causing her to fall back down, both claws covering her head in death and wailing.

"Heh heh heh heh! The slave contract really works! Sapphis! You're my slave from now on! Understand?"

The young female dragon let out a delighted chuckle as she watched the female black dragon in pain.

"Me! I got it! Fiona! Stop it now! Stop it!"

The female black dragon roared in pain.

"Looks like the pact worked!" Rand nodded indifferently from the side.

"Sapphis! Speak! You're an idiot yourself! Fiona is the great Red Dragon Queen! More than that, she is your master!"

"Ho! Fiona! Don't you go too far! I'm your mother! Ah !!!!"

"Say it or don't say it!"

"I'll say it! I'll say it! Sarpheus is an idiot! Fiona you are the greatest Red Dragon Queen of all! You are my master! Ahhhhhh!"

The female black dragon thrashed on the ground in pain and screamed.

"Heh heh heh heh! That's right! Remember that in the future! See the great Fiona! And Rand! Bow down your body! Offer your respects!"

The little female dragon dictated divinely, while stopping her torture of Sapphis.

The slave pact, an unequal contract invented by ancient spellcasters based on the Devil's Pact and the Demon Pact.

Most of them intercepted a part of the slave's soul and imprisoned it in their own sea of consciousness.

By torturing this part of the soul, the slave is made to feel the pain.

In this case, if too little of the soul is intercepted, the effect of the torture will become poor, and if too much is intercepted, it may cause the master to be weak and the slave to be strong.

The little female dragon did this, as has been said before, in a way that would have a considerable effect on herself; fighting would easily distract her, her spell casting would be slow, and if she encountered resistance from the slave during the battle, something could go terribly wrong.

This was the fundamental reason why Rand was reluctant to use the slave contract himself.

But the little dragoness herself felt fine with it, so Rand did as she wished.

After all, there were not many people he could trust.

"Me! I know!" The female black dragon said in an astringent voice, her heart filled with bitterness.

She was an adult black dragon, and she thought back to a time when she had taken a direct action to snatch any male she saw, or to snatch any treasure she saw.

Although she did not dare to say that she roamed the continent, she was at least comfortable in style.

I would never have imagined that I would become someone's slave one day!

And his own master! Or a scumbag with the bloodline of a red dragon that he once despised?

"Sapphis! Your magic must have recovered a bit! Use shapeshifting and show me what you look like when you become human!"

At this time, Rand spoke up.

The female black dragon smiled and immediately began to change.

Her body kept shrinking and finally turned into a pointy-eared elf of about one meter seven in height.

Her face was typical of a western face, with extremely white skin and a square face, but she looked somewhat sinister, and her body was extremely dry and thin.

According to Rand's once human aesthetics, it was on the verge of failing!

This made him frown.

"Sapphis! I guess your aesthetics really are flawed! Using a shapeshifting spell, you can actually turn into such an ugly appearance!"


Sapphius sniffed and his nose turned up in anger.

What do you mean by ugly?

Do you have any aesthetics? Forget it! After all, it was a fool with a brute bloodline like the Red Dragon!

She gasped viciously and didn't say much.

"You change your appearance properly! You can leave your height alone for now! Make your face slightly rounder and your eyes bigger, yes!

And then be fierce! What's with being so flat? Are you a three year old? Or do you want to build a house on it?

Get big! Yes! Yes! That's it! Bigger! Yes! Perfect!

The waist is pretty much the same, then the hips... you can't sit on a stool like that without panicking... big! Bigger! Bigger! And slightly fuller thighs! Calves about the same ..."

Rand stared at Sapphis body, as if he was playing a game of pinch, constantly modifying the other body's shortcomings, and finally.

A voluptuous, g-cup, full hips, voluptuous thighs, slim calves, flowing blonde hair, big, luminous eyes and glistening white skin appeared!

"Not bad! Not bad! Everyone's aesthetics are different, but they shouldn't be too different! Fiona! Ed! What do you guys think of the current Sapphires?"

Rand inquired to the two dragon cubs.

"Heh heh heh, of course it's perfect! Rand! You're the best at whatever you do!" The little female dragon immediately started licking.

The little black dragon, on the other hand, looked at his mother at the moment and nodded, saying.

"Mmm! It feels a lot better looking than it did before."


At those words, the female black dragon immediately turned her head and looked at Ed in surprise.

What was going on? Even this cub, Ed, had a problem with his mind? How can such a fierce, big-assed female look like this compare to my previous appearance? Are you blind?

"You guys, go get me some men from the city! Get them to come over and evaluate them! After all, it's to make money from the humans of this world, and their aesthetics still need to be respected.

Hmm! Remember to grab some men from the richer districts."

Rand barked at a few of the draconians.

The draconians immediately agreed, and in no time they were grabbing a few humans who were crying and snotting their noses and tears.

"Oooooooooh! Mercy! Have mercy! Lord Rand!"

"I didn't do anything! Why are you arresting me! Help! Somebody help me!"

"Mum! Mummy! I miss you so much!"

The humans kept howling.

"Shut up, all of you! Show me this woman, what do you think of her looks?"

Rand roared, before pointing at the female black dragon off to the side.

This caused several human men to stare, then turn their heads and look and freeze right where they were.

Several looked on with their mouths wide open and their mouths watering! And began to gasp continuously.

"How ... beautiful! Is this the legendary angel?"

"Oh! The gods are above! This must be the reincarnation of the legendary god of beauty! I swear, I've never seen such a beautiful woman! It's so beautiful!"


Several human men gasped in awe, and one didn't even say a word, just stared at the female Sapphis had turned into with bloodshot eyes and gasped continuously.

Pah pah pah pah!

Rand couldn't help but applaud as he looked at his masterpiece.

"Yeah! That's it! That's the effect you want! Hahahahaha! This one! The money bags of the men of this world! It will all be mine!"

Rand took one look at the men's reactions and laughed with glee.

In this world, although there were such convenient things as magic, when it came to the aesthetic piece, it was still far inferior compared to the era in the previous world where PS was rife.

In that era, as long as women could p-image and fix themselves up beautifully, they could potentially attract a large number of licking dogs and thus make money.

What beautiful pictures didn't exist?

Countless women dug themselves up to p-picture.

And in this world, although there are also such convenient things as magic, female spell casters, in terms of numbers, are actually still less than men.

This is because spellcasting, in this world, leans towards science, a level where women are naturally weak.

Even for female initiation spellcasters, shapeshifting is not some spell so simple that any spellcaster can learn it, which in turn greatly brushes off a large number of women.

Also, in this world, it is rude to use shapeshifting to meet guests, and it would be very rude to be seen through!

For all sorts of reasons, there are very, very few, women in this world who specialise in shapeshifting and changing their appearance!

This makes the new Sapphires that Rand has concocted feel like a downgrade for the males!

The female black dragon looked at the few human males and muttered in her mind.

What was the reaction of these lowly humans? Did she look so beautiful now? Was there an aesthetic problem?

Snort~ Although it would make the opposite sex happy to see this group of males swooning over their beauty.

But if the group of heterosexuals were too lowly, it wouldn't make much sense.

Rand then waved his claws for the men to go down, but the men stared at Sapphis obsessively and wouldn't even leave, and it was the draconians who finally dragged the guys away.

Rand admired his work in silence, nodding his head incessantly, and for a long moment, a question suddenly occurred to him.

This guy, Safis, was an adult dragon, and might know more about things that interested him than they, the young dragons whose memories of their heritage were not yet perfect.

So he asked, "Sapphius, about the memory of the legend, you should have already awakened, right?

How do you think this continent, the vast majority of Legends, compare to me and the human Legend before me?"

"This ..."

The female black dragon hesitated for a moment and said.

"It's actually very hard to distinguish, because the span of strength between legends is very large."

"You tell me carefully."

"Well then, in my dragon heritage, the strength of legends is divided very clearly, and generally speaking, spellcasters are the strongest.

After that, there are probably some bloodline warlocks, these guys, after all, will take the bloodline of some powerful creatures and fuse it with themselves, among the powerful ones, there are even fused with plural dragon, great demon, great devil, angel and other bloodlines.

After that it is probably the legendary with extremely powerful equipment, as the human just did.

Those mediocre legends should be far less powerful than you, but they shouldn't be underestimated for that reason."

"Spellcasters are the strongest?"

This answer surprised Rand a little, he had thought that it was those Bloodline Warlocks who were the strongest.

In Rand's opinion, bloodline warlocks were extremely dangerous, as they incorporated the power of foreign bloodlines into their own bodies, and if they were not lucky, they could simply die or lose their minds.

This is why the profession is extremely rare.

None of the enemies he had dealt with so far had seen a single bloodline warlock.

And those Kryptonian professions with advanced equipment were powerful, and that was only natural.

As for spell casters? Those guys could also use spells as powerful as his? Or?

"Of course, powerful spell casters, the spells are just too powerful and they are extremely creative.

The most crucial reason is still that these guys would travel to other worlds.

As far as I can remember, every other world has its own uniqueness, their civilisation, their way of fighting, their form of power, either similar to ours or very different from ours.

In such worlds, many spellcasters learn from them, so that they can become even more powerful.

Although the power of the other world would be less effective if used in our world of Eo, these clever spellcasters would, to a greater or lesser extent, be inspired by it.

Thus this type of spellcaster is extremely difficult to judge in terms of strength, and is so powerful that the gods would have a headache.

However, it is very easy for such spell casters to die in battle if they travel to other worlds, and in the inherited memories, every world, for outsiders, will act as a disincentive, resulting in a great reduction in strength."

"So that's how it is."

Rand nodded with some understanding.

Indeed, if some spellcasters, possessed the power of other systems, that would really be a far greater advantage than the native creatures!

Even with all the limitations, it would be intimidating enough.

"All right! I know what I want to know, so go down! Learn the dance properly with the elves in the city, and yes, Fiona, you go and watch her some."

Rand gave his final order.

"Don't worry! Rand! I'll keep an eye on her to death! Let Sapphis the Bitch learn to dance as soon as possible to make money for you."

The little female dragon made a clunking sound as she slapped her chest with her claws.


The female black dragon glanced at the little female, her eyelids fluttering, knowing she could not resist.

But one question kept lingering, and seeing that she was about to be separated from Rand, she finally couldn't resist asking

"Rand! Tell me! How on earth did you become so powerful? Even though you grew up different and stronger than the other dragons, you couldn't have had this kind of strength at the age of ten!

And Fiona and Ed! You two too! How on earth does a ten year old dragon with the strength of an almost adolescent dragon do that! Tell me!"

"Watch who you are! Stinking Bitch! Is that a question you can ask?"

The young female dragon immediately cursed, then stimulated the slave contract in her mind, causing the female black dragon to fall to the ground and wail.

"Don't pry into things you shouldn't pry into."

Rand echoed, with a cold attitude.

Damn you Rand! Bastard! I just told all the information about the legend in my inherited memories! And this is what I got?

Damn it! How dare you bully the dragon!

The female black dragon wailed and cursed in her heart.

She regretted not cracking their eggs sooner! What a bunch of sons! Bullying me, a widowed old dragon!