Chapter 119: The Second Sleep and Three Years Later

"[Slaying] 4.

You killed tens of thousands of demons with your immense strength!

In the end only a handful of demons escaped back into the abyss and lingered on.

These wretched creatures do not understand what kind of enemy they have faced.

Their deaths will become your sustenance and give you more power!

You have gained a new potential.

Potential +4."

Physical growth: 54!

When Rand awoke again, the city was as usual.

Several of the female dragons had also returned in a huff, and only Tarana was still missing, and after Rand inquired, he realised that the other was hiding.

There was nothing to be done, for as soon as she showed herself, she would be beaten by three female dragons.

This made her take refuge for a while, and she would return when the three-headed female dragon's anger had subsided.

Having beaten back the demons, the Black King's City remained calm and quiet.

All the Lords are big-hearted people, it's not like the battle is happening in the city, they are hiding underground and are not afraid!

After the battle, back on the surface, everything was not a bit different from before.

But in the outside world, the whole kingdom of Lain was in turmoil again!

In particular, the whole kingdom was shaken by the discovery of two towns near the Black King's City that had been brutally slaughtered by some passing merchants and citizens returning home to visit their relatives.

The kingdom sent many people to investigate the situation.

But it was at this time that the kingdom sent many people to investigate the situation.

In some of the taverns, the news was quietly circulating.

The moody and unpredictable Red-Eyed Black King had slaughtered all the people of the two cities because he was in a bad mood.

What was the reason for the Red-Eyed Black King's displeasure?

Well, there are many different opinions.

Some say that the king was angry with the other side because he had not paid them the gold tal.

Others say that it was because the Red-Eyed Black King had taken a fancy to all the king's harem and daughters, and that the beauty of those women had attracted the prying eyes of the evil dragon.

The king was wanted to pay tribute up to them, but the king did not do so, and that is why he was angry.

These tidings were spread everywhere in the shadows and soon spread throughout the kingdom of Lynn.

The real reason may have been unknown to the lords for a long time, but it was firmly believed that it was all the work of the Red-Eyed Black King!

The evil dragon was going mad again!

This made the entire kingdom's lords and local nobles fearful.

They were afraid that their towns would be the next target of the Red-Eyed Black King.

So many nobles ran to the royal capital and pleaded with His Majesty the King to send troops to crush the dragon.

However, the king responded that the case had not been investigated and they could not immediately send troops to attack.

This left many of the local nobles, as well as the lords, greatly disappointed with the kingdom as a whole.

Of course, it also led more people to believe that their cowardly Majesty, the King, would not dare to offend the Red-Eyed Black King at all!

Under this situation and circumstances, time slowly passed.

The whole Kingdom of Laing was in a stormy state.

The Red-Eyed Black King within the Black King's City was surprisingly serene.

So, three months later.

Rand, who was still sleeping, suddenly received a reminder in his dream world.

"You are about to enter your second slumber and step into the Junior Dragon stage.

However, your body needs a huge amount of energy to support this time of slumber, as a basic reserve for a healthier growth later on.

Please replenish your energy and find a suitable place for you to sleep as a follow-up supply before the dormant period arrives in two months.

The recommended location is an active volcano.

Please find a suitable active volcano to sleep on."

Upon receiving the reminder, Rand immediately took his two dragon cubs and flew to the sea, just a few kilometres away from the Black King's city, and let out a loud roar to rally the dragonfish people.

When these monsters, who normally inhabited the sea, heard Rand's roar, they all rallied towards the shore.

In just a few moments, a sea of fish heads were poking out from the entire shore.

If one were to count them, one would find that the number of these monsters had now reached around 15,000!

The degree of their evolutionary mutation varies, and they are all basically at level 1-3.

It could be said that it was an extremely large force.

Rand admired his masterpiece with satisfaction.

Only a moment later did he ask the little female dragon to use the fishman language and instruct these dragonfishers to go down to the sea to catch fish goods, the more the better.

When they heard this, they all leapt into the sea and began to move.

Each time they caught a large fish, or for example seaweed or shellfish, they would go straight back to the shore and throw them on the shore.

Rand, in turn, would grab the food and stuff it into his mouth uncontrollably.

Soon, he had eaten at least hundreds of tonnes of food.

This is the amount he eats every week.

Normally, after eating, he would go back to rest.

But this time was different, Rand actually did not ask the fishermen to stop catching fish goods.

Instead, he continued to keep eating, which made the two dragon cubs a little surprised.

The young female dragon looked at Rand and asked.

"Rand, is something good happening to you? Why do you have such a good appetite today?"

"I'm going to slumber."

Rand casually replied as he stuffed something into his mouth.

Then he said, "Gotta find a place where no one's around then, you and Ed want to follow me?"

His eyes couldn't help but sweep over the two dragon cubs.

He clearly remembered the scene years ago, when he had gone to the overseas islands, when the little female dragon Fiona had hugged his thighs and cried out, screaming that she would never be separated from him, that she could not live as a dragon.

The two dragon cubs, upon hearing the words, first trembled, and then their eyes began to wander.

"Huh? It's time for another dormancy, huh? How many years will it take this time?"

The little female dragon asked in a soft voice.

"I don't know, but it must be at least three or four or five years."

"Oh ... that, Rand, if it were before, I would have followed you, after all I don't want to be separated from you at all.

But now, I'm thinking left and right, Black King City is the culmination of your struggle! If you were gone, and I were gone, wouldn't the whole city be left without a leader?

I don't know what would happen to it with those dragons!

I, Fiona Safis Oakburn, will never allow any creature to destroy what is yours in Rand!"

The little female dragon raised her neck and roared with a determined face, a light faintly blooming in her eyes.

"That's right! As much as we would like to accompany you Rand, this city needs us to run it too!

Sorry, Rand, we can't let the city remain under the management of those outer dragons!"

Ed, the little black dragon, nodded off to the side, echoing the words of the little female dragon.


Rand slowed even his eating movements several beats after hearing this, and gave the two dragon cubs a somewhat surprised look:.

"You guys actually have this kind of awareness?"

He swept the two dragon cubs around with some suspicion, before finally changing his expression and saying.

"You guys don't think that you can embezzle my money just because I'm not around anymore, do you? Hmph! I will give an order at the same time that all the money that was supposed to be offered up will be temporarily suspended.

And, I will have special people to count the money collected as taxes! There's no way you'll be able to take a single coin!

I will also have Tarana, Tris and you two watch each other's backs! Anyone who messes with me in the city will have her head ripped off and made into a urinal when I get back!"

Rand's eyes were murderous as he kept scanning over the two dragon cubs' dragon bodies.


The two dragon cubs trembled.

The little female dragon's tail began to wag restlessly, and the little black dragon dropped its head slightly, its eyes rolling even faster.

"Rand! Don't you accuse us wrongly! How could we have messed up! We're blood brothers and sisters! What kind of dragon am I, don't you know that?"

The little female dragon whispered back.

"How could we possibly dare to touch Rand your property! We wouldn't dare even if we were lent a hundred true dragon guts!"

The little black dragon echoed again.

"It's because I know you two fools too well! That's why I'm so uneasy!

Hmph! Before you do something foolish, you should think about it first! Or else you'll get what's coming to you!"

Rand glared at the two dragon cubs and slapped a vicious claw on the ground.


The earth shook for a moment.

Leaving an imprint of a dragon claw at least two or three meters deep.

Rand's eyes swept around the two dragon cubs again.

It almost scared the two dragon cubs.

It was only after a long moment that he continued to eat.

This gave the two dragon cubs a huge sigh of relief.

They watched from the side as Rand ate and ate.

The amount of food they ate this time was extremely impressive, as time passed.

Five hundred tonnes, a thousand tonnes, five thousand tonnes, ten thousand tonnes!

Rand's belly was like a bottomless pit, it was clear that he only weighed about a thousand tonnes, so the way he ate really surprised the two dragon cubs.

However, this was not their concern.

The two dragons had already started to make calculations in their minds at this moment.

Rand would be gone soon!

This was good news!

If it was in the past, before they had the Black King City, the two little dragons would definitely run away with Rand.

But now was different!

Inside the Black King City, there was a full army of more than 15,000 Dragonfishers.

There were also more than four thousand dragon-people.

Apart from Rand, there were even seven dragons!

What kind of battle force is this?

Who would dare to come and pick a fight?

Having dominated the city for a long time while the Kingdom of Laing was like a shrinking turtle that didn't dare to attack the Black King City back at all, made the little female dragon and the little black dragon a bit inflated in confidence.

They think they can do it again!

Calculating that they can't, but the army in the city can!

What! You say without Rand, what if another demon army attacks?

What kind of demon army is there that doesn't fight humans and only fights those on the same side?

Those demon armies before were a bunch of sick idiots! I don't think there are many such idiots in the entire Abyss!

What do they have to fear?

If they can't beat them, they can run away!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Once Rand leaves, the sky will be high and the dragons will fly.

Fiona had worked so hard to serve her big brother Rand, giving him massages and keeping the peace in the city, only to end up being cheated out of all her treasures by that stinking bitch Tiamat.

Fiona was furious.

This has left her with almost nothing!

How could this be?

Fiona was a dragon of almost twelve! And a true dragon genius with enough fighting prowess to rival a teenager!

How could a dragon who was destined to become the Red Dragon King, who would become so famous, not have any money of her own at the age of twelve?

If other dragons found out about this, they would laugh off their teeth!

That would never be allowed to happen!

She had already thought about it! When Rand was gone, she would do everything she could to get money! What? You said Rand had just warned her? How dare she make a move?

How dare she? As long as Rand was gone, Fiona had a lot of ways to make money with her brilliant mind! What are you afraid of?

The little female dragon and the little black dragon each thought about it, and the corners of their mouths curled up, almost bursting into laughter!

The two dragon cubs stayed silently with Rand, seemingly ready to wait for him to finish eating and watch him leave.

But Rand ate and ate and ate and ate without stopping for even a moment.

And so it went on for days.

The two dragon cubs, as well as the other female dragons, noticed that something was wrong.

The females flew over and asked what was going on.

Rand spoke briefly about the fact that he was going to sleep.

The female dragons looked at each other.

Doris, Andrea immediately spoke up.

"That ... Rand, look, you are going to go to slumber, the next time you come back will be years later, we still have to watch the city for you, shouldn't you give us a little reward?"

"Reward? What do you want?" Rand didn't care and asked casually, his mouth not stopping.

"Hey hey hey, it's nothing really, it's just this!"

The two female dragons smiled and then, getting down, cocked their tails and winked at Rand with their heads.

The meaning was self-explanatory.

Rand immediately kicked the two dragons in the buttocks and kicked them into the sea.

The two female dragons poked their heads out of the sea and looked at Rand with some depression, saying.

"Rand, why are you always so averse to mating with us? It's a desire you should have as a true dragon! It's not good for your health to keep suppressing it!"

"You idiots! I've explained this many times! I'm only eleven and a half years old! Have you ever seen a dragon under the age of twelve that thinks about mating with the opposite sex all day long?"

Rand explained in a hushed voice, impatience in his voice.

"But you're different! Look how strong you are with that body! The body functions must be well developed."

Rand continued to eat, not wanting to pay any attention to them.

"So how about we wait for you? Let's mate when you reach young adulthood."


"Ugh Rand! Don't you ignore the dragon! Wait! Rand what do you want? Woohoo! My head hurts! Don't pinch it, don't pinch it! It's going to split!"

The two female dragons nagged on and on, finally pissing Rand off, stepping forward, squeezing their heads, and firing! Finally causing their heads to come crashing down!

After a thud.

The two female dragons rolled their eyes like dead fish and fainted.

"What two cunts with no self-awareness! How dare you spy on my big brother Rand's flesh with just you? Ugh!"

The little female dragon unceremoniously rewarded the two female dragons with two spittle.

As the group of female dragons watched Rand eat and eat, Rand felt that the group of dragons knew what was going on, so he called the other important people together and explained the matter.

After a month of this.

Rand finally felt completely saturated with energy.

He said goodbye to the group of dragons and left alone.

This time he did not return to the island volcano where he had spent three years, for the simple reason that it was not an active volcano.

He flew a dozen kilometres above the sky, looking out for active volcanoes as he went.

As it turned out, he did find a spot.

It was at least 3,000 to 4,000 kilometres away from the islands of the Kingdom of Lain and the Kingdom of Hessen.

The whole island was huge, at least 100,000 square kilometres in size.

To the west, there was a huge active volcano, which Rand saw when he saw it.

The crater of this volcano was spewing lava, red lava flowing into the distance.

For kilometres around, it was grey and brown, with no living creatures in sight.

But a few kilometres away, there was a dense forest.

In addition, Rand saw several tribes of wildlings!

Most of these savages wore skirts of leaves and animal skins and used weapons made of bone, or wood.

Their bodies were hairy and they used the oldest form of wood drilling for fire.

There were probably dozens or hundreds of them in a single tribe, and seven or eight tribes survived here.

After watching the skies for several days to make sure that they were not much of a fighter and would not come near the volcano, Rand landed one night inside the volcano.

His huge body, his entire body submerged in a pool of lava, waited to be encased and then closed his eyes.

"You step into the realm of dreams.

You will sleep completely until you enter the next stage of your age.

As a congratulatory gift for your imminent entrance into the Junior Dragon, you may choose one of the following two options as an enhancement bonus.

a: +3 to magical growth

b: +3 to physical growth"

b: +3 to physical growth

Physical Growth: 57

"Your physical growth has broken through 55 and you have gained a new ability [Heavenly Calamity - Wind and Thunder]."

[Heavenly Calamity - Wind and Thunder]: You possess the terrifying hurricane and thunder power of a heavenly calamity!

You! Are the embodiment of storm and thunder! All enemies who dare to offend you will tremble under the thunder of the storm!

"You have been detected as possessing three talents, [Earth Child], [Heavenly Calamity - Inferno] and [Heavenly Calamity - Wind and Thunder], and the three talents will be fused into one.

You have gained [Domain - Cataclysm]"

[Domain - Cataclysm]: The earth crumbles beneath your feet.

Flames, hurricanes and thunder will do your bidding, and you are disaster incarnate! When you are angry, the whole world will tremble!

When you are in the realm, your life and magic recovery rate, strength, stamina and defence are all enhanced.

With a physique of 57, Rand's potential for life is terrifyingly strong.

The radiation of the life magnetic field has a radius of even 700 or 800 metres.

But in a month's time.

The entire vicinity of the originally bare and grey volcano once again spawned Dragon Scale Grass and Dragon Head Mushroom, derivatives of the life magnetic field.

From afar, this fire crater was densely covered with bright red.


With a volcanic eruption.

Countless lava spilled out.

It washed away some of the derivatives and swam downwards with the lava.

Until the lava cooled.

Some beasts from the nearby forest, following a hint of instinct, moved slightly closer to the lava flow.

They spotted some of the derivatives wrapped up in the lava flow and tasted them with some curiosity.

Perhaps they found the taste to be quite good.

The animals then start to look for something similar in the lava flow and move on ...

Many animals slowly began to settle around the volcano.

Three months later.

Some of these animals died, but there were others that had changed extremely noticeably.

Five months later.

The number of animals close to the volcano increased significantly.

The animals have become more violent and powerful.

Occasionally some of those that returned to the middle of the woods were near invincible.

This caused shock among the local savages who, after watching a few never-before-seen animals, as powerful as gods, defeat some of the original overlords, began to observe these evolved and mutated animals.

They then noticed an anomaly on the edge of the volcano.

They began to taste these derivatives and they began to mutate and evolve!

And so.

A year later.

All the wildlings who survived became draconians and gained superhuman strength.

Perhaps Rand's physique was too exaggerated.

Some strange things grew up around them, in addition to the dragon scale grass and dragon head mushrooms.

Eating these things, be they beasts, or wildlings, the rate of evolution increased again!

It was in the sea near the volcano that many derivatives flowed into the sea along with the lava because it was washed away, and for this reason quite a number of dragonified monsters appeared near the sea.

Occasionally a bird lands and eats and pecks on a few derivatives.

This place has completely turned into a country belonging to the monsters.


The Black King City.

When Rand left a month later.

The little female dragon, unrestrained, completely revealed her true nature.

She began to think of ways to make money.

Originally she wanted to just call an army, attack the surrounding cities and plunder them.

But when she thought of the consequences of doing so, when Rand came back later, then maybe someone among the soldiers would just denounce her, and then wouldn't all her property be confiscated after years of hard work?

This was a no-no.

The little female dragon discarded this idea.

Afterwards, she couldn't help but think, "Should a dragon go out to rob?

That would be too dangerous, wouldn't it?

Although she thought she was quite powerful, she was not so arrogant as to think that one dragon would be enough for this task, and finally thought about it.

She called the little black dragon, Ed, and the five female dragons to the clearing outside the city and conspired.

Although the little female dragon looked down on the five female dragons.

But these five guys were really powerful, and if they joined together, they could do a lot more bad things.

The bottom line is that these female dragons are much more reliable than the people in town!

We are all five-coloured dragons, and we all know our nature very well!

Greed for money, that was inevitable!

The five female dragons had not said anything, but they were still complaining a little.

They wanted to get money too.

So the seven dragons, who all wanted to make money, got together and it was an instant success.

They then discussed what bad things they were going to do.

The end result was to go to some small towns and rob them!

After that, the small towns nearby were directly affected.

Some of the soldiers on the lookout listened in horror to the roar of the dragons and watched as the seven-headed dragon flew towards their town in a fury.

This scared the hell out of everyone!

The legendary five-coloured dragons! Seven of them at once?

Who could withstand that?

Seven dragons descended and surrounded the town, yelling and screaming to plunder and make all the people hand over their money.

Anyone who dared to resist would have been killed, either by the dragon's breath or by being slapped to death.

In the end, a group of people could only hand over all their money trembling.

This time the robbery was of a small town with a population of 3,000 to 4,000.

But the possessions were quite a lot, more than four thousand gintals.

Looking at these Gentals piled up.

These seven-headed dragons each poked out their claws and grabbed a large handful, but the next moment, they immediately turned their heads to look at each other.

They realised a problem, that they hadn't discussed the amount of spoils to be shared!

At this moment, things became complicated.

After repeatedly discussing to no avail, the seven-headed dragons actually fought directly in this city.

In an instant, thunder, fire, acid and poison gas filled the air.

Tarana was originally the strongest of all the dragons, but she was surrounded by all of them at the beginning and was the first to fall instead.

Several other dragons fought chaotically afterwards and eventually all fell.

The whole town was completely destroyed as a result.

All the lords were long gone.

The treasure was eventually divided equally among all the dragons.

This made some of the dragons who thought they were so strong that they should be distributed according to their strength a little upset, but after a certain dragon offered the killer line that if they were unhappy, they would just tell Rand what happened when he returned and we would all die together, there was finally no sound.

It was a successful heist.

Each dragon got almost a share of over 500 gintals.

A wave that made the little female dragon and the little black dragon directly rich.

They went back to the Black King's City and woke up several times laughing about it when they slept.

Five hundred gold taels was not a small amount for the other dragons!

After getting a taste of it, several more evil dragons worked together several times in a row, each one increasing their assets by leaps and bounds.

But this also made all the towns' lords suffer.

Some nobles and merchants even ran to the royal capital to ask His Majesty the King to stand up for them!

But unfortunately, the king of the kingdom of Lane, simply did not dare to touch the Black King City, and in the end could only hand out some relief and food to help tide over the difficulties ...

A few of the evil dragons lived their lives with reckless abandon and style.

A year later.

Tarana perhaps because of the blood of Rand.

Her own magic power has made a long breakthrough and her strength has reached legendary status.

The blue scales of her body were tinged with wisps of black.

The thunder that spewed from her mouth seemed even hotter.

Tris's body came to twenty-four metres, and her body looked much stronger.

Strength also came to the level of nineteen.

This change was the envy of the other three heads that had not received Rand's blood.

Each of them cried out and tried to teach Tarana a lesson.

The result was that they were knocked to the ground by Tarana.

The strength of the Black King's City had undoubtedly received another considerable boost.

In this way, time flowed like water, another two years or so later.

The city of the King of Lain.

An extremely luxurious-looking magical airship, at least 60 to 70 metres in length, slowly extinguished its magical energy and flames and landed in the open space where at least a thousand people had already gathered.

A ladder slowly descended.

A figure clad in silver armour slowly stepped down.

"Saint Dorealda! At last we see you again! We have been worried about your safety ever since you disappeared from the Black King's city more than four years ago, but fortunately, you are safe and sound in the morning light!"

King Ryan said with a happy face to the man on the stairs.

This man was the same Dorielda who had been killed by Rand earlier.

Compared to more than four years ago, his appearance had not changed much, but the armour on his body had changed from gold to silver, as had the sword at his waist.

And, of course, most importantly, his face!

When he met with King Ryan over four years ago, he was all smiles.

But today he was full of ice!

"Long time no see indeed, Your Majesty! Is the Black King's City and the Black King you speak of that evil dragon Rand Sapphis Oakburn and his city?"

Dorelda said in a deep voice.

"Yes! You do not know, Lord Holy Envoy, that evil dragon has taken over another city in our country and slaughtered and looted several surrounding cities in the past few years.


During these few years, millions of our people have been living under the shadow of this evil dragon, and all of them are living in misery!"

King Ryan's face was sour and his eyes were faintly red.

When the nobles around him saw this, several of them followed suit, their eyes reddening and their heads dropping in silence.

Next to them, some of the people who seemed to be the lords cried out.

"Lord Holy Envoy! Please do something for us! Kill that evil dragon! Lord Holy Envoy!"

Dorelda looked even more gloomy at his words and gritted his teeth, saying.

"That evil dragon is truly evil! I had no idea that in just a few years he would do so many more abominable things!

This is the darkness under the sun! I must rid the Morning Sun of this darkness!"

"Lord Holy Envoy! That evil dragon is extremely powerful now, and I heard that there are seven five-coloured evil dragons under him, if you still go alone, I am afraid."

The kingdom said with some concern.

"Don't worry! I definitely won't try to be brave this time! I have brought along my colleague, Archbishop Enronit! He is no less powerful than I am."

"May the light of the morning shine on the world forever! Gentlemen! Good morning!"

A clear voice rang out.

A middle-aged man wearing a bright yellow priest's robe, pointing at the sun with one hand and holding a ruby-studded sceptre in the other, slowly walked down the steps.

On his face, he wore a spring-like smile.

"May the light of the morning sun always shine on the world! I am honoured to meet you Archbishop Enronit!"

The king hastened to return the salute and said with the same finger pointing to the sun.

"In addition to this, I have brought with me ten powerful and elite paladins, as well as bishops.

With them, and with your army, Your Majesty, that evil dragon! We will surely take it down!"

Dorelda was confident.

These ten paladins, the bishops, all of the fifteenth rank and above, together with the temple's secret method of combined attack, even he, at present, was no match for them!

Of course, if it was before, when the two Divine Arms were still in place, he was confident to defeat these twenty senior clerics.

But with the loss of the two divine armaments, even if they were re-equipped with good equipment, I am afraid that half of his strength had been lost.

This made him hate that damned evil dragon!

At the same time, he was absolutely wary of that evil dragon!

Three units of legendary combat power! He didn't believe that dragon could still handle it!

This time, he was completely prepared!

"Of course there's no problem! I will send 50,000 troops, along with our Sword Saints and Holy Ambassadors! We will destroy the dragon!"

King Ryan said happily.

Then, after discussing the details, the group sent out their troops and set off in great numbers!

At the same time, King Ryan immediately announced to the people of the capital that he was marching on the Black King's city! The news that the Red-Eyed Black King's head would be taken off!

This made the entire city's citizens cheer!

Some of them even shed tears of excitement! All night long there was revelry!

Everyone praised His Majesty's wisdom! Bravery! Wisdom!

They looked forward to taking back the Black King's city and destroying all of his dependents! Everyone wanted the Red-Eyed Black King dead! To see at last the great dragon's head of the Red-Eyed Black King!