007. Hyperthermia

'Is this stupid girl, crazy?' Jacob thought.

Before Jacob launched his action again, suddenly the girl left from where she was.

Just leave it.

No apologies or other greetings. It pissed Jacob off even more.

Jacob preceded her. His wide stride of course gave him the advantage of being able to walk faster.

He blocked the girl with both hands. He grabbed the top of the girl's arm, bending down, so that Jacob, who was taller than the girl, could be level.

Something strange happened.

The girl looked up slightly. Plain face. Jacob couldn't believe his eyes.

That wound.

The wound on her cheek, made Jacob violently tug at the girl's forearm, twisting it slightly, wanting to see the wound the rose thorn had caused earlier.

After being sure of what Jacob saw from the wound, he removed his hand from the girl. Wounds that have disappeared. It was as if the girl's body had never been injured.

The wound is healing fast!

An ability that is impossible for an ordinary human to possess.

Jacob suddenly remembered his dream. And message a beautiful woman with silvery white hair. To find the woman he should help.

The woman who, according to what Jacob remembers, was from his clan, meaning a human like himself.

The girl in front of him looked like an ordinary human. Visually. However, her ability to heal wounds quickly, was impossible, if possessed by an ordinary human.

"Who are you?" Jacob wasn't the type of person who liked to make small talk.

Asking directly is more efficient, rather than talking at length and convoluted.

The girl was still silent. Although from the look on her face, Jacob guessed, he had her attention. The girl seemed to notice him.

"I'm Jacob." He introduced himself while gesturing with a hand to his chest.

Then asked, taking the girl's hand and pointing it at the girl's chest without touching it. "And who are you?"

The girl raised her eyebrows, as if she understood what Jacob was saying. Then her hand touched Jacob's chest and said, "Jacob." Jacob nodded.

"And you?" Jacob asked again.

The girl nodded slowly. It made Jacob weak. He had almost gone mad.

"Are you mute? Deaf? Crazy?" After asking that question, Jacob decided to leave the girl.

And continues his search, finding a mysterious woman who knows where.

Jacob had to find her before sunset. Otherwise, her mother will be disappointed.

Jacob was actually betting, since last night he decided to look for the mysterious woman.

If she was to his liking, he would take her to his house, introduce her to Jen, as his future daughter-in-law.

If it wasn't to his liking, Jacob would still take her home, and introduce her to Jen, as his adopted sister. Who will accompany his mother.

Unfortunately, Jacob had wasted time with the flower-stealing idiot girl, who didn't even bother to answer a single question. With the ability to heal wounds quickly.

Jacob got back on his horse, and spurred the Black Beauty out of the field of flowers, slowly moving. Don't push him to run.

Unbeknownst to Jacob, the girl was quietly following him from behind.

Jacob remained faithful in the saddle at the slow pace of his horse, for almost two hours.

He circled his other plantation lands until he returned to the meadow, where his workers used to graze his cattle. Which has been quiet. When suddenly there was the sound of something falling behind him. Jacob suddenly turned his head to see the source of the voice.

How surprised Jacob was, to find this strange girl, who innocently picked some flowers in his garden, slumped on the green grass. Adorned with white and yellow flowers. Which slipped from the girl's hand.

Jacob got off his horse, and checked the girl's condition. Her lips look dry. Sweat dripped down her forehead. A blush appeared on her face, like someone who was hot.

Jacob accidentally touched the girl's skin which was not covered by her clothes. It's hot!

Hyperthermia? thought Jacob. As the sun began to rise, the heat began to feel scorching even though it was still spring.

Hyperthermia is described by the condition of body temperature that increases from normal temperature. Hyperthermia can make the body temperature soar to 40 degrees Celsius.

Without a thermometer, Jacob couldn't tell what the temperature of the girl who was drooping weakly on his property.

Before this, the girl seemed fine. Since when had she been following Jacob on his horse?

Why didn't he notice it before? Is this girl tired? Until her body became hot? Various thoughts flashed through his head.

Exposure to high temperatures and strenuous physical activity and humidity levels is one of the causes of hyperthermia.

This condition in the medical world is known as heat exhaustion. A person who experiences this condition will experience a rapid increase in pulse rate and excessive sweating.

Jacob looked at the girl's clothes, the material was neither too thick nor too thin. It looks like it's made of chiffon or something.

Knee-length dress in pale yellow. Sleeves, three-quarters of the length.

There's nothing wrong with her clothes.

An environment with a hot temperature coupled with clothes that are too thick can cause hyperthermia. The body will absorb heat from the environment by increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin.

However, when the air conditions are humid or wearing clothes that are too thick or in a hot place for a long time, the body is unable to compensate for exposure to outside temperatures.

Is this condition that causes hyperthermia? thought Jacob. However, this girl's clothes were not thick. Jacob doubted his own assumptions.

Without thinking, Jacob lifted the girl's body, letting the flowers on her body fall to the ground, and he easily got into the saddle of his horse.

Carrying a girl whose name is unknown, in front of him, keeping her from falling off his horse. Jacob spurred his horse to run as fast as he could. And took them back to his house.

Arriving at the gate of his big house, one of the servants in his house looked surprised.

How could I not, this was the first time the young master had brought a girl home. And that made the maid even more unable to contain her surprised expression. The girl that his young master brought was in an unconscious state.

Jacob cleared his throat once loudly, interrupting his servant's thoughts. Swiftly, the maidservant called for the male servant to assist her master, unloading the girl she was carrying.

As the male servant grabbed the black horse's reins, Jacob ordered his maid to contact their private doctor, to come to his house immediately.

Jacob, carried the girl himself into the guest room that his other maid had prepared. Then left her for a while, until the doctor came to check on the girl.

Ordered the waiter who used to take care of the kitchen, to prepare food and drinks.

Jacob put his cowboy hat on the table. Waited fifteen minutes, sitting pensively on the couch, in the lounge, where Jen used to wait for Jacob to come home. In the afternoon.

However, at noon, Jacob was at his house with the intention of bringing a surprise to his mother.

But where is Jen? thought Jacob. Since he'd arrived with the girl, Jacob hadn't seen her.

"Sorry, Sir. Doctor Xana has come," said the maid who he had ordered to contact the doctor.

"Ask Doctor Xana to go straight to the guest room." Jacob then got up and walked to the guest room.

Luna, the maid's name then passed.

Jacob was standing in front of the guest bedroom door that had been left open. Observing Doctor Xana who was checking the condition of the girl, who was still unconscious.

Doctor Xana hung her stethoscope around her neck, and started doing the diagnostics.

"Heat stress," the doctor diagnosed.

"Where did you find this woman? What happened?" inquired Doctor Xana, who was almost Jen's age, a few years younger.

"In my field. And I don't know what happened. She was there—in the field, just like that," Jacob said not completely lying.

"Will she come to her senses?" he continued. Doctor Xana nodded.

"A person who experiences heat stress will experience dizziness, thirst, body feels weak, headache, and nausea."

"In this girl's case, her body responded to warning signs, thus rendering her unconscious," explained Doctor Xana.

"Extremely hot or sunny weather can also cause hyperthermia."

"This condition can make a person's body temperature reach 40 degrees Celsius. This extreme heat can cause heat stroke, another type of hyperthermia."

"Heat stroke occurs when the body is no longer able to cool itself."

"Construction workers, farmers and others who spend long hours in hot places are at risk of developing hyperthermia."

"Too long in hot places can cause physical discomfort and stress. This type of hyperthermia is known as heat fatigue."

"The sufferer will find it difficult to concentrate, feel tired, thirsty, hot, and lose coordination of body movements."

Jacob was stunned to hear doctor Xana's very long explanation. Feeling a little guilty ....