009. Meet Jen

"Good, if you understand. We continue our journey towards the Chamber of 'Aaqat–the hidden room."

Salman and Annethaxia Luo walked with wide strides. Annethaxia was seen leading the way. Down aisle after aisle is very long, winding, as if endless.

The hallways that when viewed from above, the passages are like an almataha—a huge maze, a system of complicated, tortuous paths, many deceptive branching, and many dead ends. And, a deadly trap.

If there is a person who gets lost in the almataha and chooses a path with a trap, surely that man will not get out alive.

In this almataha, even someone who had the highest level, and could teleport—the ability to transfer matter from one point to another without crossing the distance between the two points—wouldn't be able to use the ability. The power of that one has been weakened.

A few minutes passed, Annethaxia and Salman finally arrived at the end of the fork in the hallway. There were two aisles ahead for them to choose.

They were both silent.

Those two passages, have two chances between life and death. One of them is the passage leading to the Chamber of 'Aaqat, while the other is the passage leading to death.

Never before in the history of the Land of Snow, people who chose the wrong path, would come out safely.

Salman, as the King's trusted bodyguard, was given the knowledge, in which aisle, the exact location of the Chamber of 'Aaqat. However, because he was not a descendant of the King, Salman could not see where the entrance to the secret room was.

Even if Salman could guess it right, he wouldn't be able to enter it.

That special door had been protected by invisible shields from people other than the King's legitimate descendants. It has been billions of years hidden since King Luo I reigned.

Doubts ran through Salman's heart, that the woman he was with, who resembled Princess Annethaxia Luo, was a fake princess.

From what Salman knows, some individuals with level 7—the highest level of cultivation—have the science of shapeshifting, namely the ability to change themselves from one form or form to another desired object.

The ruler of Shapesifting can transform theyself into anything, and can even change other people or creatures.

In general, the user of this knowledge can only transform theyself into another form within a certain time limit. The higher the knowledge, the more perfect the user can imitate.

Including resembling someone who is very similar to the original, both the color of the voice and the movements.

Is it possible? thought Salman. And he was still waiting to see what would happen next.


Mandel Hills, on earth, in the present.

"We both know, small village Karaskas, Jacob. And almost all of the residents know each other. Meanwhile the girl ...." Jacob nodded, understanding, without the middle-aged woman to continue her words.

Jacob went back into his house, making sure the girl's condition.

Jacob went into his room, and saw that the girl had woken up. A glass of drink—which Jacob assumed was an electrolyte drink—was in her hand. It's only a quarter of a glass.

The girl had not noticed Jacob's presence in the same room. The servants have done their job well.

The girl's clothes had been replaced with Jen's old clothes. A cool cotton overalls, ivory white, with a small floral motif on the top of the dress. Short sleeve.

Looks good on her body.

Jacob crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against one of the pillars supporting his bedroom door.

Noticed the girl's face, which seemed to be getting better. The girl gulped down the rest of her drink to the glass. Then put it on the nightstand.

"Master, is there anything more needed?" The question of Luna, one of the maids, made the girl turn towards the door, where Jacob was standing.

Asked suddenly by his servant, made Jacob uncomfortable, scratching his head that didn't itch.

"That's enough. Get back to work on something else." Luna also resigned after hearing her young master's answer.

"Wait a moment." Jacob suddenly remembered something. Luna turned around.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Tell me later, when Mommy comes."

"Very well, Sir. Excuse me." Jacob nodded and began to focus back on the girl sitting on his bed. Slowly approach her.

Jacob sat on the sofa. His eyes were still fixed on the girl, who was also watching him.

"You are feel better?" The girl shrugged. Causing Jacob to sigh. 'This girl . . ., what a pain,' he continued to himself.

"Can you talk?"

The girl was still unmoved.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" Jacob made a hand gesture, opening and closing and pointing at his lips.

Guess, maybe this girl doesn't understand the language.

"I'll introduce you to my mother. Hope you understand."

Jacob gave up, not knowing what to say, to get the girl in front of him to speak. He got up from the couch and headed out of the room.

When Jacob was in the doorway, the girl spoke. Which made Jacob stop in his tracks. However, Jacob couldn't understand the girl's words.

"Xnorhakalut yun reditonxali, saxidi." ["Thank you for helping me, sir."]

Jacob frowned, turned around and went back to the girl.

"What do you say?"

"Laa...." The girl shook her head.

["Forget it ...."]

"Who the hell are you? And where are you from? How did you get to my farm?" Jacob asked without pause.

Emphasize every sentence he says. Making the girl scared and looked down.

The air in Jacob's room was very cold. However, the girl in front of him still looked hot. Sweat was still visible on her forehead. Although the blush on her face had gradually diminished.

Jacob was so curious about the girl's body temperature. His hand was already reaching to touch her forehead, when suddenly a voice behind him interrupted him. Thus, the hand is like floating in the air.

And the girl realized it.

"Who have you brought, Jac—a nickname that Jen occasionally uses to call her second son."

Apparently, news of the girl that Jacob had brought to this house was already known to Jen.

Jacob took a step back. He turned around and walked over to his mother. Aunt Lee seemed to accompany Jen, when her favorite woman out of the house.

"Mom, where are you going?" Jacob, instead of answering Jen's question, his son asked back.

"Tsk! It's you, Mommy who asked first. You ignore it!" Jen sounded sulky.

Causing Jacob to snort, then smile a little. To him, his mother's behavior was sometimes like a child's.

"Surprise for you, Mom." Jacob hugged and kissed Jen's temple.

Hearing her second son's answer, Jen's eyes suddenly widened. Looks excited.

"Really? Is she ...."

Jen lowered her voice, "Is she my future daughter-in-law?" Jen whispered, tiptoeing slightly, bringing her lips close to her son's ear so only Jacob could hear.

Instantly Jacob helpless.

'Moron!' he cursed in his heart. Jacob simply answered, about the 'surprise' for his mother, without thinking.

Jacob hadn't decided yet. Was attracted to the girl or chose her to make her his adopted sister.

Besides, the girl looked young, maybe fifteen years or so, or maybe less.

He don't know, Jacob gave up, guessing how old the girl he'd actually found was, the first time in a field full of canola.

Picking the flowers without his permission. Stealing flowers to be precise.

"Jacob." The one being called by his name, felt his arm being tapped.

Jen was standing right next to him, her gaze straight on Jacob's bed. Watching the girl. From toe to tip of hair. So did the girl.