WebNovelFake Human100.00%

Engagement and... Mother?

'I can't shake them off'

'System, chances of surviving a direct engagement are?'

[Upon direct engagement, the host has a 80% chance of getting out alive with all limbs.]

'Seems good enough'

Voros decided to stop and turn around as his eyes started glowing red.


Two heat rays kept coming out of his crimson eyes as they cut through everything. Debris started to fall some buildings but the shadows which were the main target didn't seem too affected.

Due to all the dust, Voros couldn't see through. He kept glaring at all sides.

Unfortunately this didn't seem to be the case for his enemies who kept shooting energy beams and lightning bolts at him with perfect accuracy.

"You all aren't too bad"


Voros muttered this words before raising his right foot and stomping on the ground, while at the same time jumping high in the sky using the impact.

He jumped high enough to see the two shadows running around the roofs.

Not caring for anything, Voros took a deep breath and as he exhaled, a giant black beam of energy kept shooting from where his mouth would be, if he had one.

He managed to focus his energy ray on one of the two shadows.


The now visible human kept twisting on the floor as Voros kept burning his entire body.

"You, fucking-!"

The other human pounced at Voros as soon as he landed on one of the roofs while still pulverizing the first human.

Yet, before he could vertically cut Voros with his short sword, he came to a halt.

The reason he couldn't move was because Voros grabbed his head as if he was a can, a weightless and fragile can.

"Let me go, you fucking monster"

Voros did not listen as he started to tighten his grip. The human couldn't do anything even though he tried to take his enemy's hand off his face.

It was all futile as Voros completely squished the man's head like a tomato.

A headless body rolled down the rooftop and then hit the ground, making a splash noice.

'Thats one'

Voros looked back to the first human which he shot with his energy rays.

No movement, no breath, and a colorless face. The man was already dead.

'I guess it's two'

'System, find a suitable host'

After a few seconds.

[There is a being whose life energy is fading away]

[Location: 30 meters to the North east]

Voros then took off, jumping through the roofs while causing slight disturbances. This is due to his power, the houses and apartments he jumped over shook a little bit.

After a bit, Voros was now standing before a dumpster.

As for the reason, well, it turn out that someone left a human baby covered with a cloth inside a that dumpster.

"What is this?"

[That is a human offspring, it is the result of the intercourse between a male and a female. This one should grow up to be like the rest of the humans.]

[However, it seems like it's not going to survive the night]

"I see, so do I need to kill it"

[The host can make contact with the creature before it's heart stops beating, it would be considered as a kill]

[Remember that the host can duplicate a creature he has killed, but the physical of the killed creature will remain the same. If the host doesn't directly attack this baby, it's appearance will not change much]

"Indeed, I don't think a baby with a hole in it's heart being alive is a common thing" Muttered Voros.

He then stretched his arm and slightly touched the baby's chest, which after a while, stopped moving. It was dead.

"Initiate Duplication"


Voros appearance started to melt as if he was some sort of slime substance. The viscous Voros then gushed into the baby's mouth.

A few seconds after this happened, the now baby Voros started to cry.

'Why can I only cry'

[That's what baby's do...]

'I see'


"Yes mom, I am- No No! You don't need to send more money, am doing fine, really."

"Alright, bye, sleep well'

'I am soooo tired, once I get there, I'll take good warm bath'

Waaaaaah! Waaaah!


A young woman, seemingly in her mid twenties was walking home below the cold mantle of the night and the silver light of the moon after an arduous day of work.

She managed to catch a glimpse of a baby crying.

She turned around and all she could see was a dark alley, the Moonlight didn't seem to reach there.

After a while of giving it a though, she took upon herself to investigate what was going on within the darkness of the alley. Of course, she didn't just barge in. She took her phone out of the small black purse she was carrying and turned on the flashlight, now ready, she stepped forward.

Thump! Thump!

Small yet nonstop steps were the only sound heard apart from the small cries of a baby within the alleyway.

'This is creepy, why am I even venturing into the unknown anyways' The lady couldn't help but hold back tears at her irrational thinking.

She stopped for a bit before turning around.

'Its none of my business'


'Dammit, curse my kind heart'

She couldn't even take a step back before turning back and heading at a faster pace towards the cries.

After a bit of walking, she finally found the origin of all those cries.

"Why would someone do something so cruel!?"

'What to do, do I call the police?'

The woman entered a stage of panic, she now had a life that depended on her decision.

"Hello, 911 here, how can I help you?"

"A yes! thing is the thing is, I've got a baby here... ona dumpster, I just found him"

The woman could tell it was a 'him' by just looking at it, the baby seemed to be a few months old. His breath was weak and his cries stopped.

'That's a human male or female?'

[That is a female]

[They are the ones that carry their baby within their womb before giving birth to a baby]

"Please state your current location" The person on the other side of the phone remained calm unlike the woman within the alley.

"Ah yes- it's 2033 avenue, Kinto area"

"Understood, stay where you are, an officer will be right with you'


A few minutes later, an officer quickly got out of his car, right besides an alley where a woman was standing with a baby in her embrace.

"Mam, can you please give me your contact information?"

"My number is 344.... and my address is 2035 Blueview Unit 34"

"Thank you, you will be called if nessecasry"

The officer then took the baby with him in a warm mantle that he was given in order to warp the baby"


A few days later

'they haven't called, is the baby okay? I hope he is?'

The same woman that found Voros was now within her apartment, wondering what happened to the baby she found. She had been expecting for the authorities to contact her in order to give her an status update but nothing happened during the last 4 days.

'What if they don't find a home for him? Will he be sent to an orphanage?'

'What if I take it?'

'No no, I don't think I can take care of another person'

This woman's name is Alicia and she had been single since her college days, almost 9 years ago.

She only had her mother and since she moved out of her house in order to be live independently, she has always been living alone.

That's why she started to have such ideas.

Bzzzz! Bzzzz!

'Its them'

Alicia picked up the vibrating phone and as soon as she saw the 'unknown number' label, she concluded that it was the people who took the baby.

"Hello, am I speaking with Alicia Whitelock?"

"Yes, is this about the baby?"

"Yes, we tried to find any relatives as per the procedure but unfortunately we count find anything within the system."

"I see..."

"When this happens, two paths open up for you"

"You can either let us try to find a home for child, meaning that he will be sent to an orphanage, or.. You can take the child under your custody, adopting him"

"I can do that!?"

"Yes mam, it would be no different to be adopted once he is on the orphanage compared to being adopted by you, right now"

"Is there anything I need to o fill out?" The woman answered in a calm and determined tone.

She has been almost alone throughout her entire life and if it wasn't for her mother, she would've crumbled but now that she was living alone, she felt like she was empty. Being a mother wasn't an easy task by all means, but, if it meant that she wouldn't be alone, she was willing to take the opportunity.

Maybe, just like her mother, she would be able to give this baby a happy life, making hers better as well.

13 years later...

Knock! Knock!

"Voros, are you done?!"

"We will be late for the Welcome Ceremony!" Yelled a middle aged woman with beautiful black shirt and hazel eyes. She kept knocking on a brown door.

"Am almost ready!" A voice shouted from behind the brown door which opened after a few seconds.

"There you are, my little prince" Said the woman with a contemplating look full of love.

"Stop it" The boy that opened the door seemed annoyed at the woman's words.

"Hehehe, don't think you will have it easy today kid, I'll be holding your hand the entire time once we get there"

This was a serious calamity for a boy his age, Voros was now 13 years old, at least in his human body.

Over the years, Voros couldn't help but feel confused due to the woman that called herself his 'Mother'.

She always seemed worried about him and always excessively 'loving'.

Voros couldn't help but wonder what this love thing was. Voros couldn't care less about what this woman did or said, all that 'love' thing was incomprehensible to him.

Even to this day, he still doesn't understand the meaning of her actions.

However, just imagining her holding his hands seemed to send chills down his spine.

"That can't happen, absolutely not"

This woman was useful for his survival, that why he didn't get rid of her throughout the years.

He didn't have a way of earning the currency from this world, only she could. She also cooked for him which was another thing he unfortunately couldn't do. For these reasons, he stayed with her, otherwise he would've left or eliminated her long ago for making him go through such uncomfortable situations.

"Alright then, let's go" Said the woman with a seemingly sad and defeated expression.

Voros only nodded and followed behind her.