Chapter 1: the Beginning

Earth, the year 2127 humanity has been through many revolutions, the 4th AI revolution, 5th AI instantiation revolution and 6th space exploration revolution. Technology was at its highest peak and virtual life became the leading force, especially the virtual reality games which was the hope and only path for many because everything in life was worked by smart robots which made it harder for many to find a suitable job and earn a living, but then the virtual reality games were introduced which was like a light in a dark day for many jobless ones. Now celebrities are not athletes or singers and movie stars, but the gamer experts were the real celebrities. Now there are even those that their net worth reached billions because of a single game.

After many years of development, the VR reached a new high especially the latest VR-MMORPG known as Ancient Myth which set to break all records, it was an extremely popular game at the time, as the company that had released it announced that they had made a technological breakthrough of the game resolution, granting the game a fidelity rate of one hundred percent while other games were still at around seventy-five percent.

The news caused a massive uproar in the Earth Federation as everyone swarmed to obtain a copy of the game for themselves.

The new feature attracted numerous players from other games which forced them to end up being closed and many companies started investing in the new one, some of the developers even labeled it as mankind's second home this raised the expectations for the game to the point where those that signed for a game capsule reached a terrifying 8 billion people.

Tony is a young man in his twenties who is working as an instructor in a small dojo after he graduated from university, as it was the only thing that he was good at and also something that can earn him money, his class has 30 apprentices both old, young and even kids after all in this age physical fitness was something common especially since the VR-MMORPG become popular peoples started paying their own body more and more attention, after all, if you have a good body your brain will start operating better which will be one greatest asset in their gaming career.

"Sensei are you going to play the new game," a young girl asked Tony when they completed the training, the others all started looking at him waiting for his answer eagerly but before he could say anything someone had already done it for him

"of course, we are going to play and we will take it by a storm and stand at the top of the game" the way he spoke and looked at them was filled with arrogance, if it was another one who said those words they will think that he was just boasting after all to reach the top in the incoming game is really hard because the competition is at the highest level that any sport has ever seen, but no one said anything because it was Mark who said it. He looked like royalty with his handsome face, blonde hair, and clear blue eyes the type that any lady will fall for, but for the guys, he was scarier than anyone they knew.

"Let go of me you sick fuck"

"Are you embarrassed my lovely junior"

"It seems you want to die right now"

"Well I do but you aren't qualified to do it"

The exchange between them made all the

dojo disciples sweat because they knew the outcome of this argument between the two would end like it always has, with a big fight. Although it was a common thing for them to fight it still never failed to frighten the others after all the two were the second strongest in the dojo but most importantly they were the craziest ones, because to the dojo normal apprentice and even the whole city they were just some handsome and strong young men's but the senior disciples and those strong masters that standing at the top know that both Mark and Tony are absolute monsters.

Because of the advanced technology and the breakthrough in the understanding of the human body many geniuses with absolute talents were born in the fighting industry, yet both Mark and Tony were known as an absolute force even though they are young, they made a name for themselves after defeating many grandmasters and some well-known geniuses which made them famous and were considered even invincible by many.

The Abyss battlefield is an underground competition where there's only one rule and that to not kill your opponents, it's a place where only the strong live in.

Yet many will risk everything because to get a chance there, because the rewards for winning will drive anyone crazy, Nutritious fluids, high-level techniques or even high-end techs which normally only a top tier corporation or those with a powerful background could get their hands on it, and much more rewards which attracted a lot of audiences whether be it participating in or watching the fights many will do anything to get a spot, at first it was a place where one can scout for the talented martial artist but gradually it becomes where one can get rich, famous and acquire valuable stuff that not even money can buy them.

It was the Abyss battlefield that made Tony and Mark known to the world, especially since they were both undefeated and have a perfect record, Tony who was nicknamed The Mad Demon has 21_0 record while Mark who was known as the Smiling Devil has 5 more wins than that, from the way they were called one can understand what type of person they become when being inside the ring which explains why the others were afraid because if a fight broke out no one can stop them except the old master.

When the tension reached a high point as they were going to clash, a voice rang out and suddenly everything became calm like nothing was going to happen.

"Both of you stop this childish game of yours" all of them turned to the source of that voice to see a middle-aged man walking toward them, he looked like a neighboring elder with a hair white like snow, an average appearance, and a calm demeanor. No one will associate him with the old monster that everyone in the fighting industry fears and respects.

"Master, you know that we are just joking around, nothing much" said Mark while looking at the old man who made him who he is today with respect and even worship.

"Say this to an ignorant fool, not me because the moment your pitiful argument started both of you will just use it as an excuse to start a fight" rolling his eyes at his two disciples "follow me inside I got something to tell you both".

After entering the courtyard Tony asked with a frown "master don't tell me there's a new challenge for us in the Abyss battlefield" Mark was thinking the same thing.

"Who told both of you to make such a big mass there to the point that the whole world wants to challenge" he couldn't help but shake his head at how lawless the duo was "now both of you are challenged by a true disciple from the Dragon dojo"

The moment they heard those words both of them became interested after all their challengers were from the number one dojo in the world which is equivalent to a real challenge for the two freaks.

"By the way, which class are you going to pick in the new game?" their master suddenly asked.

"Well I think the thief class is a good choice for me," said Mark with sparkling eyes "appearing and dispersing while taking down whoever I want is kind of cool" turning to Tony "and you're going to choose swordsman right" which the other confirmed by nodding his head.

"well I can tell you that the game is different than anything you experienced till now because it has many secrets to the point that the old powerhouses are coming out from retirement to take a share in it"

"What are you talking about master isn't just a game" said Tony with puzzlement

"don't tell me you're going to play it too"

"I'm too old for that but since both my disciples are playing, if you make me lose face in front of them I will make both of you suffer".

His words brought them more pressure than anything they experienced.

"Now I became more interested in this game" Tony's fighting spirit was through the roof because of his master.

Back at their apartment both Mark and Tony finally finished all their training and entered their respective gaming capsules since the game launch time had arrived.

Tony felt like a dream when he laid down, the feeling of his brain connecting to the game was a pleasant one "although I don't have any lofty goals for master, I will stand at the top of the world"

As he was taking an oath to himself a pleasant voice that sounded nothing like a human rang in his ears.

"Welcome to the Ancient Myth warrior".