Chapter 13: Meeting a Legend

After battling for a while Tony completely figured out the way the Boar King fights, although using the formless style for a few minutes took a heavy toll on his body, still the results were something worth the try as he comes out of that with many useful insights that will be of great help in his gaming career.

So Tony used the rest of the fight to demonstrate to the two sisters how to strategize a fight and gave them a lot of advice while answering some of the difficulties they faced with their skills and movements.

An hour passed and finally Tony finished the fight, although the fight became easy because of their party law attack strength and the Boar King who can regenerate 2% of his full HP it took that much time especially when the boar king used the skill [Ferocity], a broken skill that converts all the damage taken into HP while sacrificing the defense, so the sturdy boar king became like glass to Tony it still took him some time to finish the 1000 HP of the monster.

"If this fight continued for another minute I might have collapsed" Suzy was sitting on the ground with a tired look on her face, the same was with Maya who by far was the most tired one in the party because of the pressure of keeping the party HP and not letting anyone dies coupled with her law healing ability made her the whole fight afraid of messing up, fortunately, Tony was there with his pieces of advice and clutch moments which saved both the sisters many times.

"It's been ages since the last time I had such fun"

"Me too sis if only we could do this more" be it Maya or Suzy they both wanted to experience more adventures like this but they understand that Tony can't always be there since he'll get busier in the future.

"In the future be it monsters or players you can fight as much as you want since the game will truly begin only when the mainstream players reach towns so when both if you reach level 10 and advance to the town I have a friend who's starting a guild that both of you can join it and compete against other guilds for dominance" hearing about that from Tony made them excited.

"Big brother, you're joining the guild right?" Suzy suddenly asked him because the way he spoke didn't include himself.

"Me, well I'm quite ambitious since I want to conquer the game with a solo player statue" replied Tony with an arrogant tone as if doing that is the easiest thing, the more he acts like that the more Suzy worshipped him for the current her anything Tony says is the right thing.

"I will loot the boar king since my luck is the highest here" it's in his right to loot still him explaining and not just doing it means he's treating them as close friends which really touched the sisters who weren't used for something like that.

As Tony was approaching the boar king corps a dagger appeared out of nowhere heading to his heart, for the girls it was as if time stopped because everything happened so quickly that no one but one person could respond well to the figure appearing.

"You finally showed yourself," Tony said to the mysterious attacker as he successfully dodged the ambush with a margin of hair. If a Thief's ambush struck a player, they would enter a Fainted state for three seconds. These three short seconds were enough for an expert Assassin to obliterate half a player HP. Moreover, Thief's did not possess only a single skill that could place their target in a Fainted state. As long as a Thief placed a player in the Fainted state, they would remain in that state until their death.

"Hoho, you have actually dodged this" it was a figure of a man wearing a black hooded cape, which completely concealed his facial features and only his eyes were visible. Those eyes made both Suzy and Maya trumble from fear because it was like a monster eying a prey.

"It was actually hard tracking you with my sense only since you're an elite Thief. If you had not revealed your killing intent the instant before you attacked you might have succeeded" replied Tony as he was looking at him with interest.

"now since you attacked first it should be my turn right" Tony appeared like a ghost in front of him and struck out with his sword with the fastest speed he could master, his sword capable of annihilating anything on its way yet the black figure reacted quickly doing a jump, then shifts his body to be parallel to the ground, then spins to avoid the attack. As the Humming Blade scraped past his body, like a whip, the black figure brandished both his weapons once more, one of his daggers slicing into Tony's side.

Throughout the entire process, the figure's actions were as smooth and natural as flowing water. But Tony paid no attention to the dagger sailing towards him, the Humming Blade already in motion as it transformed into four sword images, all aimed for the black figure's vital points.

This shocked the black figure because he did not think Tony would give up his defence and instead aimed for mutual destruction. In a hurried motion, the black figure used his other dagger to block the attacks coming at him.

Dang… Dang… Dang…

Sparks flew in mid-air as the black figure ended up knocked back by two yards; he only managed to stabilise his body after retreating three consecutive steps.

"Young man you're truly a monster" the black figure was impressed at the moment because be it strength, reaction speed, or battle sense, Tony was at the top. This was also the first time he had failed an ambush in a virtual reality game which made him even more interested in Tony.

Tony was also eying the mysterious man similarly in great shock. This black figure was practically a killer amongst killers. His movements were both soundless and lethal. His assassination techniques also seemed extremely well-practiced. Furthermore, his attack and reaction speed were insanely quick. From this simple exchange Tony confirmed that his opponent is at least a Peak Expert.

"You're also not a simple man" this Tony honest opinion of the black figure "so why did you ambush me" the mode suddenly changed as a terrifying killing intent was released by Tony, it was the first time that Suzy and Maya saw him angry and it was so scary because if the normal Tony was like a warm big brother for them, then him angered is like an awakened demon.

"Easy there young man I was just interested in you and I thought of testing your skills that's it" even the mysterious man was momentarily shocked by how much heavy tony killing intent, because of his experience in martial arts he was 100% that Tony was truly going for the kill and not just fleshing his killing intent to scare him and this left him slightly scared because anyone who can release such a killing intent and pressure is not a simple one.

"Young Man just who are you because if others believe you're a normal player then that will never work with me"

"Old man are you playing dumb can't you read my name," Tony said in an annoyed tone, it was at that moment that he remembered that he didn't look at the system notification after that man attacked him.

System notification: you have been attacked by Silent Shadow

"Impossible are you telling me that you're the real Mad Demon" it was at that moment that Silent Shadow screamed with all his might while looking at Tony with his eyes almost falling out.

"This is too much for someone who got silent in their name" hearing the mockery in Tony's tone made him almost coughing blood. "And what if it's really me, got a problem with that" hearing him confirming that made Silent Shadow completely quiet.

"I once saw the Mad Demon fight and I remember clearly how arrogant he was and this kid is completely matching it so he should be the real deal," Silent Shadow said under his breath before starting to laugh loudly.

"Mad Demon it's an honour meeting you" he cupped his hands and did a slight bow as a sign of respect which Tony replied with the same gesture.

"And who you might be" it was Tony turn to ask the identity of this mysterious person

"You might not heard about me but 10 years ago I was super famous in the abyss battlefield however an incident happened and I was heavily injured and was forced to leave Martial arts World, from then I used VR games to make a living"

The man was like a chatting box the moment his mouth opened he didn't stop but Tony was looking at him with absolute seriousness because all those participating in the abyss battlefield are not your average person.

"What was your name back then"

"If it was another person I wouldn't have said it but since you're Mad Demon I'm honoured that you want to know it" the man looked at the sky with a longing gaze "back then I was called Phantasm Slasher".

"Holly fuck l actually met a legend" this time it was Tony turn to freak out, first Tony was not interested in him but after he heard his name everything changed, because Phantasm Slasher not only did he have a stunning record in the abyss battlefield, the man was a monstrous genius who came up with his own style without the help of anyone. Inside the circle of the abyss battlefield, some worshipped him while others looked down and made him a bad example.