Chapter 17: Land of Treasures

The area The Lone Peak Mountain was in is a level 9 monster area called the Mountains forest, and when Tony got there he faced some difficulties because the monsters here usually stayed in groups of three to five, and some of them possessed powerful skills.

A single misstep could cause a party-wipe. Let alone a solo player who doesn't have an invisibility skill which made it harder for him to manoeuvre around the monsters. That's why he took almost an hour just to reach his destination.

However when he was looking at the Lone peak mountain Tony got the feeling that it was not a simple one, after all, there were no monsters in the vicinity so he activated [Hawkeye] and he found the cause, there was an invisible barrier around it that made no monster come closer.

Tony tried and found that he can enter easily so he took his time and prepared himself mentally. The first thing he did was check his player panel.

[Name: Mad Demon] (swordsman)

Lvl 07: 91%

HP: 300

Mp: 30

St: 15


Con: 12

Int: 8

Vit: 10

After that he put the 10 free attributes he got from levelling two times while focusing on strength and agility more this time, after all, he was going to investigate the unknown this time so he was betting on those two.

[Name: Mad Demon] (swordsman)

Lvl 07: 91%

HP: 300

Mp: 30

St: 20


Con: 12

Int: 8

Vit: 10

Tony started ascending the mountain while being cautious, after 10 minutes he came across the first monster, an armoured, gigantic creature. Wielding a spiked club the height of two people, he activated [Hawkeye]

[ Beast Rock] (Common Rank)

Level 9

HP 1300/1300

Skills: charge, Rock Smash

A group of tenacious warriors that did not fear to suffer. The thing they loved most was battling, and the fiercer, the better. At the same time, they were also guarding a large pile of treasure, and amongst the treasure.

After reading the description of the skill gave him, Tony was overjoyed as he praised the godly skill in his heart not only did it give him the strength of the [Beast Rock] which he could use to his advantage and come up with a good plan to counter it, but also gave him the information that whenever there's a monster he should find a treasure.

Tony ran practice simulations in his mind a few times.

Carrying out mental simulations would have a tremendous effect during actual operation. Hence, every expert would often carry out mental simulations of the operation before actually taking action.

The reason why experts were experts, was because the preparations they made were much greater than others.

He took a deep breath, relaxing his body as he looked towards the closest Beast Rock. Following this, his two feet exploded with strength, rushing towards the Beast Rock madly when he was less than 15 yards, the monster discovered Tony speeding towards it. It widened its mouth and let out an ear-piercing battle. It raised its gigantic spiked club, used a Charge and rushed towards him.

If players were hit by the Beast Rock's Charge, they will get stunned for 8 seconds after that the monster will use Rock smash and the player's life will end. So when Tony saw the monster using charge he immediately pulled out the Humming Blade. The blade slashed horizontally as he used Parry.


Tony was knocked back by a few yards, pulling some distance away from the Beast Rock without taking any damage, and immediately used [Lightning strike] as three lightning bolts smashed into the Beast Rock and sent it into a fainted state for 4 seconds as -60 -87 -90 appeared above the monster. Tony didn't stop there as he activated [Wind Rush] to Increase his Movement Speed by 100% for 10 seconds. And started slashing madly at the Beast Rock, even when the monster regained its mobility it still couldn't even touch Tony's shadow as he took over 300 HP from the Beast Rock in those 10 seconds.

The Beast Rock roared angrily because no matter what it did it still couldn't touch the tiny human at all while only 740 of the Beast Rock HP remained. Tony started using nearby numerous large rocks to his advantage and toyed with the Beast Rock, making the process of killing it a lot easier. So after 10 minutes, the monster roared

the last time before dropping dead.

"System notification: congratulations for killing a Beast Rock, rewards: 87 exp"

The amount of exp looks pitiful however it was only because of the level difference between Tony and the monster because if they were at the same level Tony would have got only less than a 20 exp.

The battle attracted the attention of other Beast Rocks, however with the experience of the last fight Tony was able to deal with them easily by kitting them around the large rocks and using his speed advantage it was an easy but tiresome fight. After killing more than 15 monsters Tony levelled up again, however when Tony looted he couldn't help but curse because the monster did not reward him with anything special, the only thing he got from killing 17 Beast Rock was 30 bronze coins and some kind of a forging stone called Earth Rock amounted to 55.

"Damn is the system playing a joke on me or what" fighting for three hours only to be rewarded like that, Tony was feeling as if the system is treating him like a bagger or something. He started to investigate again and finally he found something that made him happy. A treasure chest.

In Ancient Myth treasure chests are also ranked Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Legendary.

The Lone Peak Mountain was an unexplored map. The treasures here were bountiful beyond comparison, like the Treasure chest which was a Silver chest that drove Tony to extreme happiness as he almost started dancing.

He started opening the chest which needed 20 seconds for the loading bar to be full and with a click sound the chest was opened and Tony was able to see what's inside.

Two skill books, a sword, a ring, a stack of papers, a Stone and a mask.

After Tony appraised the items he entered a state of shock for a few seconds because everything he got was truly top tier.

"It seems I'm the first player that opened a chest that's why the loot is this insane" Tony said to himself as he started appraising the items inside.

[Name:Thorn Bind]

(Rank: SS) (magical class)

When activated, it would immediately restrain all enemies within a 10-yard radius with thorny vines for four seconds. Moreover, these thorns would connect with the HP of the bound target.

[Name: Reflect]

(Rank: A)

The target's first physical attack will be rebounded onto them, resulting in 100% damage reflection. Consume 45 MP

Cooldown: 3 minutes

[Name: Jade Sword]

(Rank: Gold)

Equipment Level: Level 8

Attack Power +21

Strength +15, Agility +16, Endurance +10

Increases attack damage by 13%

10% to Ignores of the target's defence

Durability 130/130

Additional skill: can be equipped in the weak hand

[Name: Shadow Blessing]

(rank: Gold)

Equipment Requirement: Intelligence 10

Ability: Absolute Nothingness: Allows the user to enter a state where no one can see him while he can see the others. Only usable in a non-combative state.

Duration of 1 minute.

Cooldown: 25 minutes

Just these four if sold can make Tony the richest player at this stage of the game, however, the last three items in Tony's eyes are what is truly valuable.

[Name: Ancient one Record]

A detailed compilation of the Ancient one experiences and techniques in alchemy. This is the first half of the book, when the two halves are brought together you can obtain the complete legacy.

[Name: God touch]

(Rank: Unique mask)

Upon wearing it, all the information about the player will be hidden only extremely strong identification skills can see through it.

[Teleportation stone]

Allow the user to teleport no matter where or under any circumstances to the closest safe place.

Usage time: 3

With the Ancient one Record, his problem on how to make money is gone as he decided to learn alchemy when he reaches the town, and with the mask, he can hide the information about himself and his equipment as for the teleportation stone it was the most valuable thing he acquired especially now that he was investigating the whereabouts of a Devil.

Tony first learned [Reflect] and then equipped both Jade Sword and Shadow Blessing. To equip a weapon in the weak hand one must first be level 10 yet the sword enabled Tony to be a dual-wielder before level 10 which is why he loved the sword, after all from a young age Tony always dreamed about himself going to battle while holding a sword in both hands.