Chapter 19: Completing the quest

"Ding ding ding system notification: congratulations you have known the true name of a Devil"

"Ding ding ding ding system notification congratulations for being the first player that knows a Devil's true name. Rewards: 1 golden treasure chest, a mysterious box, and the ability to affect the Devil extremely"

"Ding ding ding congratulations for being the first to know a Devil's true name. Reward: +100 Fame points in the Mortal realm"

"Ding ding ding system notification congratulations for being the first player to earn Fame points in the game. Rewards: +1 level and [Famous through the land] title"

"Ding ding ding you opened the Fame ranking rewarding: class-related skill"

In a normal time, this amount of

notification sounds would have dazzled him, however, all of Tony's attention was on that Devil not even daring to breathe as he felt a terrifying pressure weighing on him.

Tony's hands were trembling as he celebrated his quick decision of activating Absolute Nothingness or else the Devil would have discovered his presence.

After calming down for 5 seconds Tony looked back at the Devil again After confirming that his presence couldn't be sensed he made a bold decision and entered the room while observing everything carefully, what attracted his attention the most was the things inside the magic arrays that the Devil was working on. There was a fivefold array and inside it, three small arrays each held an item, a book, a ring, and a scroll.

All the Devil's attention was on those three items as Tony could see eagerness and madness in the Devil's eyes while looking at them or else he truly believed that even with the skill activation the Devil would have sensed him.

"Finally the time I leave after being trapped in this damn forsaken place for thousands of years is soon" the Devil roared with his voice filled with killing intent, Tony even felt that the room trembled a bit which told him even more about the shocking strength of the Devil.

"However to be trapped and ending up with these treasures is truly worth it" it said while liking its sharp teeth, Tony's ear twitched as he looked at those items which made even a supreme Devil greedy. However, even when using Hawkeye Tony got no information on them.

"It's definitely the effects of the array" Tony started cracking his brain and trying to think of how to at least get the information or maybe even steal those items even though he knew that it was impossible he still didn't give up entirely.

When 30 seconds of the Absolute Nothingness time has gone Tony finally gave up and started thinking of retreating he heard The Devil talking again

"Why that trash is not here yet did something happen to him or what" from the tone of the Devil it seems as if he has an accomplisher then he remembered that Hawkeye said that he was cursed by a Devil minion when the sound of harried steps. Turning his head back to the door and a hooded person entered.

"Apius pay his respect to Master Solrar" said the hooded person while kneeling to the Devil, Tony could even see him trembling a little.

"Why did you come late Apius"

"Master Solrar after the last time I dealt with that Hunter I wanted to finish him off since he was quick to run away however no matter what, I didn't find any lead on him even though I searched everywhere even using the Alliance network only recently did I get a lead on him" said Apius as he revealed his appearance to be a middle-aged man with a face full of wrinkles to the point of making him look ugly and frightening

"You a Grandmaster Cursemancer can't even find a mere Hunter" the Devil was looking at him with a merciless gaze "give the things I asked for and scram from my face trash" the Devil's voice was filled with killing intent that made Apius tremble. Tony could see that he was sweating profusely as he took a bag that started floating toward the Devil before he turned around and left the room. Tony saw that he still had 15 seconds from Absolute Nothingness so he decided to follow Apius.

As Apius left the room his aura changed as a beast was awakened, Tony was surprised because the difference between the two versions of Apius that he saw was like the difference between heaven and earth.

"Damn that Hawkeye where the hell did he hide" Apius was in a full rage at that moment "although my [Soulslayer] is affecting him I still need to find him and finish him off although he knew nothing of our plans I still need to be cautious" after that he looked back to the room where the Devil stay "just wait you bastard after I can find your true name the one who'll be a slave is you not me" Apius said with a sneer before took out a talisman and chanted an incarnation before vanishing from there.

"Ding ding System notification: congratulations Devil hunt quest has been completed visit Hawkeye the Hunter and tell him what you discovered"

Tony at that instant heard the system notification indicating that his quest is done and he could leave anytime he wants, however in Tony's heart he still wished to try and take one of those items from the Devil.

"I know that Devil's true name so I can affect it however given how weak I'm at the moment it definitely will take only a few seconds" Tony started thinking about how to use that to his advantage and waited for the cooldown of Absolute Nothingness to end so he can use it again.

While waiting for the 25 minutes to end Tony started going through the rewards he got

[Famous through the land]

(Basic title)

The ability to accept all quests in the Mortal realm

Have a commission of 10% on all items you buy from any shop.

Have the traitement of a 3-star baron

[Shadowless Stance]

Attack three times instantly the first one carries 120% of one's attack power the other two carry 100% of it. The attack also causes 100% darkness damage.

Tony was amazed by the skill and the title as for the two boxes he truly didn't dare to open them here fearing that the Devil will sense it and his death will come with that.

"Hahahahahahaha finally I have unsealed these items and now they're mine" the Devil started roaring and laughing which startled Tony as he approached the room while activating Absolute Nothingness, inside the room the scary Devil was laughing like a madman while looking at the three items which are not in an array right now.

"Finally I can leave this forsaken place and go back to the Demon realm and all those bastards will suffer my wrath".

Seeing that the Devil was going to pick those items Tony finally couldn't hold himself anymore as he canceled Absolute Nothingness revealing himself to the Devil.

Although all the attention was on those items still the appearance of Tony out of nowhere didn't escape Solrar attention as a mad killing intent assaulted Tony that made his body stiff.

"An ant dare to come to my place die" Solrar roared at Tony as a black flame manifested in its hand, when Tony saw that flame his subconscious told him that even if it was a game his life will end if that flame touch him, without delaying he yelled

"Jurthradaan don't move'' as if a decree from heaven Solrar stood there frozen and a moment later screamed as if unbearable pain assaulted its soul. For Tony, all this didn't matter as he activated all the speed buff he had and rushed to those items madly.

The first thing he took was the Ancient scroll as it gave a unique aura, when the scroll entered his bag, Solrar entered in a frenzied state "human ant I'll kill you no matter where you go" and flame started coming from its body, Tony knew that he didn't have much time as he reached for the ring and put it in the bag. Solrar at that instant roared and ignored the pain on its soul and instantly appeared behind Tony who almost had a hand on the last item.

Feeling the pressure from his behind, either he ran away or take the last item and risked dying and this was the only thought in Tony's mind.

"Fuck it being greedy is a sin after all" Tony took the Teleportation stone and activated it when the strike of Solrar arrived only to hit the air.


That strike erased everything in a radius of 50 yards and a big chasm was created in its place, yet the book still stood there and nothing happened to it.

"Despicable human I'll burn your soul when I catch you" Solrar was burning with the desire of killing Tony in the most brutal way however that's only a dream at the moment cause the Devil was sealed in that ruin.

"If I delayed a fracture of a second that Devil would have got me" Tony took a breath of relief as he appeared in a cave after checking the map he found that he was in a mountain closer to the village with no true strong monsters.

"System notification: You have stolen Legendary Devil Solrar's treasure, and Solrar has employed the Soul Curse against you in retaliation and his kin will hunt you whenever they are within 1000 yards of you. You'll also suffer double the death penalty"

Hearing the notification Tony's face twitched "damn you I just stole two things how can that Devil be this vicious" being hunted by the Devilkin put some pressure on him however the double death penalty means losing two levels each time he died was not something he could accept.

"Let me see what kind of items made the Devil this angry" he first took out the ancient scroll and started observing it. The moment the scroll was opened the first thing Tony saw was a language that he didn't understand and suddenly everything inside the cave froze as if time stopped, Tony kept looking at the scroll floating in front of him with a shocked gaze because the pressure the scroll was giving him was mightier than the pressure he felt from the Devil.

"Ding ding ding ding system notification: you have discovered the scroll of Myth)

[Welcome chosen one. Do you wish to change your Fate and embarked on the road of Divinity]