Chapter 21: Traceless Sword

"Ding ding ding ding congratulations for being the first player to enter a Prajna state"

"Congratulations the world energy have purified the player body"

After few minutes Tony wook up from that state and was looking at the box in his hand with complete shock as his heart started beating fast because the many thoughts that plugged him recently about his Martial arts were all solved and even gained different insights.

Tony even felt that his brain capacity has been raised which made it easy for him to have a better control over his body and execute any technique.

"To think there's an item in this game that let one enter an enlightenment state"

In Buddhism, prajna is the ultimate understanding of the true nature of existence and reality. It is a Sanskrit word derived from the roots pra, meaning "beginning" or "premium," and jna, meaning "consciousness" or "understanding." Prajna is a state of pure consciousness that transcends worldly concepts or belief systems that might impede perfect wisdom. It is considered to be direct insight into the truth received from the teachings of Buddha and it is needed in order to reach enlightenment.

That's why Tony was shocked because reaching enlightenment is said to be harder than ascending heaven, yet a random item inside the game made him achieve what many wanted but never could.

"So that's why master said that my Formless Style is unrefined to think I was walking on a wrong road from the beginning" Tony couldn't help but shake his head when he remembered how proud he was when he came up with the style even his revered master praised him for it, although the style was crude a bit his master still believes that the style has a lot of potential.

Only when he entered an enlightenment state did he find that the style was full of holes and if he kept training in the same way he'll never be able to achieve anything significant, however now that he knows where the problems lay, solving them would be easier.

Tony set down and started meditating after calming his heart and with that two hours went by quickly, when he opened his eyes again his aura was slightly different than usual, before he was like a sharp edged sword his aura was leaking everywhere however at the moment no aura was coming from him like an old mountain he stood there proudly and calmly however under that calmness was the sharpest sword ready to cut any enemy on his way.

After many years he finally took the step and reached the stage of Grandmaster.

Taking a deep breath and suddenly Tony started swaying around the cave in an irregular way, if anyone saw him the moment they would get dizzy and confused.

"Ding ding ding Congratulations you have created another skill" the system notification sounded in Tony ear which made him grin as he named the new skill he created.

[Name: Ghost step](restricted for Mad Demon)

[Rank: SS-rank]

Increase speed by 200% while moving in an irregular way while confusing the enemy. Duration: 20 second

Cooldown: 45 seconds.

The description of the skill delighted Tony even more because just testing some ideas about the Formless Style in his mind led to creating a unique skill that was tailored for him alone.

The trick of this technique is about the centre of gravity becoming unstable, for the watcher it will be as if the body is swaying around in an irregular way, this will confuse the enemy and make him not able to determine his next action.

Tony came up with the idea of this skill because of his new insights in the Formless Style

"Ding ding ding congratulations for being the first player to create a skill that corresponds with your personal style. Rewards: Advance title [Martial Genius], +100 fame in Mortal Realm and 100 gold"

[Martial Genius] (Advance title)

Raise the Chance of creating a skill by 25%. Can teach the skills you create

"It seems that the system is giving me more ways to make money" Tony was pleased with his new title because it'll help him in many ways like selling some of the normal skills he'll create, or give them to his subordinate in the future, he started planning for the future.

As Tony was leaving the cave, he first checked his surroundings and making sure there was nothing outside did he start marching. However soon Tony realised there was something different about the world or more precisely there was something different about him.

With his virtual body until this moment Tony hadn't been able to exhibit 100% of his strength. Because that body hadn't felt like it had truly belonged to him. Hence, he hadn't been able to immerse himself in battle fully, but now, he was feeling a true sense of realism.

Tony felt as his body was full of energy, he believes if that Boar King were to appear before him again, he would end it in 10 seconds this how much different he was feeling at the moment.

"Is this because the world's energy purified my body?" Tony was full of questions.

"This game is getting more and more interesting I must tell master about what I experienced"

As he descended the mountain he came across many different types of herbs and planets, some were used for healing potion, some for replenishing the Mana and some for other uses, because of the Book Of Nature Tony knowledge about herbs was vast so he started searching through the mountain for all the useful herbs while levelling his gathering skill.

After 30 minutes he came across more than 50 types of herbs however because of his low level in terms of gathering herbs he wasted a few while his gathering proficiency gained 38, however to reach the basic gathering skill level he needed 1000 proficiency so he was very far from that.

After leaving the mountain Tony finally met the first monster

[Mountain Bear](Special Elite)

Level: 9

HP: 2500

Attacks: Mountain Smash, Bear Roar and Grizzly Slash

Strong defence and attack, this was the feeling the Mountain Bear was giving Tony,however this didn't lower his desire for battling the monster as he wanted to test his new strength on a strong foe.

The Bear was like a local boss of this area, and no one dared to trespass it yet at this moment a weak little human was not only trespassing the area and he was actually looking at the Bear like a prey which angered it.

With a roar the Bear with mad speed launches itself at Tony, if any other player was here he would be shocked because the Bear was simply too fast as it crossed 10 yards almost instantly, however Tony merely sidestepped and let the paw of the Bear pass him easily.

This angered the Bear even more as it unleashed all its speed attacking Tony with everything it got yet no matter what angle or how powerful the strike the Bear couldn't touch Tony at all as he dodged all those attacks with ease.

"What a wonderful feeling the control over my body is at least 50% then it used to be" Tony was delighted because he gained massive improvements after entering the Prajna state.

Tony kept dodging the Mountain Bear while marvelled over the fact he stepped on the stage of Grandmasters, be it his defence of attack it reached a new high.

When a flash of inspiration suddenly hit him as he brandished his sword and started swinging it around in a bizarre way.

Tony swords started getting faster and seemed impossible to follow with the naked eye, the Bear was shocked because before it figures anything Tony swung the Humming Blade at it and at that instant the sword disappeared


A huge scar appeared on the Body of the Mountain Bear as it howled in pain and a -3000 appeared above it body before falling down dead and Tony was looking at the scene dumbfoundedly

"Ding ding ding ding congratulation for being the first player that created an SSS-rank skill. Please name it"

The notification brought Tony back to his sense as he kept staring at the dead Bear with bewilderment, he was merely testing some theories yet he created the highest rank skill in the game which he named [Traceless Sword]

[Name: Traceless Sword](restricted for Mad Demon)

(rank: SSS-RANK)

Unblockble strike. Deliver a sword that carries 200% of your strength.

Cooldown: 90 seconds.

"Damn what a terrifying skill" Tony's body trembled as he read the description of the skill, an unblockable attack means that in certain situations this skill will be Tony's killing move.

"Do you wish for your name to be spread throughout the land?"

The notification surprised him a bit as he didn't imagine that creating the first SSS-rank skill will lead to a world notification which is rare from what the system guide said.

"No don't announce my name" he chose to hide his name because simply too much attention will be of no good for him.

"Ancient Myth main server notification: congratulation for player XXXX for being the first player to create an SSS-rank skill. Rawading: 1 Gold equipment, 1000 gold and 1 special gift".

The moment the notification sounded it was as if the time in the game stopped, before all the players exploded all thinking the same thing: who the hell is the mysterious player.