Chapter 26: Astonishing Talent

Unyielding Mountain was once a decade genius that was groomed in the 7-star Eternal Glory guild in his late teens with the hope of getting the guild on the right track When the previous guild leader abruptly announced his retirement, many of the experts left the virtual gaming world alongside him and it was a few years later that the guild almost fallout from the ranks of 7-star guilds, those were hard times yet Unyielding Mountain didn't disappoint his guild mates as he grows up to become the current guild leader that saves Eternal Glory from being lost forever.

Since Ancient Myth attracted a lot of attention, many companies became interested in taking a part in it and started investing in Eternal Glory which was what the guild needed the most at the time, with the help of the new funds they were able to attract a lot of experts and new fresh talents, in turn, solidified the guild rank as a 7-star guild. Although it became one of the weakest 7-star guilds compared to its former strength.

With that Unyielding Mountain knew that it was Eternal Glory's chance to regain their former and maybe even surpass it, however, Ancient Myth brought him a lot of shocks that made his passion and ambition burn even more. Unyielding Mountain made all those from his guild only level up and gather as much information as they could about the game mechanics.

After going through many monster hunts with Bright Jade and Tiger Overlord who are part of Eternal Glory Elders and considered Monstrous Experts because of their combat capacity, the small party didn't face any difficulty since starting in their village as they slayed a considerable number of monsters and completed many quests. Their luck was pretty good as they found many good equipment and skills which made their advancement easier.

After going through a level 7 map, Unyielding Mountain got a message that a dungeon appeared and all the players gathered there, yet on their way back they suddenly come across a lone player in the forest.

The player is handsome Swordsman male youth in his early twenties, wearing an armor set strikingly pitch-black, but it was also engraved with silver runes all over it, the most surprising thing was that this player has two swords something that should be happening only when a Swordsman reach level 10 which is impossible at the moment, so the only explanation the trio have was that one of his swords let him do it.

Unyielding Mountain party stopped 20 yards before Tony, who was looking at them and a cold glint flashing in his eyes.

"Little Brother you don't have to be this vigilante we mean no harm" Unyielding Mountain said with a smile when he sensed the faint killing intent from Tony. It was cold and merciless. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to describe him as a humanoid beast. This made him even more impressed by Tony. Because for a youngster to be able to unleash such an aura can only mean he is talented and an exceptional one.

Tony didn't reply to him as he kept looking at a certain place which for the first time truly shocked Unyielding Mountain

"Don't tell me he saw through it '' Unyielding Mountain muttered to himself as he looked at Tony in a new light.

"Since you mean no harm I'm taking my leave then" Tony turned around preparing to leave because he fully understood that he was no match for their group.

"Little brother please wait a second" Unyielding Mountain stopped "are affiliated with any guild or a group".

Tiger Overlord and Bright Jade could see how ardent their boss was when he asked the young man that. Because not even when he met those famous experts was he this excited.

"Nah I'm just a lone wolf who prefers freedom above all"

"Why don't you join my guild?" Unyielding Mountain said with burning eyes "I'm Unyielding Mountain the current leader of the Guild Eternal Glory"

"From the look on your face, it seems you never heard of our guild before" Tiger Overlord suddenly interrupted as he said with an angry look. Because he saw that Tony made no reaction when hearing those names.

"yeah, I never heard of your guild" Tony looked at Tiger Overlord in the eye with no fear "except for those insanely famous experts and guilds I don't know much about the rest" Tony the last 5 years didn't even have time to breath let alone playing a virtual game because of the harsh training that his master put him through.

"I'm happy with your invitation however I won't join any guild if I do, Eternal Glory will be the one" Tony said when he saw how good-natured Unyielding Mountain was. His promise made Unyielding Mountain even more impressed since young talented experts tend to be quite arrogant and prideful, yet Tony who from what they saw was probably an Extraordinary Expert didn't have any arrogance when talking, this was one of the reasons why he wanted to recruit him.

Unyielding Mountain was looking a bit disappointed because of Tony's rejection because he could tell with a single glance that he was insanely talented compared to the new butch that Eternal Glory recruited

"It's alright even if we can't be guildmates we still can be friends right" after that Tony and Unyielding Mountain exchanged contact, Tony was going to leave when Bright Jade stopped him.

"Little brother dungeons started appearing around the villages so why don't you follow us to explore them together" Bright Jade said as she gazed at Tony with seductive eyes, her mature charm was deadly to any man, yet Tony after going through to special circumstances his control over his body and brain reached a great high that nothing can shake his focus and calmness.

Seeing that bright Jade charm didn't work on Tony surprised even Tiger Overlord because he knew how fatal her beauty was to those youngsters, yet Tony kept looking at her with clear eyes like an unmovable boulder.

"Dungeons started appearing" Tony muttered under his breath before he suddenly noticed that he had some messages, when he read them he found that it was Suzy and Brandan telling him about the appearance of the dungeon.

"Your offer is making me happy however some of my friends are waiting for me so I can't join you" Tony rejected her over "in the future if we can then let's clear some dungeons together" after saying that he bid them farewell.

"What an interesting young man" Bright Jade was looking at Tony back with even more interest than Unyielding Mountain.

"What we saw is only the tip of the iceberg from him" Unyielding Mountain was still upset that he didn't recruit Tony "he's more frightening than both of you think, am I right Silent Dawn" the moment those words sounded someone appeared suddenly beside Unyielding Mountain, he was a middle-aged man with a slim body and refined appearance, with an indifferent expression on his face.

The moment he appeared, Bright Jade and Tiger Overlord trembled, he was so close to them yet they couldn't sense him at all. If this person was an enemy their doom would have been close, fortunately, this new person was one of them. Silent Dawn was arguably the strongest person in Eternal Glory and the reason why those stronger Guilds didn't take action against them since his assassination skills made him a force to reckon with.

"The moment we got closer he already saw through my stealth" Silent Dawn was astonished at Tony's senses "this kid is better to be a friend than an enemy especially if Ancient Myth is truly the first game he's playing seriously because his talent is astonishing" his words made the trio remember that Tony hinted that he was not familiar with the virtual world, this raised their opinion of him to the top. and to be praised by Silent Dawn who the last time praised someone who grow up becoming an expert with inhuman combat capacity

Tony didn't bother to think about either the trio or the hidden Thief, because they didn't show any hostility that's why he didn't mention it, after running for 30 minutes Tony finally reached the Dungeon closer to the village he started in.

Wolf Den is a dungeon that appeared in the middle of Five villages, when Tony arrived there was a sea of players in front of the Wolf Den. Currently, they were all gathered around the Dungeon's entrance. from Level 2 to Level 6 players were everywhere, The Elite teams of the large Guilds had also arrived. You can see many with Iron and Bronze equipment, sometimes even some experts in Silver or maybe Gold equipment might appear which made the area very crowded.

Tony's appearance attracted a lot of attention, especially his black mask which had a blood-red drawing of what looked like a demon. Many wanted to invite him to their party yet were afraid of his menacing aura. While the strong Guild ignored him since their teams were already decided.

At the Southwest part of the Deathly Forest Dungeon's entrance, a great disturbance suddenly appeared. Many players had run over, one after another, every one of them having excited expressions

The newcomer was not just anybody; she was every man's idol, Goddess Gentle Breeze, and behind her 4 other girls. Gentle Breeze's body was covered in a suit of gorgeous silver-colored Plate Armor, revealing her fine and curvaceous body. Adding to her angelic beauty and otherworldly temperament, even women's hearts would be moved by her, as well as a large group of men. Yet no one would have dared to be disrespectful of her because she's the second Vice Guild Leader of the 7-star guild Amazon Lily which is a unique guild that accepts girls only yet considered one of the strongest with great hope of reaching the ranks of 8-star.

Another commotion happened as the Temple Knights approached the Dungeon entrance, leading them was Eternal Knight, their first Vice Guild Leader.

This Level 5 Dungeon attracted many strong experts, just around him Tony could feel many threatening aura from different individuals. There are also some who even with his sharp senses couldn't get anything from so he marked them as the most dangerous ones.

"Never have I imagined that even Eternal Knight the MT of Temple Knights would come to this place"

"Hmph, Temple Knights is just a 6-star Guild. Look over there; even the Goddess of Amazon Lily, Gentle Breeze, is here. Also, the Guardian Knight named Happy Soul by her side is a top Tank of the Amazon Lily and in no way inferior to Eternal Knight"

The players in the surrounding area started a discussion amongst themselves. They held optimistic views towards these Guilds at clearing the Wolf Den. It was to be expected, as there were over ten Guilds currently present, both large and small. Amongst these Guilds, the most well-known Guild would be the 7-star Guild, Amazon Lily. Following them would be the 6-star Guild, Temple Knights. The others were just some unknown Guilds, but they still would not be looked down on.

Many of the loosely made Elite parties were wiped out before even meeting the first dungeon Boss as those who progressed the furthest said that defeating is hard even in the dungeon's lowest difficulty. All the main team of the guilds didn't start entering the dungeon yet as they sent their reserve members to scout the dungeon for better understanding.