Chapter 2 - The first day in a Japanese family

03 September 1995.

Late morning

Nanjing museum- theatre hall

Lots of people attended the premier of the war movie, "My mum was a top spy". Wei ting was standing at the door of the theatre welcoming all the guests when he saw two persons walk towards Wei ting…..

"This is your sister, Wei En. She was born on 1948 when mum was left with few months life span. We brought along our father, Kanijiro Kenji." Wei guang said.

Wei en pushes a wheelchair bound old man….

"Hi Wei ting, I want to see Yan ting again. I heard the Director have found an actor that resembles Yan ting. I missed him very much." Kenji said softly.

"Yes, the actor looks very much to mummy. Come, I push you over to the seats." Wei ting replied.

30 mins later, the premier started.

Wei ting went up to the stage to give a speech.

"Good morning to everyone. Welcome to the movie premier of my novel, "My mum was a top spy." Before the movie starts, I would like to explain a short introduction of my novel. This is a true story biography of my mum, a famous courtesan and spy in Nanking during the World War 2. She was an intersex person. He was a man with female reproductive system. It was very uncommon during that period. So everyone misunderstood Xia Yan Ting was a lady. I am also an intersex person myself with a happy family. My twins sons are already 30 and me and my hubby decided to come to Nanjing to stay here permanently. Please enjoy the movie. Thanks." Wei Ting said.

The movie starts. Wei ting sat next to Kenji.

"You looks like your mum when he was young." Kenji said.

The movie starts showing a 5 years old Xia Yan Ting took the train with his parents to the Japan, Kyoto.

05 January 1920

In the train from china(Nanking to Kyoto)

A 5 year old, Xia Yan ting sitting next to his mother eating some biscuits.

"Eat and eat! I have such a useless son!" Xia Ming said angrily.

"Ay, Ming our son is hungry, just let him eat." Wang Ping replied.

Two days later, the Xia family reaches the Takeshita residence.

At the Takeshita residence.

Wang Ping brought her son, Yan Ting together to her master residence.

"Konnichiwa masuta, watashi wa chugoku Nankin Kara Wang ping. Kare wa watashi no musukodesu Xia Yan ting." Wang ping said. (Hello master, I am Wang ping from China, Nanking. This is my son, Xia Yan ting.)

"Don't worry. All of us can understand English. Kenniji! There is a guest here." Kanishita replied.

Kenniji ran downstairs.

He kept staring at Yan ting.

Kenniji OS: wow, this girl is so beautiful!

"Hi, I am Takeshita Kenniji. You're so beautiful!" Kenniji said loudly.

"I..I am a boy, my name is Xia Yan ting." Yan ting replied.

"Otosan, can he join me to school together?" Kenniji asked.

"Sure, why not." Kanishita replied.

Since that day. Yan ting joined Kenniji together in the primary school. They studied together. Kenniji was older than Yan ting one year.

Wang ping also sent Yan ting to a Chinese opera and geisha school to learn arts when he was 6 years old.

After morning school, Yan ting go to the opera house for training till 6 in the evening and he will go to a Geisha house at 8 to study till 10.

At the age of 9, Yan ting loves to perform opera and geisha in-front of the Takeshita family.

Kanishita and his wife, Janice love Yan ting a lot and accepted him as their god son at his age of 10.

At the age of 13, Yan ting and Kenniji also went to the same secondary school. They went to different classes.

03 February 1928 evening.

Kenniji and Wang ping was at the audience seats waiting for Yan ting to perform geisha.

In the fitting room.

Yan ting was wearing his outfit when he felt a sharp pain in his lower tummy. Suddenly his outfit below all stained with blood.

"Mummy! Mummy help me!" Yan ting screaming with pain.

The students and Teachers heard his shoutings and ran to the dressing room. A student went to call Wang ping.

A teacher who is an Eurasian lady, Judith happens to understand Yan ting's situation.

"Does anyone have an extra undies and sanitary pad?" Judith asked.

Luckily a lady happen to have a spare undies.

"Sorry, what is a sanitary pad?" Emiko asked.

During that Era, no one knows what is a sanitary pad. The ladies just used belts and cottons to protect the blood from flowing.

"Cotton belt for menses. Okay, use this temporary I will rush home to get a pad for him." Judith replied.

Yan ting kept crying inside the changing room. Wang ping and Kenniji knocks on the door…..

"Ting! Ting! It's fine! Open the door! It's Kenniji and your mum!" Kenniji said loudly.

Yan ting open the door and hide himself on Wang ping arms.....

"Mummy! I want to go home! I want to go home!" Yan ting said crying.

"Just let him go home first." 'Emiko replied.

When they are about to go home, Judith came back.

"Are you going home? Let me accompany all of you home and I will explain what happened to him." Judith said.

Judith follow Wang ping, Yan ting and Kenniji back to the Xia residence.

In the Xia residence.

Xia Ming just came back home and saw Yan ting stained with blood.

"What nonsense is happening to him?!" Xia Ming asked angrily.

"He is having those ladies' problem." Wang ping said softly.

"Rubbish! What lady problem?!" Xia Ming asked loudly and hit Wang ping.

Yan ting pushes away Xia Ming….

"That is my problem! Want to hit, hit me!" Yan ting said angrily.

"Who say I don't dare to hit you!? Right from start I know you're a useless son! So short, always breathless and talk like a woman!" Xia Ming replied loudly and kick on Yan ting below.

Kenniji went up to Xia Ming and beat him...

"You get away from Yan ting and aunty wang!" Kenniji shouted loudly.

"Quickly bring Yan ting to his room first." Judith replied.

Xia Ming angrily went out of the house.

-End of chapter-
