Chapter 4 - Brought back to china

Kenniji heard Yan ting is in hospital, he went to the hospital the next morning.

Boguji hospital- yan ting ward

Kenniji walks into the ward. He saw Yan ting lying on the bed mumbling his name softly…..

"Ken..Kenniji, please don't leave me. Kenniji."

Yan ting said softly.

Kenniji hold his hands tightly...

"Yan ting! Yan ting! I am sorry please wake up! I will protect you forever! I promised!" Kenniji said loudly and cried.

Kenniji's tears falls on Yan ting hands. Yan ting woke up by the tears…..

"Ken..Kenniji?" Yan ting asked softly.

"Yes, it's me." Kenniji replied.

Yan ting tried to lift up his hands to touch Kenniji face…..

"Ken…Kenniji. I missed you." Yan ting said softly.

"Ting, don't worry I will always be there for you." Kenniji replied.

Since that day, Kenniji and Yan ting become very close. Yan ting starts to pretend like a girl. Lots of people in Yan ting flat spread lots of gossips about him.

Two weeks later.

A few neighbours saw yan ting and Kenniji kissing each other downstairs the flat. Wang ping also saw that moment.

Back in the house.

Yan ting went back home. Wang ping stands at the hall waiting for him.

"Mum! I am back home." Yan ting said happily.

"Stand there! What did you and Kenniji do downstairs just now!?" Wang ping asked angrily.

"Mum….I..I fell in love with him for a year already. Sorry mum, we're dating together." Yan ting bend down his head and replied.

Wang ping slapped him hardly on his face...

"What did you said?! Dating?! Do you know the both of you are man not girl! Do you know what are people saying behind both of you!? Do you know because of this his parents sack me off and ask us go back to china!?" Wang ping cried and angrily asked.

"But mum! I can give him a child! I am able to be pregnant. I can speak to his parents tomorrow. Don't worry mum." Yan ting replied.

Wang ping pushes him on the floor…..

"Do you understand!? Because of you I lost my job! And now the neighbours are all talking bad about the both of you! They said you're a mad guy! Like a man! Crazy!" Wang ping said loudly.

Yan ting's right leg got cut due to fall.

"Mum! I will definitely not give up Kenniji! Unless I die!" Yan ting replied crying.

"Then you want me to die right?! Okay! I now jump down infront of you!" Wang ping said loudly.

Wang ping ran towards the window near the kitchen windows. Yan ting ran towards the kitchen and pull her away and grabs her tightly…..

"Mum! Please! I love Kenniji very much! Please don't force me to break off with him! Is because of him I can get up from my fever last month!" Yan ting cried and said.

"I will give you two weeks to leave him! Anyway we are going back to China in two weeks time." Wang ping replied.

"What!? We are going back to China?! Why?" Yan ting asked shockingly.

"We are losing our jobs because the both of you selfishly in love! Don't you understand?!" Wang ping replied angrily.

"Losing..losing jobs because of me?! But we can find other jobs! We do not need to leave Japan! I love Japan and love Kenniji very much!" Yan ting asked crying.

Wang ping pull his shirt....

"My dear son! Don't you understand!? No one is willing to accept such people like you! I don't want you to suffer!" Wang ping hug him and cried.

Both son and mother cried bitterly. Xia Ming came back home and saw them crying. He drank lots of alcohol and start smiling at them. He grabs Yan ting into his room and locks it.

Wang ping kept knocking on the door…..

"Ming! What are you doing he is your son! You cannot do such things to him! He is only 15!" Wang ping shouted.

In the room.

Xia Ming pulls down Yan ting's pants and touches his penis….

"Oh, my son have no balls at all! Let me feel your upper body. Ooh, your nipples are like a girl and you have a little boobs." Xia Ming said softly and smiling to Yan ting.

"Dad please let me go! I don't want this!" Yan ting cried.

Xia Ming inserts two fingers into Yan ting butt hole….

"Wow you're so wet! Just like a virgin girl! You haven't have sex with Kenniji? Then let dad try on you first." Xia Ming asked.

Xia Ming grabs hold of Yan ting hands and tie it up. He took down his pants and inserts his penis into Yan ting.

"No! Ah! No! Please stop! Dad! Please stop!" Yan ting shouted and cried.

Xia Ming forcefully force into Yan ting, till he bleeds. He sucks yan ting's nipples and he screams and cries loudly due to the pain.

Aft 3 hours, Xia Ming steps out of the room. Wang ping quickly dashes into room. She saw Yan ting lying on the bed with lots of bruises all over his body and his private part bleeding.

Wang ping couldn't take the blow and she killed herself by jumping down from the flat. Yan ting heard the thudding loud sound, without washing up he just wore a long bathrobe and rushes out to see.

He stand outside his door and saw his mum lying motionless with a pool of blood below. He ran down as quick as possible.

Yan ting pushes the crowd away. The crowd saw Yan ting with only a bathrobe revealing part of his naked body. He grabs his mum's bloodied body crying with silence.

The police came and brought them to the hospital.

Yan ting was cuffed up and sent to the police station. He pushes away the policemen and ran towards the van…..

"Mum! Mum! Please don't leave me! Ting ting will listen to you! I will leave Kenniji! I will go back to china with you! Mum! Wake up!" Yan ting cried non-stop shouting for his mum.

The policemen grabs hold of him and noticed that he is not wearing any clothes except his bathrobe.

"Please follow us to the police station." A policeman said.

"Please! Let me settle my mum funeral before going to the police station." Yan ting replied with swell eyes.

B policeman kept looking at his body….

"I think he better go for a shower and a body check. Are you been sexually abused?! Your below is bleeding and lots of white substance leaking out from below." B policeman asked.

Yan ting became very frightened and fell to the floor…..

"No…nothing is wrong! one force me!"

Yan ting replied frantically.

"Seems like this boy is not stable. Send him to the hospital and check." A policeman said softly.

One of the police officers hit Yan ting head from behind and he fainted. They lift him to the ambulance.

Xia Ming heard that his son was sent to the hospital. He bought some of his friends to the hospital.

In the bus.

"Hey, we smuggled back my son to china. He is a rare kind, if we bring him back to the opera or brothel in china we can earn great bucks!" Xia Ming said laughing.

"Ming! Are you crazy!? He is your son!? How can you do this to him?!" Wong Lun asked angrily.

"Non of your business! My son is a intersex person! He will be very sellable in china!" Xia Ming replied loudly.

"You must be crazy!" Wong Lun said and walks off.

In the hospital.

"I…I am fine. Let me pay respect to my mum for the last time. Please!" Yan ting said.

"Are you a foreigner? With such things happened, we have to send you back to china. Do you have any other relatives here?" A police man asked.

Yan ting shakes his head.

At this moment, Xia Ming came to the hospital.

"Sir! There is a man claiming that he is this boy's father!" A nurse shouted.

"He…he is not my father! He is not!" Yan ting shouting panicking.

Yan ting fell on the floor and cried.

"Okay. We will ask him to leave." The nurse said.

Yan ting cried non stop and shivers till he fainted.

In the night.

Xia Ming and his friend went to the hospital and carried a fainted Yan ting out of the hospital secretly.

That same day night they took a boat back to china.

-End of chapter-