Chapter 24: Magic Spell

In simpler words, their power will remain the same as the power of their peers, even after using an exorbitant amount of cultivation resources.

"Ya, his clan indeed made the right choice by abandoning him. He is indeed a waste."

"I am not a waste. You are a waste"

The boy shouted loudly.

The passerby's face turned red and she retorted,

"Hmph! You are a waste. Look boy, I don't want to break your fragile little heart but you are indeed not made for cultivation."

"Ya kid, you are so small, look for a job. Might be after 20 years, you will be able to get a decent job."



Gu Jin felt that they were being too cruel toward a small boy like him. However remembering that this was Magic World, Gu Jin felt that they were not wrong.

After all in Magic World, the only rule was survival of the fittest.

The boy was trying to hold back his tears and turned to look in Gu Jin's direction. Gu Jin saw the pleading look in the boy's eyes and was stunned.

But the direction in which he was looking at...

Turning around Gu Jin saw a couple who looked as if they were in their early twenties.

'They might be his parents'

However, Gu Ji saw how the couple gave a stern look to the boy as if telling him to not look for them.

"Kai whatever they are saying is for your own good! Listen to them and never come back to the clan. We have already served ties 1 year ago. And if possible stop looking for us."

Gu Jin heard their word's and a cold light flashed past her eyes.

"Hahaha, see even his parents don't side with him."

Seeing this, the couple showed a disappointed expression and left.

The boy lowered his head seeing the action of his parents, and the middle-aged man who had earlier slapped him, lifted his hand to slap...


Turning around, everyone saw a beautiful girl with red eyes walking toward the boy.

Ignoring her voice, the middle-aged man again lifted his hand, when...

"Plant Vines"

Gu Jin cast a Magic Spell.


The middle-aged man's arm was twisted and fear appeared in his eyes.

"What? A mage?"

"Oh my god! Is this young girl a Mage?"

"From her looks, she is in her teenage, yet she is already a Primary Mage! Wow"

Most of the people present were ordinary people, so seeing a Mage, they were in awe.

Ignoring the comment, she bent at the level of the boy who was looking at her in a daze.

"Si Kai, right?"

Si Kai nodded his head.

Gu Jin lifted him easily, during this month, not only she focused on her Magic, Mana cultivation but also cultivated her body too.

Before leaving, Gu Jin tossed 2 magic stones at the middle-aged man's face who was clutching his twisted arm.

2 magic stones were equivalent to 20,000 yuan, it was enough to treat his injuries and get 1000 dumplings.

"Oh my god! This mage is definitely from a renowned clan to throw 2 magic stones just like this."

"Yeah! Sigh this Si Kai has heaven-defying luck. Even though he is a waste.."

"Shut up"

The woman was scared by Gu Jin's cold voice and immediately shut her mouth.

Si Kai was in a daze, this was the first time after the severance that someone hugged him so lovingly, it was also the first time that someone defended him.

He who always remained calm and almost never cried, slowly buried his head in Gu Jin's crook of her neck and slowly whimpered.

Gu Jin slowly patted his back to smooth out his emotions.

"Why are they so cruel to me?"

Si Kai's voice sounded, which was filled with confusion and agony.



Gu Jin knew that he doesn't want an answer, he just want to vent his frustration, helplessness, and powerlessness.

Si Kai cried while asking this question.

Slowly he fell asleep.

It has been a long time since he felt so secure.

Even if it was a dream, let him live in this dream, he doesn't want to face the cruel reality anymore.

Gu Jin had no choice but to bring him to her rented house.


Thank you for:

Power Stone: calyxsofia, Heidi_Zara, Toomah_Noor



Before leaving, Gu Jin tossed 3 magic stones at the author's face who was clutching the laptop to write the next chapter.

3 magic stones were equivalent to 3 big hearts, it was enough to treat the author's demotivation.

Gu Jin: These are the power stones/magic stone given by calyxsofia, Heidi_Zara, and Toomah_Noor.

Author: Boo hoo thank you so much lovelies...