Chapter 27: Beast Tamer

All this guy do is eat and sleep.

Ignoring, Si Kai, Gu Jin entered her space and muttered to herself,

'I wish to see a book on Inordinate Body type.'


A book fell on Gu Jin's lap and she calmly read it.

What came into her view shocked her.

'Inordinate Body Types are usually not made for Magic Cultivation, since their body is not of that human's. Once there was a legend that Mage wasn't the only profession that was awakened, many other races and professions were awakened too.'

'However, as time passed, other than the profession of Mage, other professions perished. Inordinate Body Type is actually effective to awaken one of the most powerful professions of that time. '

'The Beast Tamers. Different from the profession of beast taming, Beast Tamers have their beast form. Beast Tamer can help a Summoner to Summon a beast of a purer breed and collect soul essence from the Beast's Body. However, the condition to awaken their beast form require certain thing such as..."

After reading the book Gu Jin was in a daze.

The first question that arrived in her mind was, how come such a book exists?

From the looks of it, Gu Jin was sure about the fact that not many people know about this theory.

After all, if they knew then the person with an Inordinate Cultivation Body type would not be despised so much.

Once finished, Gu Jin was shocked to the core.

Adjusting her mental fortitude, Gu Jin took in a deep breath.

According to the book, the resources required for the Inordinate Cultivation Body were indeed high but that was for becoming Mage not for becoming Beasts Tamer.

However the resource and cultivation ground for Beast Tamer was weird...

For example, they have to extract power from the Beast's Cores to increase their cultivation or have to cultivate in extreme weather to increase their cultivation rapidly. At their every advancement without the help of a pill, most Beast Tamers fail to advance.

However, Gu Jin still decided to sponsor Si Kai even after these harsh requirements.

It was purely out of the selfish reason of getting his help...yup it was not because she was fond of that kid.

Gu Jin started her cultivation and stopped when it was 6'o clock.

Coming out of the space, she saw Si Kai who was awake now.

"You woke up? Wait I will cook something for you."

Si Kai nodded though he was somewhat vigilant.

Currently, his feeling was quite complex.

Gu Jin was a stranger to him, it was unknown what was her goal behind helping him, however, he feels a sense of dependency on her.

At the same time, when he was alone today, he felt upset thinking the beautiful sister abandon him too.


The sudden smell of food distracted his thoughts.

He sneaked inside the kitchen.

Gu Jin sensed someone's presence and turned around.

Seeing that a pair of black eyes were staring at the food in her hand, she laughed.

"Come help me to put it on the table."

Si Kai, the fluffy ball nodded and went forward to help.

After everything was set, Si Kai waited for Gu Jin at the dinner table.

Once she arrived, Si Kia asked for permission to eat and started eating the food in an elegant manner.


Stars appeared in Si Kai's eyes.

Evening the chef of his clan wasn't able to cook such amazing food.

Gu Jin laughed seeing his behavior.

Cooking was her forte.

In her previous life, when she was introduced as the heir of the mafia organization, many objections were raised but more than that were various assassination attempts the most common one was poisoning the food.

So she learned cooking, and slowly she became interested in it.

Hence her cooking skills were so good.

After washing the dishes, Gu Jin sat him down and asked him seriously,

"What you would do if you are not suitable for Mage Cultivation."

Si Kai lowered his head.

He knew.


He knew the beautiful sister was going to say that he can't become a Mage.

After all, she was a Mage too, if she supported him won't she be left with nothing?

And after all his Inordinate Body Type was indeed not suitable for Magic.

"I understand. I will accept the reality that I can't become a Mage."


Thank you for:

Power Stones: calyxsofia, Tooma, Lissah_Da_Gee, Heidi_Zara.



All this author do is eat and sleep.

Ignoring, author, Gu Jin entered her space and muttered to herself,

'I wish to see power stones sent.'


A power stone fell on Gu Jin's lap and she calmly read the name on it.

Gu Jin: Thankyou @calyxsofia, @Tooma, @Heidi_Zara, @Lissah_Da_Gee for the power stones💖💖💖💖

Author: Ummm...*Sleepy* *Sleepy* lovelies...uwah... for your...uwah... support.💜💜💜💜