Chapter 50: Battle Against Venomous Mosquito

Gu Jin frowned and decided to enter a bit deeper.

Just as she walked for 40 meters or so, she found a Cage Flower Plant.

Gu Jin carefully took it out from the ground while making sure that it wasn't damaged.

She has to collect 7 more.

In the next 2 hours, she was able to find 5 more Cage flowers

However, what made Gu Jin frustrated was that she hadn't had a chance to meet any beasts by now.

She wanted to practice! What's the use of doing a mission if she didn't meet any beast?

After walking inside a bit more, Gu Jin found two Cage Flowers together.

Gu Jin dug out the first one and just when she started digging out the second one, she cursed,


Gu Jin hurriedly rolled to her left side and narrowly avoided a poisonous green liquid.

Sometimes we should be careful with what we wish for.

Right in front of her was a mosquito-like beast.