Chapter 67: Does the space want her to grow the herbs?

"Yes! Yes! I understand." Si Hanchu said and waited for the principal Feng to leave.

Si Hanchu watched as Principal Feng left the room, his anger simmering beneath the surface like a dormant volcano ready to erupt at any moment.

The audacity of that man, he thought, to come into their territory and dictate terms as if he were the ruler of the land.

Si Hanchu clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white with the intensity of his emotions.

"How dare this b*stard threaten me! Just wait! The day I will rise to power I won't leave you."

Suddenly he remembered about Second Elder.

It was his incompetence that had led to this situation in the first place. If he had been more vigilant, if he had taken decisive action earlier, perhaps they wouldn't be in this mess now.

Si Hanchu fixed his appearance and made his way toward the chair.

After sitting down and calming himself, he called his secretary,