Chapter 117: Illusion

Gu Jin exited the lodge and saw Zhang Wei and Liu Sunhao discussing something.

They were staring at the forest and whispering something.

When Gu Jin went near them, she coughed.

Zhang Wei and Liu Sunhao were a bit startled by Gu Jin's sudden appearance.

"Jin, you're up," Zhang Wei said, nodding in acknowledgment.

Gu Jin asked,

"What did you find."

Liu Sunhao said with a serious expression,

"Until now, we have found out that even though the beast who is emitting this fragrance is a low-grade one, it is not alone. "

Gu Jin's gaze shifted to the ground where there were multiple footprints and she frowned.

"Did they come inside the lodge? And what was that slimy thing? And what animal is it?"

Zhang Wei who had many years of experience said,