Chapter 119: Help

Intermediate rank could only level up the height to a certain degree. From 300, it may have transformed into 400 cm(around 13 feet). But that is all!

The tree surrounding them was at least 20 feet high! How could Gu Jin's vines be enough?

Gu Jin focused her energy on the vines.

Of course, normal plant elements could only rise to a certain distance but the advantage of mutated plant elements was... they could rise to double the height of a normal plant element.

Meaning Gu Jin could easily raise her vines up to 800 cm(somewhere around 26 feet).

Hence Yi Ran who was slowly about to reach the branch of the tree was shocked.

"Have you reached?" Gu Jin shouted.

Yi Ran, still in disbelief, nodded slowly as she grasped the tree branch above her.

"Almost there!" she called back, her voice tinged with amazement.

Gu Jin continued to focus her energy, willing the vines to extend further and further, reaching toward the treetops.