Chapter 131: Break

Zhang Wei asked as he fought the beast,

"Are you alright? Do you want a break?"

He thought that Gu Jin might have been exhausted, so he suggested she take a break. After all Gu Jin wasn't an advanced-rank mage like them.

He was impressed though, that Gu Jin was able to hold on till so long.

Usually, the intermediate-rank mages can only last 2 hours. Gu Jin was still able to hold for more than 3 hours.

Gu Jin shook her head,

"No need."

Then she took out Vitality pills and energy replenishing pills. Her deleting energy soon recovered by 40% and Gu Jin felt her body turning more energetic.

She passed the pills to Yi Ran and Zhang Wei, who declined,

"No need. I have my own."

"Me too." Yi Ran nodded.

What a joke. Su Jin was an orphan and god knows how he was able to buy artifacts and pills.