Chapter 2 The Game Begins

"Players are vacant. We are randomly selecting players from the earth..."

As soon as it finished speaking, dozens of people appeared in the square at the end of the track.

They came from the country of the players who had been shot.

They had been watching the live broadcast of the game on the earth.

Now suddenly appeared in the live broadcast of the square of death, they suddenly feel very scared.

Moreover, this made everyone realize that there must be players in every country. Even if they broke the rules and were wiped out, they would be timely extracted to fill the vacancy.

This meant that every country might be punished and would not stop because all the players died unless some players could pass all the time without breaking the unknown rules of the game.

How... How could it be possible!

Thinking of this, the faces of people on the earth became gloomy.

"The player has been replenished!"

"There are six hundred and seventy-two people in total."

"'Escape Room' game begins."

"Rule: There will be countless paths if you enter through ten doors. You need to find the correct path in ten minutes and pass through the only exit."


Parker saw ten doors suddenly appear on the gray wall in front of him.

Each door frame was numbered from 1-10.

All the players were happy to hear the requirements of the game.

"That's it?"

"I can pass the test at will."

"My sixth sense is very effective!"

All the players thought it was easy.

The entertainment games in their lives were ten times more difficult than this.

Many people had already played the game of "escape from the secret room".

They could even pass the test without touching any mechanism with their sixth sense.

This made them walk towards the ten doors confidently.

Some uncertain players followed behind these confident people.

Parker was about to choose a door to enter, but when he saw ten more doors, there was a line of instructions on each door.

"Pass route 10, dangerous room 20, number of players 0"

Parker was stunned.

There was no such hint before.

Why did it suddenly appear?

These hints meant that no matter which door they went in, there were 10 paths that could be passed?

But what about dangerous room 20?

There was no hint of this in the game rules!

Parker stopped subconsciously and found that as the players entered the ten doors, he saw the number of game players was increasing in the line of instructions of each door.

When one person entered, The number increased by 1.

It seemed that no one knew there was a dangerous room inside, or they wouldn't be in such a hurry.

Parker thought to himself. At the same time, he was sure that among all the players, only he could see those instructions!

Moreover, when he looked at the other players again, he found that each of them would also have a hint!

"An ordinary fat man with more fat than a fat pig."

"She is in good health, but she is too ugly and wasteful."

"She is a beautiful woman. She has a good face and a good body."

"A door made of rare materials."

Parker was rendered speechless.

It was so disgusting.

Soon, there was only Parker left in the closed space.

People on the earth began to complain when they saw this.

"Is he scared to death by the bloody scene just now?"

"It's possible!"

"I didn't expect there to be such a coward in the Monaco country!"

"... Doesn't he know that there is a time limit in this game? He will be eliminated once the time limit is over?"

"Damn it! This guy really brought shame to our country."

"I won't admit that Parker is from our country!"

"I'm going to throw his family's tomb directly!"

"Bro, wait for me..."

"French player Aztec entered a dangerous room and was eliminated. The country will be punished!"

All of a sudden, a mysterious man's prompt tone sounded in the game.


The sky on the earth rumbled.

A huge thunder came to France.

"Shit! A mountain in the capital of our country was cut off!"

"How did it make it?"

"What's wrong with Azeroth? He was knocked out not long ago."

"He seems to be the first one to enter the passageway..."

"Why is there a dangerous room? Why doesn't the rule say that there will be dangerous after entering?"

"Protest! How can we play without making the rules clear?"

"Yes, all the people in France protest!"

"Parker is still standing there."

"Humph! His timidity saved him!"

"I hope he can always be so lucky."

In the game world, Parker was surprised to find that when the mysterious man's voice sounded, the number of dangerous rooms indicated on the No. 5 door decreased by one.

This meant that a dangerous room could only be triggered by one player.

The player who entered that room later would be safe.

In this way, as long as the players successfully pass the test, there must be a safe route.

Then Parker could pass the test smoothly according to the instructions he could see!

Parker immediately came up with a way to pass the security check.

For others, this game was dangerous.

But for Parker, there was no risk at all.

He didn't believe that no one could pass the game.

Even if they didn't, as long as there were enough dangerous rooms triggered by the previous players, the probability of Parker safely passing the pass was very high.

After making up her mind, Parker stood up and kept observing the changes of the data on the ten doors.

"Chinese player Zhang Heng entered a dangerous room and was eliminated. The country will be punished!"

"The Korean player Piao Zhicheng entered a dangerous room and was eliminated. The country will be punished!"

"Player Kathina Karp from India has entered a dangerous room and was eliminated. The country will be punished!"

Then, the mysterious man's voice rang out continuously.

All kinds of disasters were constantly coming to the earth.

"We just found a big earthquake in our country, and many people died!"

"There is a hurricane here!"

"It's so scary! I don't want to die. Come on, players in India. Don't be eliminated. Even not for yourself, but for the country!"

"Come on, French players!"

"Come on, Chinese players!"

"God, please bless the players in our country to pass the test!"