Chapter 11 The Game Livestream Turned Into a Food Livestream

"Wuhu~ Steak! Medium well! It tasted good and definitely couldn't be done within twenty years' experience."

"Kung Pao Chicken, devil pepper from Africa. A bite of it will definitely be stimulating?"

"Roast Whole Lamb, this fat leg... If you don't take a bite, the previous mutton will be eaten in vain."

"Judging from the name of this bottle of red wine, you can tell that it is very expensive. It's outrageous!"


Every time Parker's eyes swept across a delicious meal, he would see a strange hint.

And the introduction given by the hint was also very interesting.

Parker couldn't help but take a bite of even the food he didn't like before.


Seeing Parker enjoy the food, the players standing not far away swallowed saliva.

"Don't you think it's stupid for us to stand here?"

A player said in a low voice.

Some players chimed in.

"That's right. This guy has obtained extra rewards for two consecutive times."

"If there is still someone who thinks he is stupid now, then the one with this idea is the stupidest."

"Well, since you have said so... What are you waiting for? Let's start eating!"


When these voices sounded, many players put down their defenses.

They joined the "battlefield" one after another and began to engulf the food on the table.

However, no matter how fierce the "fight" was, no one approached the table occupied by Parker.

Parker ate slowly, but every piece of food on his table was missing a little.

This caused many players who wanted to cotton up to him to turn around and go to other tables halfway.

A fool might think that Parker had occupied that table.

But anyone with discerning eyes could tell that Parker didn't want to talk to others.

That was why he ate a bit of every dish.

But in fact.

Parker didn't play tricks.

At that time, when he saw the hint on the food, he just wanted to try to have a taste.

The result was...

The hint was right. This was delicious, that was good, and this wine was also good... A minute later, there were a lot of discussions.

Not everyone ate as leisurely as Parker did.

Because they were likely to meet the god of death in an hour.

When they were eating, they were still discussing the next game worriedly.

Earth, the official live room of Monaco.

Lewis had just announced the recognition of Parker by the senior leaders of the country.

It was not until then that she discovered that a live eating broadcast had already been performed on the "death square".

And she soon found something strange in the live stream.

Lewis explained with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Parker is very confident in the next game. Only in this way can he relax himself during the rest."

"An hour later, Mr. Parker will definitely bring us a wonderful performance!"

With the same smile on her face, Lewis continued: "But all of a sudden, it changed from a tense and exciting live broadcast of the death game to a live broadcast of eating."

This attracted a lot of audiences to speak, educating a large audience about the knowledge of food.

"The steak dish looks fresh, golden and juicy. Is it Angus Beef?"

"The price of this steak is at least a hundred dollars. How could Parker throw it away after eating a bite?"

"And that bottle of wine. It seems to be Lafite wine in 82 years. One bottle costs twenty thousand dollars!"

"Parker took only one sip and then quit. How wasting it is!"

"If I had that bottle of wine, I would have treated it as an heirloom!"

"And, that Roast Whole Lamb..."


While the audience was discussing, Parker was still enjoying the delicious food he had never seen before.

Just then, a bold player came to his desk.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Parker. My name is Badru. May I ask you a question?"

He said in a friendly tone: "How did you dig out the "Mona Lisa" within thirty seconds in the last test?"

Even though he had witnessed the whole process, he still couldn't understand the wonder of it.

After all, it was impossible for a normal person to dig out a circle, triangle or other simple patterns in such a short time.

Hearing this, Parker raised his head slightly. Judging from the man's appearance, features, clothes and way of dressing, he quickly knew which country he came from.

The Buke Country, which had always been in a good relationship with Monaco, was one of the allay of Monaco among a few countries.

In the past, in the dark hour of Monaco, the Buke Country had offered great help.

Because of ideological education, the people of the Buke Country were very friendly to the people of Monaco.

Parker didn't sense any hostility from Badru's words.

For international friends, he would naturally show his upbringing of being a gentleman.

Parker asked Badru to sit down and have a talk.

Then he raised his glass and took a sip of the red wine. "In fact, the strategy is very simple. Eighty percent of the sugar cakes are made of syrup, and the saliva with a little heat can quickly dilute them."

"When the texture of the sugar cake becomes soft, no matter the pattern on it is complicated or not, as long as you lightly poke it, it will fall off naturally."

After hearing Parker's explanation, Badru was stunned. "It's so simple."

The players around also showed a look of enlightenment. It turned out that it was really so simple!

Maybe that silver needle was a prop that misled the players. Parker's method was the right way to pass the test!

Badru said with admiration: "Mr. Parker, I really admire your stable state of mind. You can calmly come up with such a convenient method at the critical moment of life and death."

Parker smiled and said. "You're flattering me! I just did things in irregular ways. After all, the rules of the game also say that we should use needles, but there is no ban on using other methods."

At this time, Badru remembered that Parker seemed to want to eat the sugar cake at the beginning of the game, but he stopped for some reason.


Badru couldn't help but ask: "Have you thought of this method from the beginning of the game?"

Parker didn't want to hide the international friend, so he nodded calmly.

Badru was shocked again. It seemed that this round of game was destined to be rewarded by Parker.

Whether it was judged by the fastest pass or the shortest time, the final reward would be Parker's.

However, he couldn't understand why Parker had to wait until the end to finish the "Mona Lisa" on the sugar cake.

But now that Parker had done it, there must be a reason for him to do so.

If he got to the bottom of it, it would disgust Parker.

So Badru left.