Chapter 13 Choice of Death

Although Parker had gotten some hints.

But now he was not much better than those players who didn't have been given any hints.

While Parker was thinking.

The players came to the first carriage one after another.

The carriage design of this train was different from that in reality.

In the game, the carriage was unusually wide.

It could accommodate hundreds of players at the same time.

The players who entered the first carriage were discussing how to pass the first part of the game.

Parker was among them.

He frowned.

He was recalling the game rules mentioned by the mysterious man in the first part of the third round.

Parker could guess what was going on according to the instructions and the situation of himself.

"All the players on the train must make a choice."

"What's more, the form of his choice is closely related to the lives of some players."

"And the most important thing is that you have to go to the driver's seat to complete this choice question."

"After we enter the driver's seat, we will probably start the train,"

"But how to operate this train..."

While Parker was thinking.

A player had entered the junction between the driver's seat and the carriage.

That was a very tall player.

It seemed that he was from Russia.

He was standing at the junction and was impulsive.

"It's useless for you to hesitate here."

"Damn it! That mysterious man has said it clearly. Don't you understand what he said?"

"That mysterious man won't lie to us now. I believe he is right!"

"You cowards!"

"If you don't dare to come in, I'll go in first!"

When saying these words, this Russian person seemed to have drunk too much.

He was very impulsive.

Although he spoke on impulse now.

But Parker thought he was right.

The mysterious man was an existence like a God, so he wouldn't lie to the players.

In other words, they were absolutely safe before making a choice.

But Parker hadn't entered the driver's seat yet.

He was still doubting the specific choice in the driver's seat and whether it could make people survive.

So Parker decided to wait until the Russian person entered the room and saw what was inside. And then made decisions.

Under the gaze of many players, the Russian person opened the door of the driver's seat.

"He's in!"

"How dare Russians!"

"Look inside!"

The moment the Russian man entered the driver's seat.

Many electronic screens immediately appeared on the carriage wall where these players were.

The screen showed the scene in the driver's seat.

On the screen, the Russian man seemed to sit in the driver's seat according to the instructions of the mysterious man.

However, what happened next was unexpected.

All the players who were staring at the screen frowned.

They also saw the pictures of the corresponding track outside the driver's seat.

In the driver's seat.

When the Russian man saw clearly what was happening outside the train, he was sweating.

His face darkened.

Because in front of this train.

It turned out to be two forked tracks.

However, on the track, there were tied-up solid game players.

The only difference between these two lines was the number of players bound.

There were several players on the left, and only one on the right.

They were all wearing the game's special player clothes and had the player numbers.

There was no doubt that they were the players in the game.

But now, those kidnapped players were facing the high-speed train coming from afar.

They were screaming hysterically.

The cries were incomparably miserable and pathetic.

But now, whether it was the Russian man in the driver's seat or other players in the carriage.

They could only see the screen, but could not hear any sound outside the train.

At the same time, the players in the carriage could not hear the sound of the driver's seat.

This made them feel like they were living under a huge glass cover.

And the general content of this game was.

Let the player in the driver's seat make a choice between the left and right railings.

However, whether it was turning left or right.

The old player in the driver's seat would kill the player tied to the track.

After making the choice, the player must tell the mysterious person why he made such a choice.

If the reason of the player was very appropriate, then they would pass the test.

Otherwise, he would be eliminated.

In the confrontation of such a situation, all the players in the carriage quieted down.

They stared at the screen in horror, they even didn't dare to breathe.

No one was an exception.

But Parker was particularly calm.

"The old-fashioned problem of the typical bus."

"No matter which side of the track you choose, you will kill people."

"But this part of the game should consider how you explain your choice."

Parker was thinking hard.

However, the Russian player in the driver's seat was pulling the handle.

He was driving the train and was getting closer and closer to the fork in the road.

Everyone became extremely nervous.

After all, they didn't know what this player would do.

"For all the players in the carriage, such a game is not difficult at all."

"But they will also be tortured in their hearts."

"The person who is controlling the train now is suffering more."


"The players who are tied to the track outside the train."

"They may be in danger of death at any time."

"The rules of the game are too cruel."

Facing the cruelty of the game.

Now Parker felt lucky.

Fortunately, he had a hint.

But other players were not as lucky as him.

At this moment, it was shown on the screen that the train was very close to the player tied on the track.

That was to say.

In the driver's seat, the Russian player.

Now he had to make a choice.

This made all the players, including some audience who were watching the live broadcast, extremely nervous.

They were all worried about the Russian player.

However, in the driver's seat, the Russian player was in a hurry.

Before entering the game, he was just an ordinary doctor.

It was his duty to save lives and heal the wounded.

As soon as he entered the third round of the game, he felt uneasy.

But now he must choose to kill somebody.

How could he not feel flustered?

But if he didn't make a choice, then he would be the one to be eliminated.

"I'm a doctor. I've been saving people's lives for so many years..."

"What a bullshit game! How dare you let me kill others?"