Chapter 53 The Game Began

While the audience was discussing, Parker was still very calm in the game space, seeming to have no emotion.

However, Parker was also restless in fact. Since the mysterious man announced the rules of the game, he began to think about it.

The difficulty of this game was level ten, which was nothing compared to the previous ones.

Even in the previous game of looking for the ghost, in terms of cruelty, it was far from this round of the game.

In the beginning, Parker's first reaction was that only the first place could survive this round of the game.

But after thinking for a while, he could understand that in fact, there should be more people who could survive.

Because the rules of the game said that the person who got the most life points could pass the test, but not only one person could pass the test.

This meant that if there were many people with the same life point, they could actually live together.