Chapter 66 Weakness

In the game space, Parker ran for a long time before he ran from the east to the west. After all, there were 100 rooms on the first floor, and this building was indeed small.

Before they headed for the third floor, Parker observed through the patio outside and found that almost all the players on the third floor had left. This was a normal situation.

However, to Parker's surprise, when he passed through the south building, he observed the third floor of the west building and found that the savage was also nowhere to be seen.

Parker couldn't help but be alert. Although he wanted to press the button, he didn't intend to confront the savage head-on.

Therefore, Parker cautiously entered the staircase and crept to the third floor. Parker's action also affected the hearts of the audience.

"God, please bless this man from Monaco to succeed."

"I have to say that he is really brave."

"Maybe he is so bold because he has an exemption ticket."