Chapter 70 There Is a Gun. Can You Believe it

Looking at player No. 068 lying on the ground, Parker couldn't help but sigh. The situation was still a little dangerous.

But fortunately, his guess was true. The range of activities of savages was limited, and their perception was not strong enough. These were the conditions that h side could win the game. At this time, in the live room, the host Weiss was frightened to close her eyes, and comments also broke out one after another.

"It's so ridiculous!"

"Yeah, who would have thought that such a powerful savage would have a gun?"

"Don't you think it's funny for the savage to hold a gun? The savage is so big and the gun is so small. It's like a toy."

"Humph, I believe that player No. 068 won't feel funny."

"It's too dangerous now. What about Parker?"

"Parker has just found a way to deal with savages, but now it turns out to be like this."

"It can't be said to be completely useless. At least Parker is right. The shortcomings of savages are indeed the real shortcomings."