Chapter 72 Risky Behavior

Parker took out these special bombs, but the audience was frightened by Parker's action.

"Oh my God! Did Parker disarm the bombs?"

"It doesn't look like that. Why do I feel that he just took out the bombs?"

"I'm telling you from a professional's point of view. You're right. He just took out the bombs."

"Oh my God! Will he detonate other bombs by doing this?"

"That's impossible. These bombs are not connected."

"I don't understand. What on earth does he want to do?"


In the live room of Monaco, the host Weiss was stunned. She said nervously: "I don't know what Parker is doing now, but it looks a little dangerous."

The audience was also constantly refreshing the comments.

"It seems that Parker is going to show off again."

"Is Parker going to disarm the bombs only with his hands?"

"Although I thought he might not be able to disarm the bombs, I didn't expect him to do it himself."

"Okay, let's stop guessing what Parker is thinking. We can't figure it out."