Chapter 145 Dark Area Breakout

For a moment, the comments in Monaco's live room had been refreshed. The two words "safe" and "triumph" filled every screen. Even a foreigner could not help but be moved by Parker's behavior.

"It has to be said that sometimes the people of Monaco are not so annoying."

"If it weren't for him, no one in our country would have come back to reality alive."

"If the person in the Death Game can listen to Parker's arrangement, maybe it will be a win-win situation."

"Unfortunately, it's impossible."

"No country will give up such an opportunity. If the people of Monaco send out the Star Battleship to threaten other countries, it is possible. But now, it is denied by Parker himself."

"Why did he do that? I don't understand."

"Maybe he also knows that threats are useless. They won't have any effect unless the whole world is under the control of Monaco."

"Maybe he is just being confident?"

"It's not impossible. He can be confident."
