Chapter 157 Change the Target

The monster let out a scream and retreated a few steps, which made Parker sure that he was not the man just now.

This finding calmed Parker down. As long as it wasn't the man's special power, Parker wouldn't worry about it.

Parker also wanted to use this monster to test his strength power. At this time, Parker heard Erin's voice from behind.

"Mr. Parker, how's it going? Do you need my help?"

Parker turned around and took a deep breath. 'What a good guy! It's a guy with the same size and clothes as Erin, but a monster face,' he thought.

Seeing such a scene, the audience on Earth was all shocked.

"God, what kind of monsters are they?"

"What happened to that beautiful woman?"

"If I were Parker, I would be scared to death."

"I guess I've already chopped down with my saber."

"It's not easy for Parker to keep calm."

"Is she Erin?"

"You don't need to ask. Not."
