Chapter 10 Warship Auxiliary Manipulating System

Leon recalled the thrilling escape scene in his previous life and felt a little scared.

Although he tried his best to stall for a time, Hannah was also severely attacked by the Peter family.

He had completely lost the initiative to attack the Peter family.

Then he had to take the risk.

In order not to repeat the same mistake.

Leon made up his mind.

"No problem. Since you have agreed to my conditions, that's what you should know."

"It seems that you adapt to the identity of the captain very quickly. I didn't see the wrong person."

Alex was a little happy and thought for a while.

Leon breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have grasped the first step to change my fate."

Now Leon had a dramatic change in his mind.

The prompt tone of system rang in his mind, "Get warship."

"In self-examination."

"The examination was finished."

"The warship was qualified."

"The system's function was activated."

This was Leon's biggest advantage to change his fate, the system!

What he activated in his mind was the warship auxiliary maneuvering system.

"Basic function two: The high-speed data connection of brain is established!"

The next moment, Leon felt that there was a subtle connection between his brain and Hannah as if the two of them were in one.

The energy core of Hannah began to contact him.

This kind of connection could make him feel all the situations of the warship.

Just like scanning other warships with the system, the whole body and all the other parts of the warship were flashing in Leon's mind.

It was as if a warship had become a part of Leon's brain. Under the command of mind, he could get the feedback of the warship.

"Check the basic information of the warship."

"This warship is the No. Destroyer of the swallow level, with the following arguments: Main gun system 2, armor system level 2, power system level 2, radar system level 2, body structure level 0, shield system level 2, comprehensive destroyer level 6 of the swallow level, remaining energy point: 12, energy point acquisition rate: 25%."

"Warship add-on module: The Tenma transition device: Level 0, brain wave manipulation system: Level 0, and the hidden action producer: Level 0."

"The condition of the body is as follows: Armor damage: 38%, structure damage: 4%."

"One hundred and twenty-three main shots, 2812 secondary shots, 2298 fuel, and 393 living goods."

It would take a long time for the data to be read in any way. But with the activation of the warship auxiliary maneuvering system, Leon knew the information in a short moment.

It was as if his brain had become the light brain of a warship, which greatly increased his ability to deal with the data of a warship.

In this way, his efficiency of manipulating warships had been greatly improved.

He had an insurmountable gap with other captains. A skilled captain can't achieve the same operating efficiency as him.

Last time, Leon was curious about the warship and spent a long time manipulating the system.

However, this manipulation had its shortcomings.

Just like the basic function of the system would consume Leon's spirit power, this kind of manipulation also takes a toll on Leon's spirit.

Leon couldn't manipulate the warship in this way for a long time.

But it was enough to be used in battle.

Under normal circumstances, he could use an ordinary way to manipulate it.

The "optional features" of the system that were previously not available are now highlighted by the activation of the warship auxiliary maneuvering system, which was no longer grey.

And the function was consumed.

Option 1: Hidden space signal detection, which would consume one unit of low-level pure energy

Option two: Double the growth rate of the modules (the consumption will increase with the improvement of the quality of the modules)

Option three: Optional module characteristics (different quality and consumption of different modules)

These three options were all very powerful.

But it would consume a lot of pure energy.

It was better than those advanced functions had also changed.

Advanced function one: Double the energy point (one unit of high-level pure energy activates)

Advanced function 2: The restrictions on the level of civilization in the hidden space are removed (one unit of high-level pure energy activates)

Different from the basic functions, advanced functions required rare and high-level pure energy to be activated.

Fortunately, Leon won't be able to use the advanced functions for now.

To prevent Alex from finding anything wrong, Leon began to control Hannah with his voice.

"Check the basic data of the warship."

The warship didn't have its thoughts, nor did she ask why the captain had given the repeated order.

The previous message appeared on the front screen of the warship in the central control center.

"Armor system damaged 38%." Leon clicked on the details of the armor system damaged.

The damaged area of the warship was mainly at the end of the warship. There were several other places near the engine nozzle where the armor was severely damaged.

It was also in line with the situation that Hannah was being chased.

Except for the tail, it didn't suffer too much damage.

As for the damage to the whole warship's structure, it was only 4%. It was not a big problem.

It didn't reach the critical point that warships couldn't manipulate.

"Start the silent mode and transfer to this position at a low speed."

Leon clicked on the left radar map and gave the warship transfer order.

The top priority now was to find a place to hide.

Everything else could be put aside first.

Leon still remembered that he had been delayed for a long time in his previous life, so he was found by the Peter family.

Even if he escaped in the end, he was seriously injured.

After escaping, 85% of the armor system of Hannah was damaged!

The loss of the warship structure was as high as 56%!

It could be said that the ship was almost destroyed.

Leon requested Alex to save some time to be familiar with the operation.

The light brain system on Hannah's laptop was much better than the system on Collection No. 1. It could even use the automatic navigation function in such a complicated area as the area of the asteroid belt.

Without Leon's control, after Leon marked the destination, Hannah drove towards the destination gracefully.

It could avoid the large asteroids automatically and head for the core of the mining area.

Of course, it was because the heavy armor of Hannah could ignore the small asteroid or something like that.

He could also activate the energy shield so that even if he encountered a large meteorite, there wouldn't be any problem.

However, to save energy, it was better to open it in war.

Leon sorted out the list of materials on the warship and he found a micro detector.

So he dropped a dozen from the warship and scattered on the surrounding small asteroids.

In this way, Leon could find the warship of the Peter family from a long distance and buy more time for himself to escape.