Chapter 13 The Secret Space Signal

Alex continued to explain to Leon, "It's not easy to get energy point."

"First of all, there were very strict requirements for a warship to enter the secret space."

"Only in such an extremely simple area like the desert area of the universe could capture the hidden space signal."

"And this kind of signal would disappear at a very fast speed, and every time it appeared in a different place and irregular."

"You may not be able to capture in a few years, or you may meet them two or three times in a month."

"But generally speaking, according to the data, a warship could capture one point eight secret space signals a year on average."

Leon didn't take it seriously. The first option of his system was to probe with a secret space signal.

He only needed to spend a unit of low-level pure energy to capture the secret space signal, and he also ignored the requirements for the area!

In other words, he didn't need to wander around the desert area of the universe all year round like others. He prayed to God that he would be lucky enough to capture the signal.

He could open a secret space anywhere.

Seeing the smile on Leon's face, Alex couldn't help smiling. "Boy, I appreciate your confidence. But young people are always like this. They always think they will be lucky."

He didn't know that Leon had his help. He just felt that this was the inexplicable confidence of young people.


Leon shrugged and said, "I believe God will bless me."

"I hope so."

Alex sighed.

"Don't take it lightly after you get the secret space signal."

"You will appear in another random universe civilization."

"Of course, the energy core will adjust the level of universe civilization you went to according to the level of your warship."

"You will face a cruel battle between different civilizations."

"There was no possibility of peaceful coexistence."

"This kind of battle would either kill you or me."

"Every year, many warships would enter the secret space and never come back. Together with their masters, they would become dust floating in another universe."

Leon remained silent.

Entering the secret space was equivalent to entering an enemy's lair, and you would face more and more enemies.

Fighting here was not like the game that could be used on the resurrection, and there was no possibility of surrender.

The battle between civilizations was the cruelest.

The number of the warship that was destroyed in the secret space every year even exceeded the loss of this civilization in exploring the universe.

"By the way, there is one more important thing!"

Alex seemed to remember something and said anxiously.

"Only some common minerals and power points are needed for the early stage to strengthen the warship."

"But when you reach a higher level, the mineral you need to strengthen will become rarer."

"In particular, the upper class would control the market of these rare mines."

"By now, they had almost monopolized the market."

"You are just a civilian and it's difficult for you to obtain those precious minerals. You need to solve this problem first."

Leon nodded.

He also knew that the elites relied on the way forbidding the flow of precious minerals to the civilians to ensure that their warships had a decisive advantage to maintain their dominance.

It was difficult to raise civilians' social rank.

No matter how much money the civilian earned, they couldn't get their warships.

At most, it only had a four-generation or even five-generation warship without any potential of upgrade.

After the introduction, Alex was not in the mood to talk anymore.

"The Hannah is the most common warship of our family. Back then, my family was attacked by the Peter family and several other families and almost destroyed our family."

"More than a dozen high-level warships had been destroyed."

"As the last descendant of my family, I will inherit the rest of my family's heritage and spend my whole life against the Peter family."

"But Hannah is not a powerful warship. I'm not a talented driver. To the Peter family, I'm just a little annoying."

"Boy, you can run away after you finish the task and get the antidote. Maybe you can escape from the Peter family. They are too powerful for you to deal with."

Leon's heart raced.

He knew Alex was testing him.

In his previous life, he had checked the log he had left in the warship after Alex's death and knew what kind of feud he had with the Peter family.

Leon was not a fool. He didn't think that Alex would drive him away.

If that was the case, he could just give him the antidote.

He was just testing whether Leon would deal with the Peter family all the time.

Leon didn't want anything unexpected to happen at this critical moment.

"Mr. Alex, since the moment I took over your warship, I have been at daggers drawn with the Peter family. They won't let me go."

Leon looked into Alex's eyes and said seriously.

"The Peter family is hard for me to resist now, but I can't compromise with them."

"Even if I surrender to them and hand over Hannah, they will kill me in the way of the Peter family."

"They think I have hidden something else from your family."

"I don't want to die cowardly after being tortured by the Peter family."

Leon paused and continued to organize his words.

"I can't say that I want to destroy the Peter family. That's impossible."

"But I swear to God that I will use this warship to strengthen myself and give the Peter family a hard blow at a certain time."

"I believe that one day will come."

Alex looked at Leon and remained silent for a while. "I believe you, young man. You are an unusual young man. You will choose the right path."

"In the end, I wish you good luck and be careful of the dirty tricks of the Peter family."

Alex seemed to have completely lost interest in talking.

"That's it. There is a lot of information you may need in the warship's system. You can have a look. But I haven't sorted it out yet. It's a little messy."

Leon nodded silently.

Alex lay down and said nothing.

Leon breathed a sigh of relief. He should have passed Alex's last test.

Although there was no such test in his previous life, he still passed it safely.

Leon shook his head and focused on dealing with Snooker Peter, who was looking for him.

He had to find a way to get rid of his chase.

In the next more than 10 hours, they kept moving quietly in this area, and Leon kept vigilant all the time.