Chapter 18 The Interplanetary Journey

There were many women in uniforms waiting at the entrance of the club.

Leon didn't pay much attention to it and walked indirectly.

A pretty customer service lady in uniform came over.

"Hello, sir. Do you have an appointment?"

Leon took out a black card and said

"I made an appointment last night."

"Okay, sir. I'll open the virtual equipment you have reserved for you right away."

The customer service took Leon's card with a smile and led Leon upstairs.

When they arrived at a room on floor 4, the young lady pushed the door open and opened a device that looked like an egg in the room.

"I hope you have a good time."

"Okay, thank you."

Then he looked at the virtual equipment access cabin in front of him and couldn't help showing a smile of nostalgia.

He used to play the role of the captain of the warship in the Interplanetary Journey.

According to Leon's previous lifestyle, he would visit here two or three times a month.

Every time he came here for the game Interplanetary Journey.

This time, he didn't want to show his abnormality.

The virtual device in front of him was connected to the cabin, which was 3 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. Leon lay down familiar with it.

The cabin door was closed. Leon heard a familiar mechanical woman's voice.

"Do you want to connect to the interstellar network?"


"It's connected. Have a good time on the Internet."

Leon opened his eyes and entered a space of the universe. In front of him, a huge yellow star was shining brightly. This star was the star of the galaxy where he was.


Soon, Leon found the Interplanetary Journey.

Soon, a warship appeared in front of him.

The warship also used kinetic weapons like Hannah.

The 4 secondary artilleries surrounded the warship, and the engine of the warship was also emitting blue light.

A yellow beam of light shot towards Leon, pulling Leon's consciousness into the warship.

Leon easily found the position of the captain in the middle of the warship control center.

The mechanical female voice of the warship came through.

"Nice to meet you, sir. I'm a reconnaissance destroyer of the forcible level. The main factors were as follows:"

"The main artillery system was level 1, the armor system was level 1, the power system was level 1, the radar system was level 1, the body structure strength of the warship was level 1, and the comprehensive combat power was level 1 of the warship. The rest of the strengthening points were 1090."

The forcible-level reconnaissance destroyer was a novice warship in the Interplanetary Journey, and each player who entered the game could get a free warship.

It referred to the initial state of the warship, which was the warship before the energy core was installed.

It was different from the warship with the core energy. The main reason was that it couldn't release the shield, nor did it have a shield.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness was much weaker than a warship that had the energy core.

After all, it was just a game.

Leon used to play this game to get familiar with the operation and tactics of the warship.

This was the only way he could get access to a warship.

He hadn't played this game for more than 10 years.

Before he was reborn, he had been chased by many people, not to mention that he had owned the Hannah. No one would care about the virtual warship.

However, Leon was still a little nostalgic and clicked the button to start the game.

"Enter the Solo mode and wait in the queue."

"The match is successful."

"May you win!"

However, looking at the surrounding terrain, he found that the map he had obtained was within an asteroid belt. The radius of the map was about 18 million kilometers, namely 1 light minute.

Participating Warship: Forcible-level reconnaissance destroyer level 1 (ID: Leon) VS forcible-level reconnaissance destroyer level 4 (ID: Gorgeous Wind).

As these instructions flashed on the screen in front of Leon, Leon's warship appeared next to a small star.

"It seems that I'm lucky. I can be said to be invincible in the asteroid belt." Leon smiled.

After thinking for a while, Leon gave the order.

"Adjust the radar mode to passive searching, turn off the main engine, and move towards the designated direction."

Leon was very clear that the exploration ability of the radar in the asteroid belt would be greatly affected. If it weren't for the fact that the opponent started the main artillery or had turned on the adding mode of the engine, he wouldn't have been able to distinguish the opponent's warship from the asteroid belt with only level-1radar.

So Leon set the mode of the radar to the passive mode to look for the fluctuation of the opponent's radar.

To find the other person's location without being seen.

To prevent the opponent from finding him first, Leon drove the warship to a nearby asteroid and entered the same path of the asteroid to maximize the impact of the asteroid on the radar.

A few minutes later, the radar in the passive mode detected the fluctuation of the opponent.

"God, it seems that I'm lucky. He is a rookie." Leon smiled.

The man didn't know how to hide. He rushed over and tried to find him

"Adjust the engine to advance three, and use the asteroid as the cover to approach the enemy warship. Keep the radar as the passive exploration mode."

Leon began to adjust the warship to move closer to the opponent. The power to move three forward was not enough to make the opponent's radar discover him.

After all, the opponent's rating was only 4.

The radar signal of the opponent was constantly being released. Leon could determine the position of the opponent through the change of direction of the fluctuation from the radar.

A few minutes later, the other party had entered the shooting range of Leon's warship.

Leon decided not to move forward. Although there were still many small stars nearby, he was not sure if he would be discovered by the radar if he moved forward.

"Turn off the engine."

Leon decided to stop beside him.

Its main artillery of warship was a kind of dynamic weapon. Although it had a long range, the speed of the artillery was not very fast.

To maximize the chance of a hit, he had to avoid too much angular velocity with his opponent.

The best time to fire was when the opponent was facing him or away from him so that his main shot would have a high probability of success.

After a while, the time has come.

After searching that area for a while, the man turned around and headed for where Leon was now.

"Charge the main artillery!"

Leon ordered immediately.

"The main artillery starts to charge and the countdown is 10 seconds."

"Charge up!"

Although the charge of the main artillery was discovered by the opponent and they began to deal with it, it was too late.

Leon smiled triumphantly and pressed the button.

"I hope you can learn something from this battle."