Chapter 20 A Weak Force Overcame a Powerful Opponent

Leon was getting closer and closer to the main shooting range of the opponent. After all, the opponent had the main shooting range above level 2.

He could fire directly as soon as he entered the firing range. However, Leon didn't plan to fire back. He just arrived at the firing range of his main artillery.

In this extreme distance, the shot rate of the main artillery was very low, and the opponent had a level-2 engine, which could easily avoid his attack.

"The side engine is started to move irregularly to avoid the attack!" Leon was calm and gave the most correct order.

The side engine was mainly used to adjust the posture and direction of the warship. When he opened it randomly, the warship would do irregular movements, which could increase the probability of avoiding the attack of the opponent.

Leon was lucky enough to avoid his first attack.

While the main artillery of the opponent was charging, Leon adjusted the warship and moved forward at full speed.

Soon, the opponent fired a second bullet, which finally swept past less than 100 kilometers away from Leon.

From the distance of millions of kilometers between the two sides, it could be said that they were very close to each other.

But Leon still didn't order the main artillery to fight back.

"Switch to the manual mode!"

Soon, a joystick reached out from Leon's front.

"Buddy, you will soon know how powerful your opponent will be with the warship system." Leon smiled.

Leon was a little excited. He held the steering wheel tightly and kept controlling the direction of the warship to avoid it.

He approached his opponent at full speed.

Now it was less than 1.8 million kilometers away from them.

The man's third bullet was farther away from Leon.

Because of Leon's irregular movement and sudden acceleration, the fire control radar of the opponent misjudged it.

In this case, the distance of 1.8 million kilometers was not enough for the opponent to shoot the fourth bullet.

After the opponent found Leon, he started the engine and approached Leon at full speed.

Now Leon's speed had reached the limit that the warship body could bear.

If the speed was any faster, the warship was likely to disintegrate.

"I didn't shoot the main artillery after the battle. The other party certainly didn't know the level of strengthening the main artillery of my warship, so they won't slow down at the risk of being hit by me."

Leon analyzed the current situation without hesitation.

This was his instinct as a captain with more than ten years of experience.

The faster the warship moved, the less likely the target would be hit.

The other party didn't know that Leon was only level-1 main artillery.

Therefore, he did not take the risk of being hit to slow down and increase the number of shots.

He chose a more secure way of fighting, planning to pass Leon directly before the next round of artillery fight.

But it also gave Leon a chance.

"Adjust the gear of the engine to move forward one, and adjust the left side of the engine to start at the maximum power. Start to charge the main artillery."

The thrust of the warship was reduced, and at the same time, a blazing blue plasma was ejected from the left engine.

It could be seen that Leon's warship body tilted to the right and brushed past the opponent in this posture.

If the other party didn't turn around but rushed forward, Leon would have a fire window.

Leon only needed to seize this window to hit the opponent. Since the main artillery was still charging, the opponent was unable to fight back. This was his chance.

Soon, the main artillery was charged and they were about to pass each other. Leon widened his eyes and carefully looked for the moment when they met.

"Main shot!"

Leon pressed the button.

A high-speed bullet shot out from the muzzle of the artillery.

In such a short distance, he accurately hit the right side of the enemy's engine.

The enemy's warship flight control system still made some changes, trying to avoid Leon's attack.

But he couldn't avoid it at such a close distance.

After the armor bullet hit the engine, it exploded the fuel inside the engine, and the opponent's power was almost completely lost.

However, Leon also adjusted the posture of the warship at full speed, which also caused some damage to his warship.

This radical change of direction was a heavy burden to a warship.

Leon even believed that if he did it two more times, the whole warship would disintegrate with his level-1 body structure.

However, this risk was worth taking. Now he had gained a great advantage.

The opponent's engine almost completely lost power.

It would not only slow down the opponent but also reduce the opponent's energy.

Even the main artillery couldn't be fired.

It was more out of balance than the last time a rookie was hit.

Sure enough, the opponent quickly gave up resistance and directly chose to surrender.

After the game, Leon received another communication request.

After the line was connected, the man invited Leon to team up.

Leon refused decisively.

He had no interest in playing with others.

"I made a good choice at that moment. It seems that I have greatly improved the control of warship."

Leon praised himself in his heart.

Just that moment was a test of Leon's ability to grasp the opportunity and the ability to judge the timing.

When the warship passed by at a very fast speed, the moment when the main artillery was aimed at the enemy could only be a few milliseconds.

He needed to finish the shooting within the time of a few milliseconds.

But mostly it was because of luck.

And he had to grasp the opportunity very accurately.

Because the main artillery had to be shot out at a certain time after charging.

Otherwise, it would explode.

If it was too early to charge, the meeting window hadn't arrived after a while. So he had to shoot in advance, which would waste this opportunity.

If the main artillery was charged too late, the main artillery wouldn't be able to shoot because the main artillery wasn't fully charged when the two sides passed by.

And the other party's armor had also reached level 2.

Only by hitting the vital parts like the engine of the opponent could it cause harm to the opponent.

But Leon was lucky enough. If he exposed the fact that he only had level-1 main artillery after he fired.

The other party would avoid close contact with Leon but chose a long-distance artillery fight.

In that case, it would be very disadvantageous to a low-level warship like Leon.

After that, Leon continued to match.

Three more battles began.

He won.

They were all rookies like in the first round, so Leon was a little boring.

After all, it was meaningless for Leon to play with a rookie.

Leon chose to close the Interplanetary Journey.