Chapter 36 Faith in the Ideal

"Leon, you are the most difficult one for me to see through among my classmates.

Although you often exude an arrogant temperament, both teachers and classmates think that you are easy to deal with.

But after 12 years of study, you seem to have a deep relationship with Scripps. For you, other classmates are just acquaintances. You seldom get close to others.

Including me, Monica and Lina, right? "

Violet said with a smile.

Leon chuckled and didn't retort.

That's the truth. Leon was from another world. If he was not outstanding, how could he make friends with others?

It was just to maintain the most basic classmate relationship.

He wouldn't make friends with those kids.

This was his view of life.

After all, it was really difficult to get along well with a group of immature children as a mature man.

"Although you have never won the first place several times, your performance is very stable. No matter how difficult it is, your scores on the test are almost the same!