Chapter 68 Disposable Micro Shield System

The so-called "cherished mineral resources" did not mean that it was sold at a high price in the market like solid gas, but it was not a rare thing.

It was a precious ore that was monopolized by the privileged class and could not be circulated in the market!

Even baron had sent people to check it before.

However, no one could prove it in the future mining, so the experts had said that it should not be like this.

As time went by, this conclusion became an interesting story or even a joke.

Leon didn't know.

But the unusual performance of the Tiger caravan reminded them of the story that Shirley had told them.

'Did the Tiger caravan also hear about it, so they were interested in it and organized an exploration?

The second day, at dawn, Leon was awakened by a loud knock on the door.

The men of the Tiger caravan came in ferociously. After Leon finished washing, they took him to the tiger's mining company.

Leon saw many familiar faces inside.