Chapter 119 Brother

Ten days passed quickly.

Leon's life was simple but full.

During this period, Leon only stayed with his brothers and sisters practicing together, and the rest of the time was practice alone.

His practice also reached the level of 43% in the third movement of the "high release leg".

It was faster than expected.

At the same time, Leon applied to Leopold for moving the training place for the body refining technique from the training ground to the practice room arranged for him by the baron.

After completing the body refining technique practice every day, Leon spent all his time talking with his three brothers and sisters.

Quincy who had left the familiar environment gradually accepted Leon, who had always been friendly and concerned about himself.

Shirley gradually got used to this brother.

Leon was a good storyteller.

He told her his experience as a star miner, as well as the mystery and danger of the asteroid belt.