Chapter 124 Brian Stout Star River

On the second day, Leon completed a complete practice under the guidance of Leopold as usual with the body refining technique practice.

At the same time, the cooling time of the hidden action generator on the Pool came to an end.

Under the control of Leon's long-range, the Pool started the hidden action generator and slowly drove away from baron territory.

Previously, due to the limited range of use of the brainwave manipulating system, for safety reasons, the Pool had been staying in the asteroid belt near Leon.

With the help of the auxiliary system, the Pool was finally freed.

Leon was going to send it flying far towards the Phoenix galaxy, the territory of Count Hawker in the north of Blaine Stout Star River.

The Blaine Stout Star River stretched for thousands of light-years. The internal environment was complicated, with many special resources and rare treasures of the universe.

In the past, countless star adventurers went to explore the Blaine Stout Star River.