Chapter 137 Are You Going to Stay Here with Him

Many of the audience were also practice warriors who practiced the body refining technique, so they could see the techniques Leon used.

They applauded Leon.

From their point of view, Leon had just learned the body refining technique, but he was able to control the free energy in the universe and resonate with the energy in the universe. He was a worthy talent!

It meant that Leon had made a firm step from accepting the energy of the universe passively to using it voluntarily!

It also meant that Leon would be a top master in the future who could upgrade his body refining technique to LV. 5!

Now, no one would have any objection to Leon's inheriting the baron title.

Who else could be as excellent as Leon?

Leon didn't know the reaction of the people in the hall. He opened the magnetic boots with the armor of outer bones and returned to the ground of the warehouse. He picked up Bauer and threw him heavily in front of Wesley.