Chapter 142 Win Over People's Support

When Leon got off the warship, the crowd burst into applause and cheers.

Everyone was clear that Leon's great talent and strength in fighting on the warship would undoubtedly be the heir of the territory of baron.

His outstanding performance had conquered everyone. They were willing to follow such a talented and shrewd Leon.

From now on, the territory of Baron Blackstone will crawl under Leon's feet!

Leon nodded to show his appreciation politely.

Instead of being arrogant, he was very humble.

When Wesley also came here, Leon walked up to him and said lightly, "Mr. Wesley, can we pay the compensation now?"

Wesley was a little embarrassed, but he quickly adjusted his expression and said with a smile, "Of course. Since you have won two sacred avenges, you can naturally get compensation."

"Ross and Bauer will be the two vassals of baron from today on. In addition, here is the list of their property. Please have a look, Mr. Leon."

Leon nodded and took the list from Wesley.